Howto: Junkers/Bosch HT-3/EMS with Loxone

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  • BDP
    Smart Home'r
    • 02.08.2016
    • 50


    Howto: Junkers/Bosch HT-3/EMS with Loxone

    What about

    This howto will describe my solution to control a Junkers/Bosch heater with HT3-bus and the newer EMS-bus.
    This howto will be expanded throughout the time.

    What do you need - Hardware
    • Junkers/Bosch heater with Heatronic 3 or EMS bus (2-wire, this doesn't work for the older 3 wire bus - Heatronic 2
    • FR or CR controller (at least FR 100 and CR100 controllers, I believe the FR10, CR 10 etc, do not work). IPM,ISM,MM, etc modules are also supported.
    • Raspberry PI with Debian Stretch (for this one, I used the new Raspberry PI 3+)
    • Heatronic 3 adapter for raspberry PI ( )
    Raspberry PI

    Attach the adapter to the Raspberry PI

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20190404_082818_4.jpg Views:	0 Size:	1.33 MB ID:	196554

    Attached adapter

    Pi and adapter

    Pi and adapter

    Make sure your raspberry PI is on stretch and totally updated (sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get dist-upgrade)
    • sudo raspi-config
    • Under 5 (interfacing options) and then P6 (serial): disable the login shell and enable the serial hardware
    • reboot

    Hometop HT3 software

    Install the necessary packages
    • sudo apt-get install python3
    • sudo apt-get install python3-serial
    • sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
    • sudo apt-get install RPI.GPIO
    • sudo apt-get install python3-tk
    • sudo apt-get install librrdtool-oo-perl
    • sudo apt-get autoremove
    • sudo apt-get install rrdtool
    • sudo adduser 'username' dialout
    • sudo reboot
    • sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients
    Some more python modules
    • sudo apt-get install python3-pip
    • sudo pip-3.2 install paho-mqtt or sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt (depends on the pip version)
    • sudo reboot
    Install Hometop softwareAdapt the software
    • ./
    • sudo cp ./HT3/sw/etc/sysconfig/ht_collgate /etc/init.d
    • cd /etc/init.d
    • sudo insserv ht_collgate
    • sudo cp ./HT3/sw/etc/sysconfig/ht_proxy /etc/init.d
    • cd /etc/init.d
    • sudo insserv ht_proxy
    • sudo cp ./HT3/sw/etc/sysconfig/httpd /etc/init.d
    • cd /etc/init.d
    • sudo insserv httpd
    • sudo reboot

    Install Node-red
    Zuletzt geändert von BDP; 12.04.2019, 21:59.
  • rani22
    Smart Home'r
    • 17.11.2016
    • 35

    Is it possible to control the boiler using the loxone or is the thermostat still needed?


    • BDP
      Smart Home'r
      • 02.08.2016
      • 50

      I'm using now.
      works great.

      Let me know if you want more information.
      Zuletzt geändert von BDP; 29.05.2021, 23:34.


      • jamer
        Smart Home'r
        • 15.03.2016
        • 35

        I‘m also using BBQKees Gateway E32. I can get all the temperature states.
        I do have difficulties getting the status „heating activated“ via RestAPI into the http input because of the quotation marks before and after the ON and OFF. How can you make the Loxone config understand them?

        Has anybody managed this?

        Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk


        • rani22
          Smart Home'r
          • 17.11.2016
          • 35

          Probably by using the new mqtt gateway from the loxberry. It has this transformer function, where you can transform the receiving string to something readable for the loxone


          • jamer
            Smart Home'r
            • 15.03.2016
            • 35

            Through the mqtt gateway on loxberry it works just fine. My loxberry isn‘t very reliable and freezes from time to time (I do have a powerful powersupply!). That‘s why I want to run it on RestApi.

            Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk


            • BDP
              Smart Home'r
              • 02.08.2016
              • 50

              I checked mine. This one is for pumpstatus but principle is the same. I hope this is what you mean and want.

              hc2": \i"pumpStatus": "o\i\1 which gives you ascii code 102 (f) or 110 (n). Using a status block you can 'convert' 102 to off (0) and 110 to on (1)


              • jamer
                Smart Home'r
                • 15.03.2016
                • 35

                You‘re my man 😎
                Great! Works just as you explained!

