*Save the date!* Loxone Config & App 13.1 - 19.10.2022 UND 5 neue Produkte! 😱

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  • fritzhilde
    Dumb Home'r
    • 26.02.2017
    • 16

    03.11 könnte auch ein Taster mit richtigen Display sein.


    • Labmaster
      Lox Guru
      • 20.01.2017
      • 2576

      Stell euch mal vor es würde auf einmal Konfig Blöcke geben, also z.b. komplette Konfig Seiten welche man selbst in einen eignen Baustein packen kann.
      Zuletzt geändert von Labmaster; 08.10.2022, 20:11.


      • Christian Fenzl
        Lebende Foren Legende
        • 31.08.2015
        • 11236

        Johannes Bartnitzke
        Hast du zufällig den Link zum API Connector Video bei der Hand? Im Config 13 Video hast du ein Loxone Explained dazu erwähnt, ich hab’s aber nicht gefunden.

        Zu den Labels:
        Der Schalter hat jetzt beispielsweise Tg (Toggle), während andere Bausteine weiterhin Tr (Trigger) haben. Das ist jetzt auch nicht schlauer oder einheitlicher als vorher, aber zumindest sind jetzt alle verwirrt.
        Aber gut, hilft eh nix mehr.

        Der Link zum Video wäre fein.
        Zuletzt geändert von Christian Fenzl; 08.10.2022, 19:26.
        Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine: https://www.loxforum.com/forum/proje...Cr-die-ukraine


        • Prof.Mobilux
          • 25.08.2015
          • 4715

          Christian Fenzl das hier? https://youtu.be/JObVk7nqoZo
          🇺🇦 Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine: https://www.loxforum.com/forum/proje...Cr-die-ukraine

          LoxBerry - Beyond the Limits


          • Prof.Mobilux
            Prof.Mobilux kommentierte
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            Klartext Mann*innen wäre heutzutage korrekt gewesen :-D

          • Prof.Mobilux
            Prof.Mobilux kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            Johannes Bartnitzke Er meinst sicherlich nicht die Befehle sondern die Beschreibungen dazu. Wobei ich das bei einer API Beschreibung jetzt auch nicht unbedingt erwarten würde diese Mehrsprachig zu halten. Ein Programmierer muss so etwas können, der Elektriker von nebenan beschäftigt sich wohl mit der API eher weniger...

          • Klartext
            Klartext kommentierte
            Kommentar bearbeiten
            Ich hätte jetzt schon darauf gewartet dass du mir mit irgend einer Exotensprache die eine deutsche Syntax hat kommst

            Ich versuche mich in Zukunft korrekt auszudrücken
        • Clubsport
          MS Profi
          • 11.01.2018
          • 602

          Für die, die rumspielen (und sich freuen ) wollen: Seit eben ist die Beta draußen, da sind die neuen Icons verfügbar!


          • Funbug
            Extension Master
            • 14.02.2022
            • 127

            Zitat von Johannes Bartnitzke
            Zusätzlich möchte ich euch unser kostenloses Webinar zur neuen Config & App 13.1 ans Herz legen: Am 21. Oktober um 08:00 Uhr zeigen wir euch, was mit der neuen Software-Version möglich ist und geben wichtige Tipps & Tricks rund um das Energiemanagement.
            Wird dieses Webinar aufgezeichnet und steht dann auch auf eurem Youtube Kanal zur Verfügung?
            Smarte Grüsse
            Thomas König


          • THX
            Lox Guru
            • 06.01.2016
            • 1499

            Johannes Bartnitzke Hoffentlich bringt die neue Config Version auch eine bessere Dokumentation und ein paar wichtige/sinnvolle Funktionen.
            Manchmal hat man das Gefühl, dass zu gewissen Themen kein Know How (mehr) vorhanden ist?

            z.B. hier


            Zu den Produkten - sehr sinnvolle Erweiterungen dabei und super, dass sich die neue Release dem aktuellen Thema "Energie" (vermutlich auch im Campus ein Thema) speziell annimmt. Bin auch schon auf die komplett neue App gespannt, hoffe diese wird noch intuitiver und bietet noch mehr Möglichkeiten.
            Zuletzt geändert von THX; 17.10.2022, 09:20.
            Smarthome: Überläufer vom KNX Lager --> Loxone Fan der ersten Stunde --> Loxone killed the KNX star
            DvD: Diverse KNX und Loxone Mischinstallationen, aber auch Loxone "Exclusive" Projekte im Freundeskreis und Zuhause
            Netzwerk: Ubiquiti / Unify Fan (USG, Cloud Key, ...)
            Audio/Video: Heimkino FAN -- Dolby Atmos 5.1.2 (alles von FOCAL)


            • DiscoDisco
              LoxBus Spammer
              • 14.11.2018
              • 211

              Wenn man noch träumen darf = Die neue Config ist auch ohne Umwegen auf MacOS verfügbar


              • orli
                orli kommentierte
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                Ich nutze eine Windows VM auf meinem Homeserver, auf dem auch der Loxberry und ein MS4Home, iobroker sowie diverses anderes Zeugs läuft.
                Ist für mich am flexibelsten und RDP Clients gibts gute für den Mac um damit auch auf großen Bildschirmen arbeiten zu können.
                Da ich selbst 3-4 Clients nutze, je nachdem wo ich gerade bin, hab ich auch kein Problem mit unterschiedlichen Versionsständen.

              • half-bit
                half-bit kommentierte
                Kommentar bearbeiten
                Verwende die Loxone Config mit Parallels 17 auf einem Intel- und M-Mach aus ohne Probleme. Manchmal habe ich das Gefühl ich treffe die Anschlusspunmkte an den Bausteinen nicht. Denke liegt an der Skalierung. Aber sonst läuft das tip top.

