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Gibt es nicht, die 123Hz wurden mit EMV-Messungen begründet von Loxone.
Ich habe aus diesem Grund alles mit DMX HR Dimmern gemacht, die 244-8000Hz können.
Schon damals auf dem Test-Board habe ich das bemerkt und die Dimmer von Loxone ausgeschlossen, auch die DMX Ext. hatte mir zu wenig Dimmstufen weshalb ich auch hier auf alternativen gesetzt hatte.
Das ist mir bekannt. Die Frage war, ob sich mit dem Projekt von sarnau mit einem Motorcontrollerboard samt STM32 ein Tree Dimmer bauen lässt, bei dem dann per Firmware die PWM Frequenz eingestellt werden kann.
Alternativ nutze ich die H801 auf WLAN BAsis mit MQTT und NodeRed absolut problemlos.
Wäre nur gerne wieder unabhängig vom WLAN und hab wieder Lust zu basteln :-)
192.168.A.B - is an IP of your miniserver
50:4F:94:FF:XX:YY:ZZ:WW - is a serial number of your RGBW Dimmer
You will need to provide administrative password.
It works, you may check it observing water drops in 123 vs 600 Hz.
Maximum PWM frequency that Loxone dimmer provides is AFAIK ~624 (?) so 600 Hz is fine.
Noch ein oder zwei Jahre mit Loxone und ich werde Deutsch sprechen ☺
me stupid! Now I just re-programmed all my 10 Tree RGBW dimmers, and counter-checked them with the frequency meter too.
My feelings:
Tried with 200 and 600Hz, I see a very high flicker within the whole dimming range, even more noticeable than the stardard. 123Hz.
So I've tried first at 246 (123x2) and then I'm staying now at 492Hz (123x4).
Counterchecked with the camera of my Samsung, and yes, I just still see higher frequency flicker/rumble.
Works on Air as as well on Tree devices. Just the LowLoght Brightness is different after changing the PWM Frequency. But this is easy to change inside the App for low Light scenes
Only the Ceiling Light answers: value="Unknown Func PwmFrequency"
Does anone have an Idea how to this done on the Ceiling Light?
Apart from water drops which anyway is anyway a good WAF test (boss was the first that complained about the flickering at low dimming...), is there any other ways to check the new frequency is active ?
Also: are you sending HTPP command via Edge browser or command line shell in windows ?
Professional building biologists focus on healthy apartments and office buildings. With a flicker meter they can trace insufficient or harmful lighting.
Actually was always quite scared to check Loxone Dimmer flickering with some guy is going to tell u the sad truth. J
U right, I've here a Fluke289 used at 1% of its capabilities... exactly 123 Hz out of it... J
Trying right now with Firefox over Win10, cannot get access:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<LL control="dev/sys/wsdevice/C0:10:8F:21/PwmFrequency/600" value="device not found" Code="200"/>
The example here: "50:4F:94:FF:XX:YY:ZZ:WW - is a serial number of your RGBW Dimmer" is for an Air Dimmer, since I've Just noticed Air devices (I've here some Shading Air) have 8 byte for Serial Number, with the first 4 fixed.
In case of Tree I just see 4 bytes, so that I then made a couple of exercices:
1- I've used the 4 byte of the RGBW Dimmer Tree (C0108F21 with my case)
2- I've then entered as the first 4 byte with the Tree Extension s/n (with my case 131058A8), then adding the PWM Dimmer C0108F21
Sure, me stupid, if u go on top of this page, at TomekWaw post, you'll see.
I now re-programmed all my devices (anche checked with the Fluke!), but I just found 492 Hz to be the higher best compromise. Tried with both 200Hz and 600Hz but the visual effect of the flicker is much more evident than the 123Hz !
I've tried with LED stripes, Voltus Constaled spots and Voltus 31197 panel led
habt Ihr das schon getestet mit der Erhöhung der PWM Frequenz? Ich hab den Tree Dimmer bis 1000 Hz erhöhen können. Hat schon jemand eine Flickermessung gemacht? Bei welcher Frequenz habt Ihr das beste Ergebnis erzielt?
Is it true that the above information about changing the PWM frequency only applies to the RGBW Dimmer Tree and Air? Is there also a solution for the RGBW 24v Dimmer DMX?
habt Ihr das schon getestet mit der Erhöhung der PWM Frequenz? Ich hab den Tree Dimmer bis 1000 Hz erhöhen können. Hat schon jemand eine Flickermessung gemacht? Bei welcher Frequenz habt Ihr das beste Ergebnis erzielt?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
I just tried setting the frequency above 1000 and a RGBW Tree returned 1000 Hz. Tried various other frequencies and the multimeter agrees with the settings.
I do not have a good way of testing for flicker aside from visual and using iPhone on slo-mo.
I did, however, try the democase LED strip (0.4m/ low load) and a 5m long Armacost dim-to-warm strip. Power supply is Wago Eco 2 24/5A.
The democase LED strip worked flawlessly. The dim-to-warm strip in 5m created an audible (from RGBW unit) which got louder and higher pitched as I increase the frequency. Not sure if this is because the dim-to-warm strip is longer thus more load or because it does the dim-to-warm magic itself (only two terminals to connect yet it has 1800k and 3000k diodes). Will try a Shelly dimmer to compare when it arrives soon. Unfortunately, I don't have a normal single colour strip to test on hand.
In any case, 1000 Hz seems a little low to avoid known health concerns. I am referring to the IEEE 1789-2015 guidelines.
Rather annoying as I would like to ues Loxone products for dimming.
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