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Trouble to switch a value between 2 blocks based on a rule
Trouble to switch a value between 2 blocks based on a rule
Hi all, I'm having it difficult to find a decent sollution to a problem. I have a nibe heatpump that delivers me a general pulse energy meter value. But the pump doesn't tell me if the meter is working for hot water or for the heating. I do know the status of the pump. So I could easily tell to distribute the energy over 2 energy blocks based on the status value. If status 30 is active, then connect the pulse to the heating block, if status is 20 is active route the pulse energy meter to the hot water block.
I hoped that the flow of the hot water block and heating would work by the counting based on the individual meters that are available by Nibe. But somehow the do not work.Here is my situation:
So the Pf outcome of the block 'warmtepomp' shoud be switched so the value is either connect to the Pf of block 'verwarming' or 'Warm water'. This is triggered by the number in status.
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