              • elmocito
                elmocito kommentierte
                Kommentar bearbeiten
                Bin auch super zufrieden mit Parallels auf einem M1
            • hismastersvoice
              • 25.08.2015
              • 7283

              Da ja morgen die neue Config kommt, denke ich das das hier der Stand für morgen ist, zumindest ist der Changelog eine Zusammenfassung der ganzen letzten Versionen.

              - Energy Flow Monitor
              - Wallbox function block
              - New Meter function blocks
                 - Pulse Meter (Unidirectional, Bidirectional and with Storage)
                 - Meter (Unidirectional, Bidirectional and with Storage)
                 - Calculated Meter (for loads where only the On/Off status is known)
                 - App does not yet fully support the blocks!
              - Energy Manager Gen.2
                 - Variable outputs
                 - Simpler configuration
                 - Input for forced recalculation
                 - Output for seconds until next recalculation
              - Loxone Icon Library
                 - Select an Icon for your room, category, function block, or status out of more than 500 available icons
                 - Import custom Icons (png, jpg)
                 - All existing used icons will be converted to new ones
                 - Custom icons will remain untouched
                 - Icon editor has been removed from Config
                 - Icons for visualised state only objects need an updated app to be properly displayed!
                 - Icons for the status function block need an updated app to be properly displayed!
              - New Monitor windows & learning dialogs
                 - Air Monitor
                 - Tree Monitor
                 - IR
                 - UDP
                 - DMX
                 - Dali
                 - Internorm
                 - EnOcean
                 - RS232/RS485
                 - NFC
                 - 1-Wire
                 - Link Monitor
                 - Modbus Monitor
                 - HTTP
              - IR Meter Reader Air
                 - Added M-Bus support
                 - Sontex Supercal 739 and Itron CF Echo II can no longer be selected as meter types (use M-Bus instead)
                 - Added send interval property
                 - Some meter types can no longer be selected in new installations
                 - For Landis+Gyr E350/E550/E650, Itron ACE2000, Elster AS1440 and Iskra MT174 please use IEC62056-21
                 - For EMH 300L, EMH eHZ-I meters and Easymeter Q3C, please use SML
                 - For Itron CF echo II and Sontex Supercal 739, please use M-Bus
              - Project Planning: Added Tree Intercommunication
              - BG-I16697 Aquastar Air: Added cyclic sending for voltage input (every 15 minutes)
              - New Setting for Air Touch products "ButtonBehaviour"
                 - Behaviour of already existing projects not changed. Newly added devices will be set to pulse behaviour.
                 - When On/Off is set:
                    - Behaviour not changed compared to previous versions
                 - When pulse is set:
                    - automatic reconnect is deactivated pressing a button for more than 1 sec will trigger a reconnect
                 - battery consumption reduced to a minimum, packets are not retransmitted on packet loss        
              - New Firmware ( for Air Touch products to support ButtonBehaviour option
                 - Nightlight Air
                 - Touch Air V1 & V2
                 - Touch Pure Air V1, V2 & V3
                 - NanoDimmer V1 & V2
                 - NanoIO V1 & V2
                 - NanoIO-US
                 - Touch Surface
              - Added new EIB/KNX monitor and learning dialog
              - Tunable White Feature added for Multi Extension Air and DMX Extension
              - Text generator
                 - Create texts and trigger them by an event
                 - e.g. for TTS messages
              - A3D9-T9 Added description of the device in object selection dialog window
              - A3D9-T21 Added function to enable/disable validation system message
              - A3D9-T849 Display a tooltip when a device/item has an active systemmessage and the user hovers with the mouse at the icon of the device
              - Use new Weather-Service Server for testing of new service
              - Automatic Air Pairing
                 - On Airbase for offline devices (e.g. unpaired devices where the mac address is entered manually)
                 - Learn Mode starts after Ms-Reboot (5 to 10 min delay) and is executed once per hour for 2 Minutes if there are any devices to pair
                 - Learn Mode stops if the given Date Setting on Airbase is passed
              - A3D9-T558 Added category in cover page
              - A3D9-T717 Added edge detection for the threshold switch
              - A3D9-T407 Added toggle input for roof window
              - A3D9-T407 Added synchronisation of central gate and roof window
              - BG-I17949 Project Planning: Added pwm spots to preselection
              - A3D9-T232 Formula Parser: Added IF functionality
                 - Examples:
                    - IF(I1>1;1;0)
                    - IF(I1*I2==0;I3;I4/2)
              - A3D9-T573 AlarmClock: Added new output for next alarm time
              - HTTP VirtualIn Command Recognition Edit dialog
                 - live testing of command recognition pattern
                 - only available when connected to Miniserver, otherwise the old dialog will be shown
              - Reworked Devicestatus-Dialog
              - A3D9-T858 Added text-to-speech input for central audio
              - Convert Energy Monitor to separate new Meter objects via action in context menu
              - BG-I18671 added initial column filtering based on selected control to monitors
              - A3D9-T896 Added new operating mode for load manager: peak load manager (Beta)
              - A3D9-T625 added search next/previous buttons and display of search result index/count to search in TechDoc and Changelog dialogs
              - General
                  - BG-I17524 Plugin Child devices not shown in learning dialog
                  - BG-I17504 Update: Credential dialog after update may appear multiple times at once
                  - BG-I17492 Update: Credential dialog sizing improved
                  - BG-I17469 Invalid connector letters for devices (Weatherstation and IR Meter)
                  - BG-I17385 Modbus RTU: Add recovery for Rx overrun errors
                  - BG-I17259 Extension learning dialog allows add of more than 30 Extensions
                  - BG-I17188 Light Controller dialog: Initial scroll position not at the top
                  - BG-I17221 Extension serial cant be deleted
                  - BG-I17309 Control Linking Dialogs: Columns cant be resized
                  - Husqvarna: fixed sporadically not updating values of husqvarna mower objects
                  - BG-I16069 Device-Learning via App: unconfigured control after replacing dummy-device
                  - new Device information not shown on tree/link caption
                  - BG-I17284 Audioserver: Systemmessage shown on wrong music player
                  - Status-Dialog: Device-Command not available for Internal Airbase
                  - BG-I17311 Media Control: selected cells not visible, editing difficult
                  - BG-I17237 Events with Client/GW and AS in Stack Audio Player Fixed Group TTS not sending command
                  - BG-I17236 Events with Client/GW and AS in Stack Intercom Bell
                  - Category Icon colour cant be set to default
                  - BG-I17385 Modbus TCP: fixed 64Bit-Integer sensors
                  - BG-I17403 Stereo Extension has no visual identify option
                  - BG-I17347 System status action 'Show' shows too many items
                  - BG-I17194 Selection Tables: Added text to checkbox column
