This howto will describe my solution to control a Junkers/Bosch heater with HT3-bus and the newer EMS-bus.
This howto will be expanded throughout the time.
What do you need - Hardware
- Junkers/Bosch heater with Heatronic 3 or EMS bus (2-wire, this doesn't work for the older 3 wire bus - Heatronic 2
- FR or CR controller (at least FR 100 and CR100 controllers, I believe the FR10, CR 10 etc, do not work). IPM,ISM,MM, etc modules are also supported.
- Raspberry PI with Debian Stretch (for this one, I used the new Raspberry PI 3+)
- Heatronic 3 adapter for raspberry PI ( )
Attach the adapter to the Raspberry PI
Attached adapter
Make sure your raspberry PI is on stretch and totally updated (sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get dist-upgrade)
- sudo raspi-config
- Under 5 (interfacing options) and then P6 (serial): disable the login shell and enable the serial hardware
- reboot
Hometop HT3 software
Install the necessary packages
- sudo apt-get install python3
- sudo apt-get install python3-serial
- sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
- sudo apt-get install RPI.GPIO
- sudo apt-get install python3-tk
- sudo apt-get install librrdtool-oo-perl
- sudo apt-get autoremove
- sudo apt-get install rrdtool
- sudo adduser 'username' dialout
- sudo reboot
- sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients
- sudo apt-get install python3-pip
- sudo pip-3.2 install paho-mqtt or sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt (depends on the pip version)
- sudo reboot
- cd
- git clone
- mv ~/hometop_HT3/HT3 ~/.
- cd ./HT3/sw
- ./
- sudo cp ./HT3/sw/etc/sysconfig/ht_collgate /etc/init.d
- cd /etc/init.d
- sudo insserv ht_collgate
- sudo cp ./HT3/sw/etc/sysconfig/ht_proxy /etc/init.d
- cd /etc/init.d
- sudo insserv ht_proxy
- sudo cp ./HT3/sw/etc/sysconfig/httpd /etc/init.d
- cd /etc/init.d
- sudo insserv httpd
- sudo reboot
Install Node-red
- bash <(curl -sL
- sudo systemctl enable nodered.service
- sudo service nodered restart