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Ich versuche, den Sinn verschiedener Fehlermeldungen im Debug-Protokoll zu verstehen. Weiß jemand, wie man den im angehängten Bild aufgeführten Prozess identifizieren kann?
TCP 0401010a/56830/50134
TCP 0401010a/46594/50133
Die beiden IP-Adressen ( und sind jeweils das Gateway (Miniserver Gen 1) und der Client (Miniserver GO).
Dies deutet darauf hin, dass zwischen dem Gateway und dem Client immer wieder Fehler auftreten, aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich das Problem finden kann?
Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.
From my point, the log says, received sequence 560334609 but expected 560334610.
Every tcp packet has it's sequence number to identify the order of the packets.
In tcp, the receiver reassambles the data by the sequence number. As in tcp every packet needs an ACK response, the ACK (sent from receiver to sender) tells the sender to send the next package in sequence.
If a package is missing (sequence number not arrived), the sender usually waits for some time for receiving the ACK from the receiver. If it does not arrive, the segment is re-transmitted. Also the receiver can re-request the missing segment.
All of this runs on the tcp level - the application usually does not get notice of all of this error handling, as long as the correction and re-transmission works.
In your situation, the Miniserver receives a package with an older sequence number, therefore it seems to be re-transmitted by the partner. Possibly because the receiver missed to send an ACK. In a switched network, also the switch can re-transmit the package if the receiver misses to send the ACK!
Furthermore, it seems that the HTTP client directly reconnects to the partner because of this issue.
Keep in mind, that the Miniserver does not use a tcp driver that we know from our operating systems. It may be a self-implementation that micght miss some of the error correcting parts. Therefore it could be possible that the driver simply disconnects instead of handling the error.
Thanks Christian. As background, I'm trying to resolve a Miniserver reboot issue. It happens irregularly but often enough to be a nuisance. I've gone through all the steps in the wiki -
The Sequence Error is the only thing I can see obviously wrong in the Debug Monitor. From what you are saying, the Sequence Error can't be influenced by anything in the Config anyway.
Clutching at straws to try to find any other leads.
Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.
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