                  - BG-I17370 Permission management dialog: Columns cant be resized
                  - BG-I17410 Project Validation shows statistics mailer as unused
                  - BG-I17420 KNX Sensors/Actors cant be created from monitor window
                  - BG-I17355 IRC: Better description when object is not completely configured
                  - BG-I17421 Expert Mode Light Controller: Current brightness is shown with too many decimals
                  - BG-I17332 Alarm: Window Handle from another Miniserver not displayed properly
                  - BG-I17443 Category dialog: Invalid description for category group
                  - Trust: User for member created twice when same Miniserver is member of different trusts
                  - BG-I17437 Modbus TCP: unreferenced actors are sent on startup
                  - QU1-I208 MS Compact conversion: create dummy extensions for omitted IO's
                  - Modbus Server: 64bit signed integer handled incorrectly
                  - Led Stati (expect Identify) for Touch Air and Touch Pure air only available in the first 10 minutes after a power on reset
                  - Delay Startup data for Touch Nightlight to avoid air channel overloading
                  - Generic Table: Invalid sorting in some dialogs (e.g. Touch Pure Flex, Load Manager,...)
                  - Saved Air & Tree Monitor cant be loaded
                  - BG-I17656 Touch Pure Flex: Calculation for text display duration not exact
                  - BG-I17586 LiveView has hidden buttons for controlling of outputs even when manual value change is not enabled
                  - BG-I17535 Auto Configuration: Tunable white actors in the same room are converted to smart actor
                  - BG-I17552 MS Compact: App cannot connect to Audio Player initially
                  - BG-I17566 Intercommunication outputs are sent even when they are not used
                  - BG-I16156 Client weather activation status overrides gateway status after some time, making it impossible to create automatic rule in the app with weather
                  - Utility Meter is now hidden please use new Meter function blocks instead
                  - BG-I17551 Audioserver: visual identify not working correctly
                  - TreeMonitor: Digital state displayed inverted
                  - AirHost (AirBase, MiniserverGo,...) crashes: New Firmware for AirHosts Version
                  - WindowhandleV2: new firmware (Version add recovery on communication loss
                  - BG-I17863 SMTPS mailer not working
                  - BG-I18226 T5 inputs get stuck in LiveView
                  - BG-I16590 KNX Gateway: invalid telegrams tunnelled
                  - BG-I14614 NFC Code Touch: Assigning different NFC Code Touch version makes graphical bug
                  - BG-I17971 KNX/EIB: actuator sends once 0 after reboot
                  - BG-I18182 & BG-I18183: Weather Server not properly created in new projects
                  - A3D9-T407 fixed error in synchronisation for shades
                  - Improve drawing of additional names next to output abbreviations
                  - Window does not auto connect outputs
                  - Window Central: Dialog does not automatically open after inserting control
                  - BG-I18055 Extension Learning: Program still identical after learning
                  - BG-I17778 API Command generator: GETOUTPUT correct output is not selected when opening dialogBG-I17782 MENU Api Command: Selected value toggles between zero and defined start value when there is no value:text pair defined for the start value
                  - BG-I17741 Radio Button 16: Menu API command skips OFF
                  - BG-I17773 No room next to 1-Wire devices in document tree
                  - BG-I17793 Abbreviations not renamed in auto configuration todos
                  - BG-I18019 Invalid characters in configuration ID produce wrong error message
                  - BG-I17930 Random number generator: Minimum can be set above Maximum and vice versa
                  - BG-I17999 DMX Extension has invalid icon
                  - BG-I18027 Invalid currency symbol in new czech projects
                  - BG-I17979 State: Abbreviations not renamed in dialog
                  - BG-I17932 Disabling HTTPS on Miniserver does not remove all information for app connection
                  - BG-I18023 First activate of Default Alarm Clock entry resets alarm time to 00:00
                  - BG-I18076 Property Window: Disabled ComboBoxes have a drop down arrow
                  - Columns in object selection dialog (Alarm,...) can't be resized
                  - BG-I17994 Configuring Miniserver: Customer address not transferred to Miniserver
                  - BG-I18070 Invalid plural for 'Days' in czech language when using <v.t> as format specifier
                  - BG-I17758 HVAC: Mode cant be changed with API command
                  - BG-I17755 T5 input edges lost when triggered in LiveView
                  - BG-I17981 Monitor window buttons cutoff directly after Config start
                  - Invalid Link displayed in expert mode for 'Use' setting
                  - BG-I18020 Property window disabled while touch flex dialog is opened
                  - BG-I17805 Config cant automatically establish an external connection when internal address is a hostname
                  - BG-I17561 Project Planning: Tree usage not calculated correctly when planning an intercommunication branch
                  - SD Format: Wrong error message displayed, formatting not possible
                  - Froeling Extension cant be properly created
                  - Setting Edit dialog support Links
                  - BG-I17711 Schueco IO documentation missing
                  - Names of Connection flags invalid
                  - BG-I17537 Permission Management: Visualisation setting unnecessary for some controls
                  - BG-I17455 No error message when trying to format a too small SD card
                  - BG-I17655 Backup: Data of addons not included
                  - BG-I16676 Config connection gets lost when using a Client Gateway Program where clients are not available
                  - MS Go & MS Compact: Fixed possible race condition in clock switching (Air)
                  - Possible overflows of internal timers after 25/50 days due to too small data types (May have caused some unexpected issues in all areas of the Miniserver)
                  - Alarm Clock: Output of the next alarm within a year
                  - Tree to Air Bridge is missing encryption key settings
                  - BG-I17939 Simulation or other timer related features not working in some cases
                  - BG-I17665 Audioserver: Can add too many merged stereo outputs
                  - BG-I17731 Modbus TCP: reboot when sending test-command while device is offline
                  - BG-I17788 Roof Window Shade: automatic isn't enabled when Sps gets active before sunshine
                  - BG-I17789 Roof Window Shade: output WDS is not updated in liveview
                  - BG-I17474 invalid description in Lightcontroller dialog
                  - BG-I17543 Random number generator
                     - not properly initialised
                     - Maximum value is generated very rarely
                  - BG-I17517 Wrong texts in tooltips of quick access bar items
                  - BG-I17565 Connection references: Invalid short IO names displayed when connection to IO
                  - Generic Table:
                     - BG-I17636 Improved performance when filtered (e.g. Monitor)
                     - Selected rows not correct when table is filtered
                     - Remove filter items for columns where its not necessary but still allow sorting of column
                  - BG-I17500 Aquastar: Adapted default correction of analog inputs
                  - BG-I17300 PoolController: Operating mode change does not directly affect the current active scheduled entry
