Fronius Hybrid with Modbus TCP
There is an update in the wiki. It mainly deals with the automation of battery control. spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.Kommentar
Zuletzt geändert von Haidy; 28.02.2020, 18:46.Loxone: Miniserver Gen.1, 1-Wire Extension, Air Base Extension, Dali-Extension, KNX (MDT GT2S, BWM, Taster, ...)
Technik: PV 11,7kWp, Fronius Symo GEN24, BYD HVS 10,24kWh, LoxBerry, QNAP TS-431P, Unifi, ShellyKommentar
Hello, I'm new in this forum. First: Many thanks to all who work in wiki and forum!!
I configured the energy monitoring like it's described in the wiki. It works fine, so long...
I have another Symo 20 and I don't get the data yet. What modbus adress do I have to configure in my third device. Are the registers the same as in Hybrid?
The Hybrid talks to Smartmeter and Symo with modbus rtu for sure.
Yes, the Modbus registers are the same for the Symo 20 and Hybrid Symo. You should be able to use just the DCW value for the total energy from the Symo 20.
Just to clarify -
The Hybrid Symo talks to the Smartmeter and the Battery with Modbus RTU. Those three devices (Hybrid, Battery, Smartmeter) have an exclusive Modbus RTU connection. This 'system' then connects to the home network via wifi or ethernet.
The Symo 20 should be currently connected to the home network (via wifi or ethernet) and joined with the other components in the cloud (ie. Fronius Solar.web). It won't have local communication to the other system. Are you currently seeing it's data in Solar.web?Zuletzt geändert von Tico; 04.03.2020, 21:52.Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.Kommentar
Yes, the Symo sends data to solarweb - I can see this data.
The Symo 20 is configured with Modbus RTU in the webinterface. I thought this is configured to communicate with the other components.
So, I will test to switch to Modbus TCP. Am I right that I have to configure another Modbus Server in Loxone? Sounds like
Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 04.03.2020, 15:35.Kommentar
That's correct. Configure a new and separate Modbus Server in Loxone for the Symo 20 and switch the inverter settings to Modbus TCP.
Also change the Modbus port to 503.
You will then have two Modbus servers in Loxone -
Symo-Hybrid with IP address 502
Symo 20 with IP address 503
You may find that the Symo 20 uses a different Modbus register for the total power. There are two options -
DCW - Total DC power from the system.
AC_Power - Total AC power from the system.
The 'AC_Power' sensor works for both Symo 20 and Hybrid inverters (Fronius uses 1_DCW for the solar Production display of the Hybrid).
Use whichever value more closely matches the Fronius solar Production display for the Symo 20. Most likely it will be AC_Power.1 BildZuletzt geändert von Tico; 04.03.2020, 22:02.Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.Kommentar
OK, thanks. I thought I have to connect it near to the big construct of calculation and scaling
By the way, AC Power is closer to the Symo display, so I use this value in addition to the 1 DCW of the hybrid.
So, my actual values are correct. But the total production values (day, month, year etc.) are not correct.
I think the energy monitor block calculates them itself but uses not the values from the inverters... how can I fix this?
Unfortunately, those calculations are done internally in the Energy Monitor block. You can't fix them and they increment from when the block is created.
The only aspects you can influence are the graphs. They can be manipulated with the LoxStatEdit program -
Hallo Gemeinde, öfter kommt hier im Forum das Thema, dass man zum Bearbeiten der Loxone Statistik Dateien einen Editor bräuchte. Voilà: here it comes: LoxStatsEditor. Bei dieser ersten öffentlichen Betaversion ist die Schreibfunktion noch abgeschaltet. Einfach deswegen, weil ich beim Testen mit Betatestern festgestelltIch spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.Kommentar
I tried to adapt the template based on my needs (no hybrid, no battery).
Here is my current status:
I can't get a connection to the Fronius Inverter (status red).
What could be the reason, someone an idea?
Are these the values that comes only from a hybrid inverter?Zuletzt geändert von Goofy; 04.04.2020, 13:59.Kommentar
Yes, the following are values purely for the Hybrid inverter/battery (all the red dots) -
I suggest you delete them entirely. You might find the inverter won't show an error after they are deleted and the Config saved. All your values seem fine otherwise.Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.Kommentar
Hello Tico,
Thanks for your work! It helped me a lot.
I have three questions:
1) in the frontend there are No. 01. (Charge Control AUTO), 02,03,04,05,06 and 11. I miss 07 till 10
2) Is it possible that you extend the instructions and the .Loxone sample file to include charging with a wallbox (e.g.charge electric cr if battery is fully charged and there is more energy produced than actually consumed)?
3) Is it possible that you extend the instructions and the .Loxone sample file to include a Fronius Ohmpilot heating element control (or is ot just necessary to install a heating rod - but how to configurate this in Loxone?)Kommentar