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Virtual Output not triggering Tasmota Smart Socket
Virtual Output not triggering Tasmota Smart Socket
I have a smart plug which has been flashed with Tasmota v9.4.0 and connects easily to my wifi network so I am able to send http commands to it.
However, although I can successfully send http commands through a browser to switch on/off, I can’t seem to get the same commands to work in Loxone through a Virtual Output.
I attach screenshots of my Loxone VO config in case I’m doing something obviously wrong.
you need to replace the IP x.x.x.x will not work.
If you used the x to anonymise check the VO xml from the loxwiki : https://www.loxwiki.eu/display/LOX/E...Tasmota+Sonoff
Mine works with the VO without any problems.
you need to replace the IP x.x.x.x will not work.
If you used the x to anonymise check the VO xml from the loxwiki : https://www.loxwiki.eu/display/LOX/E...Tasmota+Sonoff
Mine works with the VO without any problems.
As a security precaution, I only substituted x.x.x.x to remove the IP address from the screenprint before posting on a public forum.
the IP is the local IP of your tasmota? security precaution? I can tell you the IP of my shelly 3em =>
local IPs are not safety critical, you can't reach my shelly whatever you try
Zuletzt geändert von Thomas M.; 21.07.2021, 14:11.
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