                  - BG-I17748 Gateway/Client: Language of clients not changed when saving to Miniserver
                  - BG-I17734 Tree to Air Bridge: Learning not possible
                  - BG-I17715 Generic Table: Multi Edit Line not always sorted to the top
                  - BG-I17745 Default password warning also displayed for trust user
                  - Touch Pure Flex
                     - ME1-I169 Config ID with a trailing or leading space leads to an error
                     - ME1-I170 Icons are in simulation view not properly displayed due to small window
                  - BG-I17740 Cant connect output to API output via connection window
                  - BG-I17621 Can't make multiple connections to API output
                  - BG-I17619 Connecting API output to normal input not working
                  - BG-I17587 Non working link displayed in setting description
                  - BG-I17574 DI Extension active inputs not green anymore in liveview
                  - BG-I17509 Digital RS485/232 inputs are created with wrong display type
                  - BG-I17628 Ghost input on Miniserver reboot from devices where button behaviour is set to pulse
                  - BG-I17729 Buttons in simulation missing
                  - NFC Code Touch
                     - BG-I17897 Hardware version not updated if learned manually
                     - BG-I15232 Dialog doesn't update output names when opened
                     - BG-I15045 Known denied user not shown in log
                     - BG-I12174 Wrong access feedback in big trust installations
                  - Devicestatus: fixed column resize, onlinestatus of onewire
                  - BG-I18382 Brightness Input on Weather Station does not auto connect to Br input on Lighting Controller
                  - BG-I18323 Presence: "number of entries" tooltip changes to incorrect value
                  - BG-I18282 Multiple API-Connectors created during drag/drop
                  - BG-I18274 Show warning before deleting Audioserver
                  - BG-I16718 Document Tree: Draw red info-bubble for elements with missing settings
                  - BG-I18424, BG-I18290 fixed encoding issue of texts with special characters when they need to be ellided on the drawn function block
                  - BG-I18321 various fixes and small enhancements to NFC learn dialog
                  - A3D9-T21 Display monitor validation option only when needed
                  - DMX Extension device search bugfix
                  - DMX Tunable White improvements added tunable white + individual channels
                  - BG-I18009 1-wire search on MultiExtension Air
                  - BG-I18612 tree monitor data was not correctly saved to file
                  - BG-I18367 added 'jump to device' action to monitor context menu
                  - BG-I16375 Miniserver 2: DI7 not reliable with 12V when DI3 is high
                  - Tree Monitor: Error not shown with red background
                  - BG-I18078 1-wire extension did not show switchboard property settings in some situations
                  - BG-I18234 added missing languages to change language notification dialog
                  - BG-I18502 Documentation: Range missing for combined IOs
                  - BG-I18531 Duplicated device test command button
                  - BG-I18411 Quicksearch: Can't add Audioserver or Intercom
                  - BG-I18301 Trust user access codes can be edited via double click
                  - BG-I18325 DMX Monitor: Does not show actual DMX value, instead percent are shown
                  - BG-I17817 Miele@Home: Device without fabrication number not shown in device search
                  - BG-I18565 Loading from Miniserver warning message box always appears after installing new version
                  - BG-I18180 Auto Configuration: Removed unnecessary edge detection from frost protection logic
                  - BG-I18315 floating and tabbed monitor did not show the same data when loading monitor file
                  - BG-I18479 + BG-I18021 Automatic Designer: Rules with wait conditions are not always executed
                  - BG-I18807 Audio Central: No info that Favourite input is not available in some cases
                  - BG-I17563 Switch: Added status for app when object is locked by constant 'On'
                  - BG-I18497 Devices which are not visible to the homeowner have no identify when selected
                     - All cabinet devices now are identified again when selected
                  - BG-I18497 Identify options is called 'optical' when its in reality 'audible' (e.g. Touch)
                  - BG-I18260 Caller: Minimum repeat time of output set to 5 seconds. Existing outputs are not changed.
                  - BG-I18819 Duplicate serial warning
                  - BG-I17446 DNS resolving of ntp servers blocks dns when there is no internet available
                  - BG-I18447 Hour Counter: Running for the whole day displays a runtime of more than 24h
                  - BG-I18357 Project Planning: Product for current input missing
                  - BG-I18824 Json parsing not working correctly anymore
                  - BG-I18639 fixed incorrect viewport size in device status dialog
                  - BG-I17582, BG-I18539 NFC code touch couldn't be added to presence block
                  - BG-I18589 Music Server Zone: Drag from tree disabled after deleting API connector
                  - BG-I18526 Wallbox: Limitation mode changed via app not shown on connector "M"
                  - BG-I18742 Add Project as client: imported document not fully converted
                  - BG-I18494 Saving statistics in config does not show name
                  - BG-I18798 new dali learn dialog was missing in ribbon menu
                  - BG-I18804 some monitors/learn-dialogs didn't stop learning on offline extensions
                  - Generic View settings missing in user management dialog
                  - BG-I18287 Miniserver loads outdated SPS file with a future timestamp instead of actual newest file
                  - BG-I18500 Increased size of Message box
                  - BG-I18276 Custom certificate: No error when trying to import encrypted private key
                  - BG-I18126 Slave project import: Issue with duplicated rooms and categories
                  - BG-I18772 Constant Light Controller: Fixed displayed output unit and type when using composite Lumitech value
                  - BG-I18788 Systemmessage (e.g. Battery Weakt) remains even after unpairing the device
                  - Double click on controls in a Multiplicator inheriting project opens the wrong dialog
                  - BG-I18770 Dali outputs don't show corrected value in LiveView
                  - BG-I17849 EEBUS: Discovery not restarting
                  - BG-I18624 Inserting a new control while creating a connection reference breaks the connection referencing
                  - BG-I17597 Adapted connector letter of all temperature inputs to ϑ
                  - Trust: Not all user information transferred (first & last name, phone & email were missing)
                  - BG-I18782 Web Interface missing after Auto Update
                  - BG-I18651 Extension search: Fröling extension created without IO's
                  - Miniserver HTTP Tasks not closed when not in use
                  - BG-I18626 Unit displayed not correctly on cover page
                  - Info about usage of value missing in descriptions of virtual out settings
                  - BG-I18668 Energy Manager Gen.2 Invalid unit for Soc
                  - BG-I18622 Room Comfort Sensor Air: Drag and drop on controls creates invalid references
                  - BG-I18594 Api Commands: Display command for certain controls does not respect selected controls
                  - BG-I18564 Radio Buttons: Allow modes to start with a number
