Origin: I wanted to see status of my amplifier, important for me was to see information that is shown the display regarding the incoming signal - to check if e.g. bitstreaming works etc. (the display is not readable from the sitting position). Some limited controls (volume, surround mode, source) could be useful at the same time as well. The status block can show such information, but only provides a single line and then you need addiitonal controls for buttons.
Approach: door controller + ImageMagick
The door controller block can be used to display a jpg that is on a webserver, interestingly, it refreshes this image immediately when it changes. It also has 3 pushbuttons whose outputs can be linked to any block you want and whose description can be changed. The program ImageMagick ( https://imagemagick.org/ ) has a commandline interface that allows you to overlay text, basic geometric shaps and other images with onto given image.
I have an empty image, and each status is drawn on the image using ImageMagick. There are different ways to call ImageMagick, I use Eventghost which allows me to trigger actions on event changes, but I guess it can all be achieved with a webserver and appropriate scripting. So, I have a black image, created with
convert.exe -size 1000x1000 xc:black C:\test\screen.jpg
For example for a Volume change I can call
convert.exe C:\test\screen.jpg -undercolor "#00000000" -fill white -pointsize 60 -draw "text +50,+700 Volume X " C:\test\screen.jpg
In the door controller block, I use button 1 to trigger a sequencer block, and the other two buttons I use as up/down buttons, sufficient to have three "modes" to change volume, source and surroundmode (but more are possible of course).
I've just started with this, but test show that it works, so now I'm improving the graphics.

I guess it is not a frequently asked question, but I hope the idea helps someone with visualisations or so.