Howto: Connect a Viessman heater to loxone, see the status, control it

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  • PeterChrisben
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 11.11.2015
    • 360

    Zitat von DimonRMP3
    Original Viessmann Kabel (3m) 14€ incl. Versand!
    magst Du verraten wo Du das Kabel gekauft hast? Ein Shop oder war das ein Schnäppchen auf Ebay?
    Danke und Grüße,

    Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk


    • Dimon
      LoxBus Spammer
      • 27.08.2015
      • 383

      gibt es auf ebay und shops... musst googlen... hab meinen aus ebay...
      Haus: 1x Miniserver, 7x Extension, 4x RelayExtension, 1x 1-Wire, 1x DimmerExtension, 1x Tree Extension, 1x ModBus Extension, 1x DMX Extension, 6x RGBW, 2x UFO, 1x AirBaseExtension, 3x RGBW Air, Air Touch, Touch Pure Air, LED Pendulum Slim Tree
      Wohnung: 1x Miniserver, 3x Extension, 2x RelayExtension, 1x 1-Wire, 1x DimmerExtension, 1x DMX,
      Cams: Mobotix T25, Mobotix D22, Mobotix Q25, Axis P1428-E
      LOXBERRY: SmartMeter, Weather 4 Lox
      Heizung: Viessmann Vitocal 300-A
      PV: Fronius Symo 17.5.3


      • Dimon
        LoxBus Spammer
        • 27.08.2015
        • 383

        wollte mal fragen ob jemand schon seine Viessmann Heizung eingebunden hat?
        Haus: 1x Miniserver, 7x Extension, 4x RelayExtension, 1x 1-Wire, 1x DimmerExtension, 1x Tree Extension, 1x ModBus Extension, 1x DMX Extension, 6x RGBW, 2x UFO, 1x AirBaseExtension, 3x RGBW Air, Air Touch, Touch Pure Air, LED Pendulum Slim Tree
        Wohnung: 1x Miniserver, 3x Extension, 2x RelayExtension, 1x 1-Wire, 1x DimmerExtension, 1x DMX,
        Cams: Mobotix T25, Mobotix D22, Mobotix Q25, Axis P1428-E
        LOXBERRY: SmartMeter, Weather 4 Lox
        Heizung: Viessmann Vitocal 300-A
        PV: Fronius Symo 17.5.3


        • sko3003
          sko3003 kommentierte
          Kommentar bearbeiten
          Wie du am Anfang vom Post sehen kannst ja, was genau willst du wissen?
      • henk.oosterlinck
        Dumb Home'r
        • 17.06.2016
        • 18

        I have been using this for a while. I documented and shared what I did a while ago already.


        • manudie
          • 07.07.2019
          • 8

          Hi, I have used the tcp virtual output and it works very well. I created a picoC program to read values directly via the tcp connection. this is what I use.

          #define BUFF_SIZE 40000
          #define RD_BLOCK_SIZE 128
          void setOutputs(char* pTcpCmd)
            char szBuffer[BUFF_SIZE];
            char szTmpBuffer[RD_BLOCK_SIZE];
            int nCnt;
            int nBytesReceived=0;
            int i=0;
            STREAM* pTcpStream = stream_create("/dev/tcp/IP/PORT",0,0); // create tcp stream;
              stream_write(pTcpStream,pTcpCmd,strlen(pTcpCmd)); // write to output buffer
              stream_flush(pTcpStream); // flush output buffer
              // read stream
                nCnt = stream_read(pTcpStream,szTmpBuffer,RD_BLOCK_SIZE,2 000);
                if (nCnt + nBytesReceived > BUFF_SIZE)
                  nBytesReceived = -1;
                  break; //Answer is too large
                else if(nCnt > 0)
                  strncpy((char*)szBuffer + nBytesReceived, szTmpBuffer, nCnt);
                  nBytesReceived += nCnt;
              while (nCnt > 0);
              char* p = szBuffer;
                setoutput(i,atof(strstrskip(p, "vctrld>")));
                p= index(p,0x0A);
                if ( p == NULL )
                p = p + 1;
              while( i <= 10);
            setOutputs("getModo\ngetTemperaturaAguaCaliente\ng etTemperaturaAguaCalienteDeseado\ngetDesplCalefacc ion\ngetDesplRefrigeracion\ngetInclinacionCalefacc ion\ngetInclinacionRefrigeracion\ngetTemperaturaFl ujo\ngetTemperaturaRetorno\ngetTemperaturaDeseadaC asaCalef\ngetTemperaturaDeseadaCasaRefr\n");

          Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht  Name: Captura de pantalla 2021-07-29 a las 15.14.12.png Ansichten: 38 Größe: 8,7 KB ID: 313048

          You have to change the IP and the command names. I have 11 outputs, all float (none is text). I guess that this would be easy to modify for everybody.
          I have a miniserver gen 2, if you have a gen1 you might want to increase the read period. It is set to 20 seconds. You might also want to increase the 50ms sleep for a miniserver gen1.
          UPDATE: I added a check for the IP/PORT of the vcontrold so if it is not available the picoc program doesn't get disabled. I also relaxed a bit the timings
          Zuletzt geändert von manudie; 04.08.2021, 21:15.


          • sarnau
            Smart Home'r
            • 24.02.2018
            • 46

            Check out my Github repo about Viessmann heating systems:


            • challo
              LoxBus Spammer
              • 21.09.2016
              • 372

              sarnau which heating do you have? Currenrtly i use web API. I have heatpump and vitovent also connected to heatpump.


              • sarnau
                Smart Home'r
                • 24.02.2018
                • 46

                We have an old house, so it is a regular gas heater with solar support. But my documentation allows you to get all data points for your system.


                • manudie
                  • 07.07.2019
                  • 8

                  sarnau Thanks for the point to InsideViessmann. I already use your weather service from "Inside The Loxone Miniserver". It works really well.
                  I am trying to use your python scripts and I started with vcontrodl_test. It gets stuck in the line "out = telnet_client.read_until(b'\n').decode('utf-8').strip()". It waits there forever.
                  I might be doing something wrong. I downloaded and installed the software from Viessmann and I run it to get the updated xml files but in a VM without the optolink usb. Does it need to have connection to the optolink to trigger the download of the updated files?
                  Another thing that might be interfering is that my loxone miniserver is telneting the vcontrold as I use the python script. I don't know if this might interfiere.
                  I noticed that you mention that the DPDefinitions.xml is a massive almost 200GB large file and in my case is only about 200MB file. I assumed that it was a typo, but if it is not I have the wrong file.
                  I would appreciate if you could help me.


                  • sarnau
                    Smart Home'r
                    • 24.02.2018
                    • 46

                    vcontrold does work, but i don't use it – feels like too many things that can break. I use a Python script on a Raspberry PI for the communication and it talks to MQTT.

                    200GB is a typo. It is 200MB :-)

