Programming error: Device does not respond

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    Programming error: Device does not respond


    I'am noticing problems while programming the MaxInBox16 plus of zennio. The topology I am using is:

    Loxone - 1/1/250
    KNX power supply
    ABB I/O concentrator - 1/1/21
    ABB I/O concentrator - 1/1/22
    ABB I/O concentrator - 1/1/23
    MaxInBox16plus - 1/1/31
    MaxInBox16plus - 1/1/32
    MaxInBox FC 0-10V FAN - 1/1/32

    A device scan operation in loxone config lists all these devices. However when I want to program the MaxInBox16plus, I am having problems. The partial programming responds with "Device does not respond". When I log the programming operation I can see the programming being initiated with T_Connect. Furthermore I see many writememory operations and read memory operations and finally I can see the device responding with T_Disconnect.

    What is the cause of this programming failure? Is it a programming failure or just a problem in ETS5?

    I've added the log and an image of the error in attachment.

    Many thanks
    Pieter Cardoen
    Angehängte Dateien
  • Automation
    • 23.08.2015
    • 663

    Hmm are you able to connect to the device and read the device for example?
    En Gruäss us de Schwiiz
    KNX seit 2005
    Miniserver seit Jan. 2011


    • cRieder
      LoxBus Spammer
      • 26.08.2015
      • 394

      Are you able to program other devices ?
      Smarter Gruß,


      • Gast

        I've got the same problem. Do you have a solution for this problem?


        • Gast

          Are you using the loxone as IP interface to the knx bus?

          Try not to use the automatically created interface in the ETS. Create your own one and enable NAT. That worked for me.


          • cRieder
            LoxBus Spammer
            • 26.08.2015
            • 394

            Maybe you have a Miniserver with a faulty KNX-Implementation.
            Ask Loxone Support with the serial of your device, if it is the case, they will exchange it free of charge
            Smarter Gruß,

