Use of memory flags

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  • J V
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 367


    Use of memory flags


    I started some time ago using my Loxone Config as an interface to my KNX installation. As a result, I started with a config that has the following layout for e.g. a light:
    eib sensor -> eib pushbutton -> eib actuator
    The sensor sends the current state of the light, the actuator switches it. And it works! But this prevents me from the same actuator, as the Loxone Config does not allow for duplicate group addresses. From the documentation, I can use memory flags, to separate button and actuator, as shown here:
    Find out how to use memory flags across your Loxone program pages and to keep your config neat

    Now, my question is: can and/or should I make something like this:
    eib sensor -> memory flag A
    memory flag A -> eib pushbutton -> memory flag B
    memory flag B -> eib actuator

    This would allow me to read the state of the eib sensor by reading memory flag A (no problem with repetition of group addresses), and it would allow me to switch the actuator by setting memory flag B. The documentation however is a bit unclear on whether or not I can put memory flag B: it lists that you should connect the pushbutton output to an eib actuator.

    So... Is this the way to do it?


  • Automation
    • 23.08.2015
    • 663

    What is the Goal you would like to do?
    Does your sensor represends the Status of your KNX Actuator?

    A screenshot would help, with the description what the GA are.

    What I do:
    KNX Push-button is directly linked to the KNX Actuator
    Activate the visualisation of the EIB Pushbutton in the Loxoneconfig
    Do not Forget the feed back the Status of the KNX actuator
    En Gruäss us de Schwiiz
    KNX seit 2005
    Miniserver seit Jan. 2011


    • J V
      LoxBus Spammer
      • 28.08.2015
      • 367

      Yes, the sensor represents the state of the actuator.

      If you link the pushbutton directly to the knx actuator, how can you call the same actuator again? (e.g. on a different page)
      Zuletzt geändert von J V; 28.09.2015, 11:48.


      • Automation
        • 23.08.2015
        • 663

        Some missunderstanding, i guess...
        The KNX pushbutton (The one which is really physically mounted on the wall). has the sam GA, as the KNX Actuator. This is a Setting, which you do in ETS only.
        You may better tell us, what exactly you would like to do, with your Setting.
        En Gruäss us de Schwiiz
        KNX seit 2005
        Miniserver seit Jan. 2011


        • J V
          LoxBus Spammer
          • 28.08.2015
          • 367

          Ok, maybe we have some terminology-issues... If you want to add a button on the Loxone Config to e.g. switch on the light from an app, you put on Loxone Config the "EIB pushbutton block" and connect it to the "EIB actuator block", which has the address to switch the light. In addition, you can connect an "EIB sensor block" to the "EIB pushbutton block" to have the "EIB pushbutton block" know the status of the actuator.

          As it is done here:
          Shows how to add the Loxone Miniserver to an existing EIB installation and create a user interface for iPhone, iPad, Android, Internet browser etc

          But you can only put the actuator once in a config: Loxone Config complains if you put a second actuator with the same address anywhere else in the config.

          So how can I use the same actuator?
          If I want one page where I put all the kitchen switches for example, but then also want to activate it on some all-lights on/off scenario? I cannot put it all on one page...

          I hope this makes more sense... I suspect it may have to do with the virtual input on the above example, but am a bit at a loss...
          Zuletzt geändert von J V; 28.09.2015, 12:00.


          • Automation
            • 23.08.2015
            • 663

            Now I got it. You would like to activate the "EIB actuator block" from another page (e.g. a Scenario, which Switches the "EIB actuator block").
            For this you use Memory flags. I do the same:
            On one page I have the "EIB actuator block". On all the other pages, I work with Memory flags, which then are connected to my "EIB actuator block".
            En Gruäss us de Schwiiz
            KNX seit 2005
            Miniserver seit Jan. 2011


            • J V
              LoxBus Spammer
              • 28.08.2015
              • 367

              Sorry for the difficult explanation... Thanks for the answer!
              Ok, so in my first post, the approach with memory flag B is the way to do it. I was not sure it would work that way, or if there would be a better way.

              Would there be any point in having memory flag A? It would allow to read the sensor from different pages (but not sure at this time I need that...)

              Slight different topic: my pages are currently structured as 3 per room (one for lights, one for heating and one for media), and I also considered an extra "general" page for each of those functionalities. Does that make sense, or are there other recommendations? Now I'm actually thinking that it would make sense to make one or more pages with the sensors (to memory flags A), one or more pages with actuators (from memory flags B) and then per room...