                  - BG-I18557 Config allows parameters to be set to more than 3 decimal places
                  - BG-I18555 Config reports a file as invalid even if its valid
                  - BG-I18489 KNX Actor/Sensor can’t be inserted when reference is selected
                  - BG-I18488 Invalid selection and page tab is colored after inserting object
                  - BG-I18543 Loxone Music Server has option for optical identify
                  - BG-I18456 Virtual HTTP input: Saving template does not save unit
                  - BG-I18722 Energy Monitor Conversion: Does not check if Miniserver is on the same version as Loxone Config
                  - BG-I18685 Energy Manager Gen.2: Sorting in dialog allowed
                  - BG-I18132 Property window: Password strength display overlaps with text
                  - BG-I18085 Access controller: Link to Extension can be transferred to another Miniserver via Copy & Paste
                  - BG-I18157 Objects not selectable/movable during liveview
                  - BG-I18230 Document Tree: Tooltip flickers when mouse is left of the text
                  - BG-I17918 Hide 'More information' button in property window for objects where there is no more information
                  - BG-I18229 1-Wire device counted as tree device on Tree to Air Bridge
                  - BG-I18149 Audioserver: Invalid stereo outputs used for cover page
                  - Colour of state only objects gets lost after saving project
                  - BG-I18783 Config crash when editing icons
                  - Icons: Wrong electricity-outlet mapped to new icons
                  - BG-I14047, BG-I12604, BG-I17412 Presence Sensor Air bugfix: Motion OFF is not transmitted correctly in some situations
                  - BG-I18711 Air Monitor: Invalid characters for DC-powered devices
                  - BG-I18630 Devicestatus: default number of 1 hop
                  - BG-I18528 Devicestatus: Dali-Devices shown as offline
                  - BG-I18730 Devicestatus: Version for Loxone Musicserver not displayed
                  - BG-I18598 Tracker: invalid value range in settings
                  - BG-I18294 empty extra options in configurable object dialog
                  - Energy Monitor Conversion:
                     - No error when function block is not found on the Miniserver
                     - Conversion fails when statistics where never enabled for energy monitor
                  - BG-I18407 Text Generator: Reset output text on falling edge
                  - Adapted connector letters of IR Meter Reader to new function blocks
                  - DMX Monitor: Support for tunable white
                  - Removed Log Window from Config
                  - Moved Test Command informations from Log window to Monitors
                  - BG-I18745 Music Player: Alarm-Inputs should not be affected by Input DisPc
                  - Energy Manager Gen.2: Added statistics for Energy Storage Level (needed for App)
                  - Miniserver reboot when requesting statistic info
                  - BG-I18150 selected remote control in IR learning dialog is taken over for subsequent incoming key learning data
                  - BG-I18137 monitor tabs were incorrectly activated in some rare constellations
                  - BG-I18393 mnemonics in insert function block submenu descriptions were rendered incorrectly
                  - BG-I18900 Special characters are allowed in customer email, telephone, website
                  - Improved Monitor display when 'Freely positioned windows' mode is active
                  - Energy Manager: App not updated when load is activated manually
                  - Old shoe icon missing
                  - BG-I18891 Statistics V2: Every Change writes a datapoint even if nothing has changed
                  - BG-I18716 consistent natural text sorting
                  - BG-I18676 fixed incorrect sorting of float values
                  - BG-I17752 EIB Dimmer: output not calculated on reboot
                  - BG-I18384 Daytimer: removed autoconnect for common analog/digital inputs
                  - BG-I18569 DeviceStatus: device-info for sleeping devices shown delayed
                  - BG-I18839 DeviceStatus Musicserver: unused Zones not displayed as DummyDevice
                  - BG-I18818 Devicestatus: device-info for sleeping devices timed out
                  - BG-I18709 Devicestatus: Detailed Device Information Air Base timeout
                  - BG-I17900 Document conversion: Geiger-Jalousie shows API-actor as always visible
                  - Modbus Monitor: Device address not shown
                  - BG-I18446 Monitor tabs dont dock when activated
                  - BG-I18926 Touch Pure Flex Air: Optical identification button shown as audible
                  - BG-I18307 Repositioning of controls, with inputs on API connector to a new page, not working
                  - BG-I18864 Trust Bell output: Changes type when connected to something analog
                  - BG-I18656 fixed sorting of time values in control settings
                  - A3D9-T896 Loadmanager: changed input name from Ces to Gi
                  - Device web service answer cutoff at line break
                  - BG-I18471 Bacnet output cant be switched in LiveView
                  - Icons for scenes not editable from app
                  - BG-I18906 Negative decimal value is displayed with too many decimal places
                  - fixed possible crash in statistics handling
                  - Miniserver reboot when creating http server stream fails
                  - BG-I18001 fixed incorrect recognition of Dali Type 8 smart actors
                  - BG-I18843 corrected plugin data in device status dialog
                  - BG-I18854 Tree Monitor can't be saved
                  - New icons in scene edit missing
                  - BG-I18847 Custom icon not updated in app when replaced
                  - BG-I18844 KNX Actor/Sensor insert not working
                  - BG-I18835 Colour property does not support hex triplets
                  - Multiplicator
                     - BG-I17921 Replacing device can not move it to another parent
                     - BG-I18799 User codes not working when defined on inheriting Miniserver
                     - BG-I18277 Miniserver reboot when objects are deleted
                  - Miniserver deletes its own project file
                  - BG-I18616 Miele@Home: Unable to find devices since plugin keeps restarting
                  - BG-I18767 System Variable forecast hours not working on a gateway system
                  - M-Bus device address gets lost when saving to Miniserver
                  - BG-I18897 learning 1-wire devices always had the same incorrect default name; corrected 1-wire device type handling during learning
                  - BG-I18716 unified sorting in table views, object trees and tabs
                  - BG-I18859 Light Controller: Presence simulation activates off as random mood
                  - RGBW Dimmers identify when selected
                  - BG-I18774 Project Backups: Note text cutoff
                  - BG-I18951 State icons displayed black when no specific icon is selected
                  - BG-I18830 Tree Monitor: Wrong device shown for update packets
                  - Config crash when opening sd maintenance dialog from project analysis
                  - QU1-I277 Audio Player Group Fix: Zone Favourite, Volume and TTS is always resent to Audioserver when a Client Miniserver restarts resulting in a playing music
                  - BG-I18816 Automatic Designer Rule: Status not correctly shown in LiveView on a gateway system
                  - BG-I18578 Miniserver Gen.2 Update fails when a reboot is required to free up space
                  - BG-I18288 Gate: state change of Ic not taken into account for last driven direction
                  - BG-I18069 Automatic Scene: program not identical when input "Off" is Triggered
                  - BG-I18858 Automatic Rule not deleted from config
