Stuck setting up KNX and Loxone

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    Hi Everyone:

    I have made progress! Thank to all who commented. The comment regarding the voltage of the KNX power supply was enormously helpful. I never imagined that a power supply sold in the United States would be 220v. Instead of searching for a new power supply, I asked my electrician to wire it for 220v.

    Next I had to work on proper wiring. I have six panels in different locations in the house. I used a toner to locate the ethernet cables and corrected any wiring issues. Once I saw 30v, I knew that I was successful with fixing the wiring.

    I have been able to get most of my switches recognized and addressed by ETS5. It was a wonderful feeling watching the green bar show progress and completion of the commissioning.

    I am now trying to integrate ETS5 and Loxone config and I am a bit confused. I have set up the line addresses for my switches. They have 4 areas that can be touched (plus multi-touch etc.). For example, the master bath is 1.1.6. I have a top level section (6) for the master bath, (0) for on/off in the middle and then 0, 1, 2 and 3 for the four sections for the last addresses. Top Left (6/0/0), Top Right (6/0/1), Bottom Left (6/0/2) and Bottom Right (6/0/3).

    Is that all I need for Loxone? Loxone Config sees the line addresses for each switch. I am still uncertain how to program the group addresses into Config. I am also uncertain what other addresses I need to establish in ETS5 for the thermostat which is in the switch. It would seem that ETS5 would just set up the switch as a dumb terminal and Loxone would send it the 0s and 1s but I just don't know. The Loxone documentation is very helpful.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance.

    P.S. In case you are wondering, I am an American that hates Trump.


    • Christian Fenzl
      Lebende Foren Legende
      • 31.08.2015
      • 11234

      I’m not sure, what addresses you are talking about (physical addresses or group addresses).

      In my installation, for group addresses I used the first number for the device type (0/x/x are central functions like daylight and time), 1/x/x are actuators, 2/x/x are switches, 3/x/x are sensors).

      For my switches, then, I used incremental numbering, so first switch device is 2/0/x, second switch device is 2/1/x.

      The last number of the group address I assigned equivalent to the communication object number of the switch device, e.g. MDT Glass switch 1 offers communication objects like “20 button 1 pushed”, “23 button 1 LED”, “24 button 1 LED priority”, and I simply used 2/3/20, 2/3/23 and 2/3/24 as their group addresses.

      To get the button press, it requires in ETS to assign a group address to that device’s communication object (button 1 —> 2/3/20), and in Loxone it requires a KNX Sensor with group address 2/3/20.

      To stay with my example, to switch on the LED of button 1, the device’s button 1 led communication object requires a group address 2/3/23 in ETS, and accordingly a KNX Actor 2/3/23 in Loxone.

      See the LoxWiki, searching for “KNX” or “Glastaster”. That may not be your devices, but could help to get in touch.


      PS: I like Trump - currently best comedy from the USA 😉
      Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


      • Gast

        I love this forum! I appreciate all of my fellow Loxnauts. Update, I have successfully communicated with my switches and they are recognized by the Miniserver. Also, I have started to connect my dampers to the Analog Outputs on my extensions.

        Question One: Loxone only provides 4 outputs and a ground on the black terminal. I have 10 (non-tree) dampers in one panel. How to I resolve the problem of needing 2 more 0-10v outputs?

        Question Two: I am still having problems getting proper temperature values from the integrated thermostats. I had Loxone support help me setup ETS 5 for the temperature sensor. I have attached three screen shots. The first is my ETS 5 setup. The second is my EIB Monitor in Config and the third is a better display of the temperature settings. What have I done incorrectly?

        Question Three: Can I use the presence sensor in the Sentido or is that just for proximity?

        Thank you in advance for the help. Not only has KNX not used in the United States, no one even recognizes that KNX exists when I ask.



        • Christian Fenzl
          Lebende Foren Legende
          • 31.08.2015
          • 11234

          Ad. 1
          Different approaches:

          Buy another KNX 0-10V Analog Out actuator. In Austria, a 4-Ch actuator is around 130-150 Euro.

          If you have valves for the same room, you may connect two valves to the same 0-10V output.

          You also may buy two 24VDC valves and use them on the digital outputs, using pwm control.
          Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


          • Christian Fenzl
            Lebende Foren Legende
            • 31.08.2015
            • 11234

            Ad 2.
            All of them send 5 degrees Celsius - you store them in the fridge? 😅

            Tell us what the device is, best with a link to the technical spec (with the KNX communication documentation).