              • Automation
                • 23.08.2015
                • 663

                Zitat von J V
                Would there be any point in having memory flag A? It would allow to read the sensor from different pages (but not sure at this time I need that...)
                If you Need the state on different pages, than I work also with Memory flags. With this I only have insert once the "original sensor" and then I set with this a Memory flag. In case of a Change (e.g. the Groupadress in the KNX), then I only have to Change it once in the Loxone Config

                Zitat von J V
                Slight different topic: my pages are currently structured as 3 per room (one for lights, one for heating and one for media), and I also considered an extra "general" page for each of those functionalities. Does that make sense, or are there other recommendations?
                I like to have a clear structured configuration. For my house I have about 70 pages. Mostly I have one room, one page. But in certain circumstances I also have several pages per room.

                In Addition I have pages for Scenarios, for weatherstation, for fire detection, for Intrusion, for.....
                En Gruäss us de Schwiiz
                KNX seit 2005
                Miniserver seit Jan. 2011


                • J V
                  LoxBus Spammer
                  • 28.08.2015
                  • 367

                  Thanks for the help!

                  I also prefer to have thing structured, but started on the config not knowing where it would lead to. :-) I planned the pages like I mentioned, but something felt wrong...

                  I think I'll start completely from scratch, just to be able to have a nice structured start. I learned for instance that the order of the devices in the MediaController block is the order in which they were created and I would like to change some things there. I also would like not to have too much on a single page to more easily work on a small display (small laptop).

                  I still have to figure out a lot on the KNX, as I'm no expert on that (e.g. which group address get temperature sensors and so on), but I would like to have the lights and audio full finished first: I already know how to do those.

                  Thanks again,



                  • Automation
                    • 23.08.2015
                    • 663

                    One step after the other. Just open a new Thread and start asking...
                    En Gruäss us de Schwiiz
                    KNX seit 2005
                    Miniserver seit Jan. 2011


                    • J V
                      LoxBus Spammer
                      • 28.08.2015
                      • 367

                      Yes, of course!
                      But I need to test a few things more before I can ask reasonable questions... I now have the lights working (but not using the memory flags - dimmer also does not work yet) and I manage to control my squeezebox from the loxone. Now I'll clean up those things (incorporate memory flags, restructure things) and then continue. Next on my list are temperature and then computer media playback control (via EventGhost). For sure some new threads will appear.


                      • J V
                        LoxBus Spammer
                        • 28.08.2015
                        • 367

                        I managed to get a config that controls lights, but with everything via memory flags (both sensor and actuators). One page contains the sensors, the other the actuators. Next I will add more stuff (putting all KNX addresses together like this really makes for a much better overview).

                        How do you name everything keep track of it?

                        I went with the following naming scheme:
                        - KNX sensors: KNX sensor <room> <category> <detail>, e.g. "KNX sensor bathroom light main"
                        - Memory flag related to a sensor: status <room> <category> <detail>, e.g. "status bathroom light main"
                        - KNX actuator: KNX actuator <room> <category> <detail>, e.g. "KNX actuator bathroom light main"
                        - Memory flag related to an actuator: actuator <room> <category> <detail>, e.g. "actuator bathroom light main"

                        I know it doubles the information (you also have room and category information), but as they are ordered alphabetically in the three, it orders them nicely. It does make the names quite long though...
                        Any suggestions?

                        Zuletzt geändert von J V; 02.10.2015, 15:10.


                        • Automation
                          • 23.08.2015
                          • 663

                          I do not name if it is a sensor, actuator or memory flag, but the status.
                          If it is a sensor or actuator it is clear, also if it is a memory flag by the type of the object on the config.

                          Gesendet von meiner Steintafel mit Tapas
                          En Gruäss us de Schwiiz
                          KNX seit 2005
                          Miniserver seit Jan. 2011


                          • J V
                            LoxBus Spammer
                            • 28.08.2015
                            • 367

                            Perhaps I'm missing something in the user-interface...
                            The difference between sensor and actuator is clear in the periphery tree, and I changed the naming somewhat. I still keep "sensor" or "actuator" in the name, and the group address.

                            But how do you distinguish if a memory flag is used to store a status, or to steer an actuator? Or can you use the same memoryflag for both? (I hadn't thought of that before)


                            • Automation
                              • 23.08.2015
                              • 663

                              Zitat von J V
                              But how do you distinguish if a memory flag is used to store a status, or to steer an actuator? Or can you use the same memoryflag for both? (I hadn't thought of that before)
                              By using a meaningfull name . If it is a Status, the Memory flag starts with the Name "Status....", if it is connected to an actuator, then according what the Memory flag is doing (e.g. all lights off, blind shut down, Scene "Sleep", etc.)

                              En Gruäss us de Schwiiz
                              KNX seit 2005
                              Miniserver seit Jan. 2011