                  - BG-I18838 Automatic Designer Dialog: opening/closing dialog without changes sets document modified
                  - BG-I18865 DeviceStatus: Remove onlinestate for internal EIB-Line
                  - BG-I18967 NFC learning dialog: filtered "assign to" column selects incorrect index
                  - update of devices stopped unexpected
                  - new firmware for button air and wrist button air (fixed: air channel blocked when Led is used as output)
                  - BG-I18962 Default values are adapted for objects where it is not allowed (anymore)
                  - Miniserver reboot while creating 'new device' information for config
                  - BG-I18974 Increased minimum size for user management dialog
                  - Visualisation Colour reset to white when clicking ‘Default’
                  - Statistic warning message triggered
                  - Energy Manager called too often
                  - Invalid displayed characters in Air monitor
              - Devices & Extensions
                  - Touch Pure Flex Tree:
                     - New firmware for Tree version, Main improvements:
                     - ME1-I162 Display ticker is interrupted in the middle of text
                     - Avoid display ghosting
                     - New touch IC firmware
                     - Improved time synchronisation
                  - Dali Extension
                     - BG-I17121 DALI standard actuator is not working
                     - Removed RGBWAF assigned colour functionality (deprecated according to standard)
                  - Touch Pure Flex
                     - ME1-I163 Date does not run completely on the display (New Firmware:
                  - BG-I17229 Erratic system temperature on Nano2RelayTree
                  - BG-I17466 & BG-I17411 New Firmware for WindowHandle Air V2 (Version: multiple software resets and no status update after reconnect
                  - Recovery problem on Air V3
                  - Air Actors stopped working
                  - New binaries for Touch Pure Air: fixed device getting unresponsive in rare cases
                  - New Firmware for Touch Air, Touch Pure Air and Nano Air with Touch (Version
                     - fixed problem on Air Learning,
                     - fixed temperature and humidity sending
                  - New Firmware for NanoIo Touch V2, NanoDimmer Touch V2, CapTouch V2 ( fixed I2C problem
                  - New binary for touch pure flex tree: fixed touch update sporadically not working
                  - BG-I18005 Multi Extension Air: Fixed visual identification
                  - BG-I16362 Multi Extension Air: Fixed frequency counter
                  - BG-I18451 System Temperature bugfix for Smart Socket Air, Shading Actuator Air, Nano Relay Air US, Nano IO Air NFC
                  - Air communication problem (new Firmware for Airbase V2, MsGo V2, Tree2AirBridge, MsCompact, Roomsensor V2, Touch Air V2, RGBW Dimmer Air V2)
                  - MultiExtension Air smart actuator fading bugfix
                  - System Temperature fix for Smart Socket, Nano IO Air with NFC plug module
              - Project Planning
                  - BG-I17569 10A relays instead of 5A relays
                  - BG-I17609 Added shading and valve adapters
                  - BG-I18455 Inputs/Outputs of Air & Tree devices are not assigned the set name & category
              - Climate
                  - BG-I17642 IRC: Cooling output disabled when temperature goes above heat protection
                  - BG-I17667 IRC: Error output not reset when error is resolved (e.g. heat protection)
                  - BG-I17417 HVAC Controller does not react to requests from a room controller in the room 'do not use'
                  - BG-I17571 No scrollbars for selecting energy sources
                  - BG-I18556 Intelligent Room Controller: Operating Mode Heating/Cooling Period not supported
                  - BG-I18365 Intelligent Temperature Controller: missing text for API-Connector
                  - BG-I18297: Mixing Valve Controller: error output description
              - Lighting Controller
                  - BG-I17397 No master brightness when using regular dimmers
                  - BG-I18470 Description of + column is not up to date
                  - BG-I18517 Mood change overridden by presence if Br < Brt
                  - BG-I18335 Tunable white with the input LC1 isn't working
                  - BG-I18519 Mode change not registered for tunable white
                  - BG-I17945 Dialog: fixed flickering when changing sequence-brightness
                  - BG-I17739 Dialog: header text for light-circuits cut off
                  - BG-I18312 + BG-I18306 Sequence interval not constant
              - Audio
                  - BG-I17620 Audio Player favourite API commands only work with texts when there is a Touch Pure Flex in the project
                  - BG-I17390 Stereo Extension not set to offline when Audioserver goes offline
                  - BG-I17552 MS Compact: App cannot connect to Audio Player initially
              - Auto Configuration
                  - BG-I18386 Central shading not a favourite
              - Shading
                  - BG-I18209 Shading Controls: invalid value range for parameter Spi
                  - BG-I18111 Automatic Shading: Direction Tolerance not calculated correctly for second shading period of north-aligned windows
                  - Window-contact does not block SO-command from central shade
                  - BG-I18284 Automatic Jalousie Integrated: very high position-update-interval
              - Trust
                  - BG-I18510 Unsafe password of trust user can be edited
                  - BG-I18416 Trust iButton serial not correctly transferred
                  - BG-I17654 Trust Login fails after user name is changed on source Miniserver
              - Stability
                  - BG-I17556 Config crash when loading from Miniserver
                  - Miniserver cant load emergency file when safety reboots occur while loading custom changes
                  - BG-I17375 Config crash when saving to the Miniserver
                  - BG-I17431 Config crash when device which is member of a light group is moved by learning it via app
                  - BG-I17416 Miniserver reboot when changing when deleting a trust user with modifications
                  - BG-I17430 Plugin device search renders Loxone Config unresponsive
                  - BG-I17454 Config crash when creating automatic rule in hungarian
                  - BG-I17893 Config crash when saving to Miniserver
                  - BG-I17820 Config crash after Dali Search on MS Compact
                  - BG-I17944 Config crash during Tree search
                  - BG-I18162 Config crash when changing light group memberships
                  - BG-I18134 Config crash when aborting drag and drop of api connector
                  - BG-I18159 Config crash in permission management dialog
                  - BG-I14818 Miniserver Crash on sending to invalid air device
                  - BG-I18573 Config crash when browsing permissions of control
                  - BG-I18582 Crash when trying to select device tag for assignment in NFC learn dialog
                  - BG-I18311 Config crash when renaming Miniserver
                  - Miniserver reboot when converting energy monitor due to invalid statistic file
                  - BG-I18684 Config crash when selecting wallbox sensor/actor caption
                  - BG-I18779 & BG-I18506 Config crash after click in property window
                  - BG-I18805 Config crash when opening template project dialog
                  - BG-I18177 Config crash when connecting geiger-api-actor onto existing control
                  - BG-I18946 Config crash when selecting Modbus device
                  - BG-I18255 Miniserver reboot when using stream to a device (e.g. RS232) in PicoC​
              Kein Support per PN!


