Problem withe zennio square TMD 6

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    Problem withe zennio square TMD 6

    Does anybody have the same trouble than me with the ETS and Loxone gateway to attribute individual adress of square TMD 6?
    When i try to send in the learning mode the new adress, ETS doesn't find the zennio square in learning mode, wherease the others modules ( merten ) can be programed as well by the same way?
    Thank for your help.
  • duncan
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 313

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Capture.JPG
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ID: 38271 in ets you need to manually add the loxone interface using nat mode, rather than using the auto found instance - then it will talk to zennio kit


    • Gast

      Zitat von duncan
      [ATTACH=CONFIG]n38271[/ATTACH] in ets you need to manually add the loxone interface using nat mode, rather than using the auto found instance - then it will talk to zennio kit
      Before add this post, Loxone gateway was ever configured like that. It was my first operation.
      I have buy an USB gateway to try if it will be better to configure knx zennio, will give you back my experience on the end of week.