                While I have you watching:

                What would be the string to change the value of the warmwater circulation pump from Loxone to the BBQKees gateway? Do you have any experience here?

                Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk


                • BDP
                  Smart Home'r
                  • 02.08.2016
                  • 50


                  Do you mean the pump that is optional in an installation? The 'warmwasser zirkulation pumpe' like e.g. a Grundfos comfort PM up 15-14 ?


                  • jamer
                    Smart Home'r
                    • 15.03.2016
                    • 35

                    Yes. That‘s the one. We use it to have hot water right at the tap. Our taps are in a loop where the pump circulates the hot water. At the moment it is running on the heatings fixed timer. I like Loxone to give the pump a signal, when presence is detected in the bathrooms or even the house.

                    Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk


                    • BDP
                      Smart Home'r
                      • 02.08.2016
                      • 50

                      I'm using an air smart socket for this. But what happens when you try this command in your browser?


                      For me this command gives OK, but I'm not sure the pump is actually running as I'm not able to test or I need to rewire. (I'm using Junkers Heatronic 3 heater with CW400 thermostat and MM200 mixer)
                      Zuletzt geändert von BDP; 01.06.2021, 20:51.


                      • loxisch
                        • 19.04.2021
                        • 3

                        I'm trying to implement the BBQKees gateway S32 on a Buderus GB172 with RC300 through Loxberry MQTT. Receiving values works perfectly easy, but I'm having trouble setting up the commands. Since I am able to control other applications through MQTT it should generally work, but seems I'm somehow lost with the correct syntax. I'm able to set values as I want (and with effect) through the Web Frontend of the gateway.

                        Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-16 um 11.29.27.png
Ansichten: 2499
Größe: 11,6 KB
ID: 333525

                        So as to keep with the example of the circulation pump, I was trying out the command in Loxone as follows (UDP virtual command):

                        ems-esp/boiler/wwcirculation "on"
                        Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: ww_circ.jpg
Ansichten: 2043
Größe: 32,1 KB
ID: 333526
                        Documentation is here:

                        I tried to apply what I understood from that documentation, tried different versions like write "on" without quotation marks, also using entity "thermostat" instead of "boiler". At the moment I'm somehow stuck and do not have any further ideas...
                        Does anyone have a running MQTT implementation for this gateway?


                        • acmilan87
                          Dumb Home'r
                          • 04.10.2019
                          • 14

                          Hallo 🙋‍♂️
                          ich habe das BBQKees Gateway mit meiner Bosch CS7001i am laufen.
                          Per Webinterface kann ich nun alle Werte einsehen und anpassen.
                          Das Gateway an sich ist also empfehlenswert.

                          Nun möchte ich aber diverse Werte in Loxone visualisieren oder auch anpassen können.

                          Die Doku habe ich mir natürlich angeschaut, sie lässt mich aber etwas verzweifelt zurück.

                          Mit der URL aus der Doku:

                          kann ich mir ja alle möglichen Parameter der Heizung/Gateway im JSON Format anzeigen lassen.

                          Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: grafik.png
Ansichten: 1803
Größe: 52,4 KB
ID: 358579

                          Entgegen der Beschreibung in der Doku werden diese Werte aber durch Leerzeichen getrennt.


                          „heating active“ (JSON Ausgabe) vs. „heatingActive“ (Doku).

                          Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: grafik.png
Ansichten: 1650
Größe: 34,8 KB
ID: 358580

                          Ich habe für beide Varianten einen virt. Http Eingang Befehl in der Config angelegt, bekommen unter beiden aber keine Antwort zurück.
                          Also in der App stehen die Werte auf 0.
                          Auch wenn die Heizung an ist.

                          Kann mir hier bitte jemand weiterhelfen?

                          Gesendet von iPad mit Tapatalk
                          Zuletzt geändert von acmilan87; 25.09.2022, 17:08.


                          • BDP
                            Smart Home'r
                            • 02.08.2016
                            • 50


                            "o\i\1 instead off "\i\v and then you get ascii code for N (On) or F (Off) (see my response number 7) or try with a temperature first. This gives you a number and not a string value.
                            heating active should be correct I think

