KNX2LOX New Tool to import large KNX Projekt into a Loxone Config

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    LoxBus Spammer
    • 07.01.2016
    • 392


    KNX2LOX New Tool to import large KNX Projekt into a Loxone Config

    Hi all,
    for all who need a powerfull Tool to import large KNX Projects into a Loxone Config.

    more Information on Facebook

    Nice evening and greetings from Germany

    Zuletzt geändert von IFLUR; 03.03.2017, 10:36.
  • maxw
    Lox Guru
    • 26.08.2015
    • 1362

    Sorry, auch das ist für mich kein Grund fratzebuch beizutreten ;-)


  • Gast

    Docs are only in german...


    • Gast

      Wenn man bedenkt, wieviel Zeit ich alleine für die Schnittstelle zwischen Loxone und ETS verplempert habe...
      Cooles Tool, wird unterstützt!


      • IFLUR
        LoxBus Spammer
        • 07.01.2016
        • 392

        The version is a big upgrade with more functions
        and new features for the ETS customization special for the Loxone Config.

        Download Free Version (for Privat Person only) or get 25 % Discount with BJQ2ZGZUMD for the Full Version

        KNX Group Adress Export to Loxone Config (now Version with KNX Extension Support)​​

        New ETS Editor to create Groupadresses as Templates for
        sensor and actor etc.


        Auto Config to "switch" KNX actors for Loxone Auto Config Ready Function


        Import from Excel Template


        Import Export from

        Cloud Software Update



        • HBeumer
          Smart Home'r
          • 24.02.2017
          • 45

          IFLUR I just downloaded the version from the link you shared. does the Demo mode work for me as a private person, or is there some special license I would need to load to unlock functionality? I'm just worried that I start to put in efforts to make this work for me and then find out that things are not going to work. just checking.


          • IFLUR
            LoxBus Spammer
            • 07.01.2016
            • 392

            Hey you can use this version absolutely free. The free version has only a limited Import.
            After the Limit reached you have to start the Programm and the import process again.


            • HBeumer
              Smart Home'r
              • 24.02.2017
              • 45

              IFLUR does the KNX extension free number mean the amount of addresses that are free in case a KNX extension is used in loxone? (I believe the KNX extension is limited to 500 group adresses).


              • IFLUR
                LoxBus Spammer
                • 07.01.2016
                • 392

                Yes after you first import you get information about your free KNX addresses. And yes Loxone is kidding us with this 500 address.

