Please feel free to discuss in this thread.
Text Input to Miniserver
Text Input to Miniserver
I've created a wiki HowTo at the following link -
Please feel free to discuss in this thread.Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.Stichworte: - -
Oh, whow!
This looks like quite some work from your side.
Thank you for your effort, even if I have currently no direct use case for this.Loxone-Installation mit mehreren Extensions, Dimmer-Extension, DMX, 1-Wire (alles aktuell noch im Auslieferungszustand);
FritzBox, Netgear Plus Switch mit mehreren VLANs, Intel NUC mit VMWare ESXi 6.5 (pfSense, Loxberry, Kleinkram) -
The extra CPU load is not noticeable. This will depend though on the polling interval for the Virtual Inputs. For my use case, polling every 5 minutes has no problems.
I recently deleted an A3 page of 53 Status Blocks with associated Virtual Inputs. The Miniserver dropped by about 2% Memory Requirement.Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.Kommentar
Wow - that is a huge workaround - thanks!
Unfortunately I would need this at several places, so the huge number of blocks would make my (already complicated) config a lot of more complicated.
When digging into a similar problem (parsing weather data), I found some suggestions to implement this using Pico-C - see!,, Wouldn't this be a more elegant solution?Kommentar
- wouldn't be very hard to find a more elegant solution! It's really there to satisfy the need to ingest text when there's no other way.
Of those solutions you posted - The Wunderground PicoC script never really worked. It has a memory leak and the Miniserver will ultimately crash or reboot continuously.
Remember you can also delete as many Status Blocks as required to suit your needs. You can also adapt the single tab of Status Blocks for multiple uses without duplicating the blocks. So your 'several places' re-uses the single page of blocks.
Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.Kommentar
I should qualify that. Re-use of the blocks is limited to when you can adapt the command recognition to suit both data sources. In your case, what is the command recognition you are using for the first 20 letters? And the command recognition being used for the second 20 letters? (ie. Just the first letter for each case).
Zuletzt geändert von Tico; 25.06.2020, 14:12.Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.Kommentar
It is more easy to fetch the data from a Raspberry/LoxBerry and send the text to a VTI. That’s only some lines of code.Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:
I use a Loxberry running Node-Red. That has the facility to push text to a Virtual Text Input. Node-Red is not installed natively in the Loxberry. Here's a link to the install script -
I seem to remember Node-Red needs to be installed as root (su -).
You could also try a native Plugin called Any Plugin -
zur Lösung via Any-Plugin: man bekommt Text in einen virtuellen Texteingang per MQTT push: siehe Beispiel hier:
d.h. virt. Ausgangs-Befehl (e.g. timer-getriggert) an das Any-Plugin: CommandName udp command curl -s 'URL' | <<some grep -Po Perl Regular Expressions magic>> | <<ggf. some sed / tr / tail / head magic>> | mosquitto_pub -h <<IPloxberry>> -p 1883 -u 'loxberry' -P 'passwort' -t 'custom/XYZ' -s, und dann beim Miniserver mit entsprechend bezeichnetem (custom_XYZ) virt. Texteingang einlesen.Zuletzt geändert von MarkusCosi; 29.01.2024, 07:42.
Ich habe nichts herausgefunden, wie man Werte aus "Google Kalender" liest.
Wie soll ich beispielsweise die Eingabe 'URL' angeben?
I couldn't figure out how to read the value from the Google Calendar.
For example, in this case, how do I specify the input 'URL'?1 BildZuletzt geändert von Gast; 16.02.2021, 22:31.Kommentar
That screenshot example is using the Loxberry plugin called CalDAV-4-Lox -
You need a Raspberry Pi (Loxberry) to do the authentication required to login to Google Calendar. The Miniserver can't do it on it's own. CalDAV-4-Lox has also evolved since the wiki was written. It can now pass the full text to the Miniserver via another plugin called MQTT. The 'Text input to Miniserver' won't be required if you set up a Loxberry.
Zuletzt geändert von Tico; 29.01.2024, 00:00.Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.Kommentar
Hi Tico, unfortunately it seems that after the wiki moved to, the links are not automatically forwarded. Do you happen to know if your wiki page has been moved too? (I could not find it by searching for text input).Kommentar