              • hismastersvoice
                • 25.08.2015
                • 7283

                Richtig Geil wird Energy Flow Monitor

                Energieflussmonitor (Efmo)

                Der Energieflussmonitor stellt den Energiefluss in einem Gebäude übersichtlich dar.

                Dazu vereint er sowohl Verbraucher, Erzeuger und Speicher, als auch das Netz mithilfe der zugehörigen Zählerbausteine.
                Die verwendeten Zähler und ihre Funktion können im Baustein festgelegt werden.

                Selbst eine große Anzahl von Zählern kann durch die Bildung von Verteilern und Gruppen, sowie der Zuweisung von Symbolen übersichtlich dargestellt werden.

                So erhält man in der Visualisierung eine Gesamtübersicht über die Energiebilanz im Gebäude mit umfangreichen Darstellungsmöglichkeiten und Statistiken.

                Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht  Name: image.png Ansichten: 0 Größe: 158,3 KB ID: 361334

                Da müssen wir aber noch auf die neue App waren
                Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht  Name: image.png Ansichten: 0 Größe: 69,4 KB ID: 361335
                Zuletzt geändert von hismastersvoice; 18.10.2022, 20:49.
                Kein Support per PN!


                • THX
                  THX kommentierte
                  Kommentar bearbeiten
                  Sieht richtig cool aus. Freu mich schon drauf! Speziell auf die App und das neue Design bin ich gespannt. Mal sehen ob es intuitiver wird 👍

                  IR Meter Reader Air
                  - Added M-Bus support --> Vielleicht lassen sich somit in AT weitere elektronische Zähler vom Energieversorgen auslesen.

                  Auch wenn dieses Release dem Energiethema gewidmet ist, würde ich mich freuen wenn auch andere Themen irgendwann mal gelöst werden würden 😁 https://loxwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/s...ode+Touch+Tree
                  Zuletzt geändert von THX; 18.10.2022, 21:10.

                • steven
                  steven kommentierte
                  Kommentar bearbeiten
                  Ach das ist ja mal was. Habe mich die letzten Tage mit dem aktuellen Energiemonitor beschäftigt.

