Send analog values to loxone light controller

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    Send analog values to loxone light controller


    I was trying to combine these hardware devices:
    * KNX dimmers from zennio (lumento x4),
    * push button inputs connected to input module I/O concentrator from ABB
    * Loxone miniserver
    * Zennio inZennio Z41 display

    I am trying to configure spheres with the loxone light controller which is working very well with the loxone interface (on android smarthpone) and the push buttons are configured as regular push button (send a command at rising edge and at falling edge). These inputs are connected to the light controller input and are also working very well. However, I want to use the z41 display to send precise dimming values to the dimmers, but also to the light controller from loxone.

    Is there a way to send precise dimming values to the loxone light controller?

    Pieter Cardoen
  • Jan W.
    Lox Guru
    • 30.08.2015
    • 1366

    Hi Pieter,

    the inputs I1-I12 can be used to send precise dimming values and are related to the outputs AQ1-AQ12, e.g. if I1 is set to 50% then the light that is connected to AQ1 is set to 50% and also the visualisation for this light shows 50%. I'm not familar wiith the zennio KNX dimmers however.

    Cheers, Jan
    Miniserver v14.5.12.7, 2x Ext., 2x Relay Ext., 2x Dimmer Ext., DMX Ext., 1-Wire Ext., Gira KNX Tastsensor 3 Komfort, Gira KNX Präsenzmelder, Fenster- und Türkontakte, Loxone Regen- und Windsensor, Gira Dual Q Rauchmelder vernetzt, 1x Relais-Modul
    Loxberry: SmartMeter, MS Backup, CamConnect, Weather4Lox
    Lüftung: Helios KWL EC 370W ET mit Modbus TCP - via Pico-C
    Heizung: Stiebel Eltron WPF 5 cool (Sole-Wasser WP) mit ISG, FB-Heizung mit 18 Kreisen, Erdsonde - via modbus/TCP
    Node-RED: IKEA Tradfri


    • Gast

      Thanks for the reply! This wasn't clear from the loxone documentation!

      However, I use these inputs now for the push-buttons (long press to dim the separate light channels ...) but i also want to use analog values as I have a screen on the KNX bus which uses precise dimming for configuring the lights. How do I handle this combination?

      Best regards


      • Gast

        Dear Jan

        I've tried to send precise dimming values to I1-I12 of the light controller but it seems that the light controller interprets a value >0 as being a button pressed and 0 as being the button released. If I thus send the value 50%, the light starts dimming until it reaches 100%. If I send another value, the light dims until 0%.

        I still haven't found a good solution for this...



        • Jan W.
          Lox Guru
          • 30.08.2015
          • 1366

          Hi Pieter,

          I have to apologize! It does not work as I thought. I was able to replicate the issue, but found no solution. In case you want to send precise dimming values to Loxone, you may need to use a different function block, e.g. "Push-Button +/-" or "Dimming" (I don't know the exact name of this function block in english, because my Loxone config is german and it does not appear in the online help). Both function blocks have an input "P" for a direct value, but also +/-. I'm sorry, but I thought that the light controller works in a similar way. Maybe you have to adjust your buttons to have "+" on one and "-" on the other button. My KNX buttons are connected to either select a specific scene or to toggle to the next/previous scene.

          Miniserver v14.5.12.7, 2x Ext., 2x Relay Ext., 2x Dimmer Ext., DMX Ext., 1-Wire Ext., Gira KNX Tastsensor 3 Komfort, Gira KNX Präsenzmelder, Fenster- und Türkontakte, Loxone Regen- und Windsensor, Gira Dual Q Rauchmelder vernetzt, 1x Relais-Modul
          Loxberry: SmartMeter, MS Backup, CamConnect, Weather4Lox
          Lüftung: Helios KWL EC 370W ET mit Modbus TCP - via Pico-C
          Heizung: Stiebel Eltron WPF 5 cool (Sole-Wasser WP) mit ISG, FB-Heizung mit 18 Kreisen, Erdsonde - via modbus/TCP
          Node-RED: IKEA Tradfri


          • Gast

            From what I understand this is now supported in version 8 of lox one config but I haven't had the chance to test it out yet!


            • duncan
              LoxBus Spammer
              • 28.08.2015
              • 313

              version 8 still doesnt do what you want, but you can achieve this by putting separate dimmer blocks on the outputs of a lighting controller
              set the lighting controller as normal with scenes, and connect the input from your z41 to the P input of the dimmer block - do the same for each light channel

              the dimmer blocks are normally controlled by the channel outputs from the lighting controller, but using the z41 to select a precise light value will set the dimmers but not update the scenes set in the lighting controller.

              selecting a new scene from the lighting controller will override the z41 settings
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