Config 15.1 - kommt wohl die nächsten Tage

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  • hismastersvoice
    • 25.08.2015
    • 7270


    Config 15.1 - kommt wohl die nächsten Tage

    Da sich der Changelog nicht mehr ändert, und schon alle Änderungen der letzten Version drin stehen, scheint es so das die nächsten Tage ein Release kommt.

        - OCCP Server Connector (Beta)
            - Connect your Wallbox to a OCPP Server
            - OCPP 1.6 & 2.0.1 supported
        - A3D9-T1310 Climate Controller new visualization
            - API has been changed to match the API of the HVAC Controller
        - A3D9-T1282 Climate Controls: draw connection references for used energy sources
        - AC Control
            - Connect to Intelligent Room Controller for a fully automated AC control
            - Combine Multiple AC Controls on one AC Heating and Cooling Controller
                - Decides if indoor units should heat or cool
            - A3D9-T1299 Added silent mode input
            - A3D9-T1300 Added options to set power on values for Fan speed, airflow-direction and target temperature which are set when switching off
        - Intelligent Roomcontroller:
            - A3D9-T1279 Add IO's for CO2 & Humidity
            - A3D9-T1280 Add Boost-output
            - A3D9-T1281 New output "Os" for current temperature mode (Comfort, Eco, ...)
            - A3D9-T1277 Configurable single target temperature instead of separated heat/cool temperature
            - A3D9-T1301 Adapted handling of excess heating or cooling
            - Single Comfort temperature
                - Activate via setting and use one comfort temperature instead of two
                - Switching between heating and cooling happens when exceeding the set deviation
        - Spot Price Optimizer:
            - Support for UK 30-minute epex market
            - Minutes since midnight for which the price is calculated now available in formula
        - Renaming of some Climate Blocks:
            - Climate Controller -> Heating and Cooling Controller
            - Intelligent Temperature Controller -> Flow Temperature Calculator
        - A3D9-T1269 New Control: Binary Encoder
        - A3D9-T1225 New Control: Dewpoint Calculator
        - A3D9-T1223 New Control: Value Validation
        - Binary Decoder
            - Values > 255 handled incorrectly (always all outputs enabled instead of relevant bits)
            - Now supports up to 32-bit values
        - Climate Controller: Possibility to use the outdoor temperature forecast instead of the past average
        - HVAC Controller: Use of outdoor temperature can be changed (Average past or future 48h)
        - A3D9-T990 System Schematics: extended functionality
            - Support for text-only objects
            - Possibility of fixed sized objects
        - Valve Actuator Air V2: learn mode deletes reference data, new reference is triggered. Help to fix BG-I30217
        - A3D9-T1275 added system variable for highest active system status severity
        - BG-I27513 Managed Tablets: Disable monitoring of battery level
        - BG-I30332 Project Planning: PWM Channels for different rooms now share channels on RGBW Dimmers when using Tree RGBW Dimmer
            - When using Compact or Air RGBW dimmers each room will still get an individual dimmer
        - A3D9-T1245 Added support for weather/hazard warnings to weather server data
        - BG-I25077 RGBW Dimmer Air: Allow disable of LED on RGBW Dimmer Air
        - R20-T293 Presence Sensor Tree, Motion Sensor Tree, Room Sensor Tree: new blinking pattern (no blinking when learned in)
        - A3D9-T1174 Full System Backup
            - System Backup now incorporates backups from all eligible devices
            - Backup Dialogs in Config will now perform System Backup by default
            - Exo Backup: will now perform System Backup
        - A3D9-T1253 added Command Recognition dialog (as used for HTTP VirtualIn) to Command Recognition block
        - EEBUS: Support for new Vaillant Firmware versions
        - Wallbox:
            - A3D9-T1306 Added output Ssp session started pulse
        - BG-I29188 Touch Pure Flex Air+Tree: Added possibility to disable acoustic feedback
        - A3D9-T1305 Added possibility to easily set log level on plugins
            - Same as for Miniserver: select plugin in document tree and open Debug Monitor Settings dialog from Diagnostics tab
            - Currently only Exosphere Plugin is supported, other Plugins will follow in the future once they are updated
        - A3D9-T1208 Added Min/Max functionality to formula block
        - A3D9-T1270 Added the opportunity to paste lines and/or columns from another spreadsheet into a generic table and to copy a whole line with a context menu in the vertical header
        - BG-I30578 Added gold variants of some products
