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Grandstream GDS3710- MQTT Befehl für richtige Codeeingabe
Bei der URL wirst du vermutlich die vom MQTT Gateway angeben müssen (wie‘s hier unten, aber nicht im Detail, steht): https://www.loxwiki.eu/pages/viewpag...ageId=39356199), dann werden am MQTT Gateway die JSON-Daten aufgelöst und weitergeleitet:
Hi Here
I had a look into this matter, so I think by event notification with the Loxberry MQTT plugin is the way. However, I just wanted to address the potential issues, as follows:
When using the UDP monitor at Miniserver side and every time you restart the MQTT plugin you get this message:
>>>MQTT: KEEP IN MIND: LoxBerry MQTT only sends CHANGED values to the Miniserver
So I took some time to test different scenarios and found out:
If you press for the first time the RING BELL button, then you get all the variables included in the grandstream Notification Event template.
In my case:
>>>MQTT: rcvr/ Log(Door Bell Call) rcvr/ rcvr/ 12:38:52 rcvr/
However, if you press again the Ring Bell button, you don't get anything (unless you include ${DATE} into the notification template), in my case I get:
As we can see, variables POST_message, POST_sip have not changed, as expected POST_date, loxtime change every time, so as stated above the MQTT won't send them to the miniserver.
- Using the numeric panel, comes down to he same scenario, nevertheless pressing the key "#" may solve the problem...
- RFID cards, got the issue, so if same card is used over and over without alternation, then MQTT won't forward the POST_XX variable into the UDP package to the miniserver.
If THE SAME values need to be resent every time, use the „Reset-After-Send“ flag in der MQTT Incoming Overview. It resets the value to 0 after a short delay (20ms). You won’t see the value in the LiveView, but it can be used in logic (e.g. Status block to differentiate different cards).
With „Reset-After-Send“ you‘ll get
In logic, if CARD2 appears (or Input != 0), something happens. Use this in logic.
Same values usually aren’t resent, as they are the same. Even with „Disable cache“ you wouldn’t recognize in Loxone logic that the same value has been sent again. That’s the reason for the function „Reset-After-Send“.
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