Make first selected light sphere with loxone touch time-dependent

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  • Mathfly
    • 15.08.2020
    • 2


    Make first selected light sphere with loxone touch time-dependent

    Sorry if this is really basic, but is there a standard function in lighting block to make the first touch on a loxone touch switch time dependant ?
    What I would like to achieve is eg the lights in the bathroom to be on the first sphere during the day (full on) but at night I would prefer a first touch to be a dimmed sphere. When working with motion detectors, you can make the sphere dependant on the operating modus, but without I cannot find this option
  • TGeissler
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 17.05.2016
    • 294

    Here is my solution. First you need two light-scenes eg. night/day. Dependend on the IDs you need two constants with the ID-Numbers.

    thats it!