        - A3D9-T1227 Added Intercommunication Monitor (LAN & Tree intercommunication)
        - Project Planning
            - A3D9-T1268 Added DMX devices
            - A3D9-T1191 Added Option to plan Line Ins
        - A3D9-T1286 Audio Central & Group Fix: Cs input
        - A3D9-T1307 System variable for Expected Average Outdoor Temperature
        - Permission Selection Dialog: Automatically filter for objects used in visualization
        - A3D9-T1316 Output Txlt of Door and Window Monitor now displays the same text as the visualization
        - A3D9-T511 Added time function which gives the current week of the year
        - A3D9-T1304 Energy Meter Tree is now configured to be a bidirectional meter by default
        - AC Control: Output "Am": Automatic mode is active
        - A3D9-T1226 added usage references to operation mode tree entries
        - Permission Selection Dialog: Automatically filter for objects used in visualization
    - General
        - BG-I29738 HTTP Virtual Input Command Recognition dialog failed when URL contained escaped slashes
        - BG-I29763 Audio Server HealthCheck: improved readability of results
        - BG-I29733 Message Center: links in messages couldn't be opened in all cases
        - Exosphere: workaround for automatic logout from Exosphere (until server issue is fixed)
        - BG-I29761 added word wrap of text labels in Audio Server HealthCheck
        - BG-I29723 Actively communicating Tree-Extension shown as offline
        - BG-I29633 Status: Wrong result when text conditions were used with only analogue input connected
        - BG-I29642 Modbus: Sensor Limit for Modbus Extension not correctly calculated
        - BG-I29639 System Status: Not all system messages hidden when "Hide System status messages" was enabled
        - BG-I29305 Window Monitor: Linked objects with tracker generate tracker entries frequently
        - BG-I29039 Shading: could not be unlocked via App in some instances
        - BG-I28900 EnOcean: Config data not sent to Extension when learned in on Compact internal Link
        - BG-I27244 Showing errors Devices Offline
        - BG-I29798 App Branding can't be retrieved from the Miniserver without authentication
        - Authentication NFC Code Touch did not display connector texts
        - Installation Place of Extensions not displayed in tree
        - Valve Actuator: Tree does not update when changing switchboard position
        - BG-I19412 SMTP Mailer: invalid order of header-elements when adding attachments
        - BG-I29790 Schedule analogue: Settings only available for schedule digital should be hidden
        - BG-I29671 Operating Time with easter-reference handled incorrectly in simulation
        - App Learning: replaced speaker shown as offline
        - BG-I29821 App Learning: Add Hardware Type to webservices
        - BG-I29824 Parts list: Products with different Variants (AC-Control, Energy-Meter, ...) shown as single position
        - BG-I29853 Dali Air: Device not added when group caption is selected
        - BG-I29862 Mounting location sequence Stereo Extension
        - BG-I30335 M-Bus device primary address not visible
        - BG-I30279 Gate Controller: invalid state after reboot
        - Control History shows room not assigned
        - BG-I29807 Backup Window: Displayed date too short
        - BG-I30265 Status Monitor: Some texts not translatable
        - BG-I30295 System Variable Outside Temperature does not have full unit
        - BG-I29793 Intercom displayed offline when there is a Tree to Air Bridge on the Tree
        - BG-I30266 Missing translations in Monitor windows
        - IN1-I960 Tree device at Intercom Tree shown offline
        - BG-I30299 Tree Extension is not displayed in search result after saving to Miniserver
        - Adapted default polling cycle for 1-Wire and sample time of Mixing Valve Controller
        - Extension Learn Dialog: Always same Air channel is used for extensions
        - BG-I30215 Miniserver shortcut not shown as unconfigured when trust member gets deleted
        - Debug Monitor: Added CPU temperature (Supported for Miniserver Gen.2)
        - Air: Command is sent to wrong device after a device has been unpaired
        - BG-I30236 Learning Dialog: Identify learned device not sent after opening dialog with only one learned device
        - BG-I29918 NFC Learn Dialog: User description was used in combo box selection instead of username
        - BG-I29975 Project Validation: Wrong warning 'Missing Object Connection' when Hörmann Air is connected via API Connector
        - BG-I28836 DNS caching of addresses
        - Weather data not changed at the full hour
        - Network Device search: Result can't be added when there is a different device with the same IP
        - BG-I30116 Users representing controls can be selected as user for plugins
        - BG-I29924 Gateway/Client: Actors can't be switched due to broken programs
