Classic app vs new app - Kkomfortschalter doesn't show timer counting down?

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    Classic app vs new app - Kkomfortschalter doesn't show timer counting down?


    Sorry to write this in English, but I can't do it in German unfortunately. Feel free to respond in German though...

    I've started using the new app because the old one doesn't support the new Wecker. I'm using the Wecker to start an Infrared Heating Panel in my bathroom at a certain time in the morning. Because of safety issues, I don't want this IR panel to work for more than one hour. Because of this, I've put a Komfortschalter in between which shuts it down after one hour of use.

    Now, in the old app, when the IR panel was activated, there was a timer counting down to zero. This was nice because it was a visual support. The new app doesn't show this. It hardly even shows the timer being active! Is there a way to get the new app to also start showing the countdown timer?
    (I much prefered the old app, but since Loxone stopped updating it and it doesn't support new stuff like the Wecker any more, I'm forced to use the new one)

    Second question: was is the real difference between the Komfortschalter and Treppenlichtschalter bausteine? I can see the Komfortschalter has one extra parameter (TT), but for the resit it looks identical. Have they got different uses?

    Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 14.09.2015, 20:30.
  • Gast

    as you can read german, there was a discussion about that in the old forum and actually just here now:
    conclusion: create a ticket at loxone and request the old countdown timer back. guess i'll do the same as the graphical one makes no sense


    • Gast

      Thanks 0x00, I'll have a read! I've just got word back from Loxone support as well. The response was: "we're discussing internally if we'll bring the timer countdown back or not, but no final decision has been made yet'.

      How difficult can it be? How can showing extra info be worse than removing it?