                  Was immer noch der größte Wunsch ist:
                  Anbindung Alexa und
                  ZiggBee, sodass man HUE und Ikea Tradfri einfach einbinden kann

                • hismastersvoice
                  hismastersvoice kommentierte
                  Kommentar bearbeiten
                  Was immer noch der größte Wunsch ist:
                  Anbindung Alexa und
                  ZiggBee, sodass man HUE und Ikea Tradfri einfach einbinden kann
                  Sag das Loxone nicht mir
              • Meista
                LoxBus Spammer
                • 20.10.2015
                • 220

                wie wärs mal statt der ganzen Spielerei wieder mit nem vernünftigen IO Gerät als Ersatz für die alte Extension, so Multi Extension Air mit zus. Loxbus oder so?
                Gruß, Oliver

                Loxone seit 2012, 4x Miniserver (Gateway-Client), 7x Extension, 1x Relay, 3x Muti Extension Air, 3x Dimmer Ext., 2x Air Base, 2x 1-Wire/NFC, Tree mit 3x Code-Touch V2, DMX, KNX Wetterstation und div. KNX (heizungs)-Aktoren, 3x Hörmann Tormodul, Anbindung Denon HEOS, Mitsubishi Multisplit Klimaanlage, Daikin Klimaanlage, Dimplex WP, Zehnder Lüftung, 4x div. Kostal PV Wechselrichter + BYD HV und HVM Batterie, Fritzbox, Loxberry


                • orli
                  Lox Guru
                  • 13.11.2016
                  • 2554

                  Gibts bei Loxone eigentlich das "one more thing" oder können sie nicht zählen?

                  Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht  Name: 2022-10-18_23-49-16.png Ansichten: 0 Größe: 25,7 KB ID: 361385

                  Also der Webseite nach gibt es neben der Config "nur" 4 neue Produkte, zumindest wenn man den Bildern glauben kann und Air/Tree unbeachtet lässt.


                  • Klartext
                    Klartext kommentierte
                    Kommentar bearbeiten
                    Naja könnte durchaus sein das sie 2 ähnliche Dinge am gleichen Tag vorstellen
                    Oder die USV explodiert beim wechsel in die Winterzeit^^
                • hismastersvoice
                  • 25.08.2015
                  • 7283

                  Seite heute Nacht ist auch die App 13.1 als Test-Version draußen...

                  Design wurde Oberflächlich gerändert, aber nicht in der Tiefe, wirkt noch nicht ganz fertig.
                  Gefällt mir aber schon ganz gut.
                  Bin mal gespannt ob es auf Android schneller läuft, soll ja in großen Teilen neu geschrieben sein.

                  Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht  Name: image.png Ansichten: 0 Größe: 98,0 KB ID: 361404Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht  Name: image.png Ansichten: 0 Größe: 139,0 KB ID: 361405Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht  Name: image.png Ansichten: 0 Größe: 46,3 KB ID: 361407​​
                  Zuletzt geändert von hismastersvoice; 19.10.2022, 07:52.
                  Kein Support per PN!


                  • StoRmtec
                    StoRmtec kommentierte
                    Kommentar bearbeiten
                    Aber noch nicht mit dem neuen Design anscheinend. Nur mit den Icons was man selber jetzt vergeben kann.

                  • hismastersvoice
                    hismastersvoice kommentierte
                    Kommentar bearbeiten
                    Ah, dann könnte heute ja auch Energiefluss und Wallbox V2 Baustein in der Visu noch fehlen.
                    Da steht auch 10.11 in der 13.0.3 App drin.

                  • stefan01220
                    stefan01220 kommentierte
                    Kommentar bearbeiten
                    Wisst ihr schon wann heute die 13.1 kommt ?
                • simon_hh
                  Lox Guru
                  • 18.09.2015
                  • 2659

                  Zitat von hismastersvoice
                  Bin mal gespannt ob es auf Android schneller läuft, soll ja in großen Teilen neu geschrieben sein.

                  habe die alpha (ja ich weiß es ist eine alpha) eben auf dem Samsung Tablet A Wandtablet installiert und nach 2 Minuten direkt wieder gelöscht.
                  Vorher Kategorie -> Beleuchtung (Denksekunde...)->Beleuchtung Raum x (Denksekunde)->Einschalten (Denksekunde)
                  mit der 13.1.0.(20221018) sind die Denksekunden eher 2-3 Sekunden.

                  Absolut nicht bedienbar, deswegen direkt wieder entfernt....
                  bleibe gespannt... Ich hätte aber mindestens die gleiche Perfomance oder eher ein Sprung nach vorne erwartet...

                  vor allem, weil die Performance seit Version 12.x extrem nach unten ging, man dann andauernd Besserung versprach (mit jedem Update), jetzt ein Jahr später die App "neu geschrieben" erklärt und alles wieder fix und gut sein soll....
                  und dann das... wesentlich langsamer... das ist nicht zufriedenstellend
                  Zuletzt geändert von simon_hh; 19.10.2022, 13:23.
                  Haus: Bj 1959, gekauft 2011, totale Entkernung, Dachausbau, Erweiterung & Vergrößerung: Start: 2014, Ende: 2050
                  Loxone: 1 x Ms Gen.02, 1 x MS Gen.01, 5 x Ext., 4 x Relay Ext., 1 x Dimmer Ext., 2 x 1-wire Ext., 1 x DMX Ext. 1 x TREE Ext. mehr kommt noch
                  Licht: DMX LED Beleuchtung (24V), MW HLG Serie und eldoled Dimmer
                  Heizung: Brötje WBS 22F, OG Heizkörper und FuBoHeizung über RTL, EG FuBoHeizung


                  • FiCastle
                    Extension Master
                    • 11.01.2019
                    • 144

                    Vielleicht wird die „Energiesteuerung“ gepaart mit allen anderen Audio Features für SONOS nun endlich möglich… ;-)


                    • orli
                      orli kommentierte
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                      Träum weiter

                    • FiCastle
                      FiCastle kommentierte
                      Kommentar bearbeiten
                      @orli: OK. Hab die Augen schon geschlossen. Ein schöner Traum... ;-)