        - Disabled TLS renegotiations for TLSv1.2 and earlier
        - BG-I29734 Virtual Output: Test command with redirects not working properly
        - BG-I29867 HealthCheck Miniserver: check reachability of certificate server
        - BG-I30115 Part list shows music extension instead of speakers
        - BG-I30189 Access schedule empty after creating
        - BG-I29896 Fixed replacing Air-Devices via app
        - BG-I29053 Miniserver Compact: Update Samba to version 4.19.5 XSS validation for settings not working when injection is on first letter
        - BG-I29942 SD Format Dialog: Wrong error message when formatting SD card for Miniserver compact and there is a newer firmware available
        - BG-I28123 Home Connect: Slowed down initial requests to prevent rate limiting by API
        - BG-I29913 New Users can't see any system status messages
        - BG-I29972 NFC Access doesn't show proper name of Managed Tablet in history
        - BG-I30014 Virtual Input changes to analogue when connected to lighting controller
        - BG-I30037 Object (e.g. Virtual Input) does not get first free name since there is an input reference with the same name
        - Network Device Learning: No port appended, when hostname cannot be resolved, and device is replaced
        - BG-I29057 Window: Protection not executed when using Input TPos
        - BG-I29977 Xal Light Air: incorrect reference name
        - BG-I29745 User Management: Keycodes not applied on gateway-client
        - Updated Matter Plugin (0.4.0) with Matter SDK 1.3
        - BG-I29916 Modbus Monitor: Datatype for analogue sensor/actuator is empty
        - BG-I28312 No data on Modbus counter connected to Wallbox tree
        - BG-I29854 Statistic Dialog: Panning not working properly
        - BG-I29822 Auto Configuration: Audio not available in some cases
        - BG-I29863 Miniserver Gen.2 reuses old DNS resolves in some cases
        - BG-I29573 Auto Update can't be downloaded
        - NFC does not stop learn mode if no stop command is received from app
        - BG-I30695 Custom System Message: Email notification is not always sent if severity is important or critical
        - Connect to Miniserver fails when username or password contains special characters
        - BG-I30672 Copying between projects does not recover central references
        - BG-I30571 Function blocks not selected when being right clicking
        - BG-I30558 Room and Category "do not use" set to not assigned when controls are copy pasted
        - BG-I30532 Plugin IOs can't be used accross Miniservers in a Client/Gateway system
        - BG-I30334 API echo commands don't work in all cases, depending on SPS order
        - BG-I30664 Miniserver shortcut shown as not fully configured
        - BG-I30605 AC Control has the wrong type set internally
        - BG-I30671 Blinds not closing or opening completely when type is set to roller blinds
        - BG-I30577 Added room and category in tooltip for central controlled blocks
        - BG-I30572 Adjusted the delay when filtering in a generic view table and when a button is clicked the correspondent row is selected
        - fixed incorrect column filter (for encrypted column) in Intercommunication monitor and learn-dialog
        - BG-I27855 Setting a timespan for a user in Loxone Config across a daylight savings change sets wrong time
        - Updated Table Lamp icon
        - BG-I30593 Gateway/Client: Event registrations get lost causing unexpected behaviour in e.g. central blocks
        - EEBUS:
            - Names cannot be discovered on devices with new EEBUS configuration
            - Added system message when EEBUS configuration changes and inputs can't be subscribed anymore
        - Plugin communication sped up
        - BG-I30546 Fixed processing of text in sequence controller
        - Table Lamp Air: Confusing names for Smart Actuators
        - App Learning: Online status input does not have a name
        - BG-I30254 fixed invalid view state in many Config tableviews when opening ComboBoxes consecutively
        - BG-I24181 Miniserver and Miniserver Compact: Relays switching temporarily off when doing an update in some cases
        - Manual Connect to Miniserver fails when username or password contains special characters
        - BG-I30411 Energy Manager digital outputs can't be inverted
        - BG-I30352 Lines of connection references show wrong colour
        - Miniserver closes websocket connection not correctly when user is blocked
        - BG-I30406 KNX actors overridden via LiveView not reset when LiveView is stopped
        - A3D9-T1147 Fixed difference of tooltip of connectors(directly on connector vs. in connection window)
        - R20-T293 Ceiling Light Tree: Added interaction counter in learn dialog
        - BG-I30347 Audio Device Search: devices cannot be replaced when maximum number of devices is reached