            Ad 3.
            I don’t understand the question... 🤔
            Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


            • Gast

              Thank you for your response. I have added information to my prior questions. The questions are restated below. I also have uploaded screenshots and the manual for my KNX switches.

              I have installed KNX Sentido capacitance switches with integrated temperature. It has been explained that I should stick with Loxone for control and only use ETS5 for KNX configuration. In ETS5, I have configured the four capacitance sensors with individual addresses and the temperature sensor. The data type is set at 9.027 Temperature Sensor, Fahrenheit for each room. You can see a screenshot below.

              Loxone recognizes the group addresses and shows communication in the EIB monitor. I have included a screenshot of the EIB monitor. In Loxone, I have created an EIB sensor for each temperature KNX device. It doesn't appear that the KNX switches are properly configured in ETS5.

              Question One: Answered.

              Question Two: I am still having problems getting proper temperature values from the integrated thermostats. I had Loxone support help me setup ETS 5 for the temperature sensor. I have attached three screen shots. The first is my ETS 5 setup. The second is my EIB Monitor in Config and the third is a better display of the temperature settings. What have I done incorrectly?

              Question Three: Can I use the presence sensor in the Sentido or is that just for proximity? In the Sentido manual, it describes a presence object. Is that a true presence sensor or a KNX term?

     Presence object

              The presence object allows the user to automatically switch to the appropriate mode, depending onthe presence in a room.When the presence object is active, the mode is set to comfort.

              When the presence object is inactive, the mode changes to standby or economy, depending on the settings.
              I appreciate everyone's help from the forum. This has been a difficult project which I never expected to have to do myself. I hired a company and the owner went out of business and left me stuck.


              [ATTACH]n264479[/ATTACH] Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Parameter temp.png
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ID: 264480Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

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ID: 264482Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Config.png
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ID: 264483


              • Tico
                Lox Guru
                • 31.08.2016
                • 1035

                Question Two: Have you tried changing the temperature setting in ETS to Celcius? I would be curious to see what occurs if the Data Type is saved to the switch as "9.001 temperature (°C)".

                Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht  Name: Temperature C.png Ansichten: 0 Größe: 103,2 KB ID: 264487

                Questions Three: I don't read that it has a presence sensor.

                "The Sentido switch uses the patented Multitouch technology. Touching more than one touch sensitive area at the same time activates an additional Comfort function which also can be used by KNX."

                The manual speaks of an internal thermostat function in the switch. The thermostat can work in 4 modes. Each mode has a temperature setpoint assigned to it.

                Comfort: To be activated when people are present in the room. The temperature is set to a comfortable value.

                So you walk into the room, touch more than one touch sensitive area on the switch, and the 'Comfort' mode is activated for the thermostat. This then regulates to a defined temperature range as specified in the ETS setup.
                Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.


                • Gast

                  Hi Tico:

                  Thank you for responding. I have been delayed in my response by COVID. My wife got it first, then my kids and then me. It has been over two weeks and I am just starting to feel better. (I also feel a lot better after learning that Trump lost).

                  I made the change your suggested in ETS5 but it didn't change the output. Loxone config still shows 5℃. Any other ideas?


                  Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Screenshot 2020-11-04 at 8.20.58 PM.png
Ansichten: 1043
Größe: 1,18 MB
ID: 273480
                  Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Screenshot 2020-11-04 at 8.21.14 PM.png
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ID: 273481


                  • Gast

                    Are there any suggestions regarding my temperature output? I haven't yet found a solution.



                    • Christian Fenzl
                      Lebende Foren Legende
                      • 31.08.2015
                      • 11234

                      It doesn't look as a problem with Loxone but with the switches itself. Loxone receives 5 degree from the correct physical addresses, therefore they are sending this.

                      Check again, that in ETS you have assigned the group addresses to communication object 80 of the devices, and have saved it to the devices, and have saved to the Miniserver.

                      There is nothing else to configure in the switch for the temperature output.

                      If nothing helps, I would contact Basalte with your issue.

                      Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


                      • abel1303
                        • 09.01.2023
                        • 4

                        Scenes allow you team gadget changes under one name, such as ""Good Morning" "or ""I'm Home." "You can develop a scene called ""Good night," "as an example, so when you say "Hey Siri, goodnight," everything in your residence will certainly shut off and trigger the alarm system. coreball