        - Expert Mode cannot be loaded if user has no permitted rooms
        - Link Diagnosis: no proper uptime directly after learning in device
        - BG-I30908 User Enabled From/Until timestamp can't be set to midnight
        - BG-I30729 Printing to A1 paper size not working
        - Updated EEBUS Documentation (2.0.0)
        - System Schematic Dialog: fixed mishandling of visualization item selection
        - Operating mode references in document tree could be edited
        - BG-I30404 LiveView didn't show corrected values for some analogue-out types
        - BG-I30850 client speaker search dialog didn't show room and installation place of the searching device
        - BG-I30782 Modbus devices lost room when saving in MS
        - Air router functionality can be switched off for DALI Air devices
        - BG-I30553 Sequential Controller: Variables missing in remanence
        - Value Validator: remanence not restored
        - BG-I30576 Sequence Controller: add support for Automatic Designer
        - BG-I30575 Climate Controller dialog does not have table settings
        - BG-I30686 Air Valve: No proper unit set for output
        - BG-I30779 Intercom Search not possible when link is not used
        - BG-I30693 Modbus TCP analogue actuator now also executes his command on restart when nothing is connected
        - BG-I30717 fixed wrong text for end-search button in Intercommunication learn dialog
        - BG-I30703 prev/next buttons in MessageCenter detail view now follow the same ordering like in the overview table
        - BG-I30808 Opening context menu of multiple controls not working
        - BG-I23395 Modbus Actor gets stuck and does not change anymore
        - BG-I30830 Air device limit incorrect when learning via dialog
        - Power Supply & Backup: Online status Monitoring can't be disabled
        - Support of DALI2 sensors with more than 7 DALI2 instances
        - BG-I28772 AAL Smart Alarm: Added Logging (select a Logger/Tracker in the settings of the function block, to get a log of the function block internals)
        - BG-I30623 SD Format runs out of system memory
        - BG-I30557 Abort of room change resets back to "Not assigned" when editing multiple objects
        - BG-I28751 Dali Device with address 0 occasionally starts flashing
        - BG-I30908 User Enabled From/Until timestamp can't be set to midnight
        - BG-I30729 Printing to A1 paper size not working
        - Heating/Cooling Controllers: Adapted default temperature limit values
        - Miniserver Compact Update fails due to too less memory
    - Devices & Extensions
        - Air Base Extension
            - RDC for new Air transceiver
        - Tree to Air Bridge
            - RDC for new Air transceiver
        - Dali Air
            - BG-I29042 does not send all commands
            - Fading time from the DALI Air Broadcast actor is not working when Standard actor is configured
        - Smoke Detector Air
            - BG-I29917 Missing Alive Packets
            - BG-I28426 going offline regularly
            - BG-I24136 Low battery warning too late
        - AC Control Air
            - AS1-T265 supports new Gree Protocol
            - BG-I25269 Air/Spi Watchdog Resets fixed
            - AS1-T310 enable new vane positions 1-5 for Gree
            - BG-I29991 Fixed leaving pairing mode
            - BG-I29465 Removed cyclic Messages "Power: Ein, Fehler: Aus"
        - Nano Dimmer Air
            - BG-I8681 implemented check of zero crossing in self-test
            - Touch module: touch timeout increased to 15 minutes
        - RGBW Dimmer Air
            - BG-I24397 Calculation of colour temperature and brightness is now linear. Brightness is more consistent
            - BG-I25077 Added follow up binary for status LED, fixed turning off/on of LED stripe when saving into MS
        - Touch Air
            - Increased touch timeout to 15 minutes
            - BG-I28671 Increased power consumption because of false wakeups
        - Window Handle Air
            - BG-I29901 High Standby Current
        - Presence Sensor Tree
            - BG-I29133 Always reports movement after power on reset
        - Tree Extension
            - BG-I27154 LED state of Extension wrong after switching MS Compact Link to Tree
        - Table Lamp Air
            - BG-I29919 offline status led color
            - BG-I30620 touch/usb loader communication error
            - BG-I30622 battery status not matching led status ring
        - XAL Light Air
            - Motion detection after power on
        - Nano IO
            - Improved air communication handling (BG-I26173)
        - Touch Air V2
            - Improved communication handling, improved temperature sensor handling (BG-I30642)
        - Touch Pure Flex Air
            - BG-I29641, BG-I28232 improvements to touch in battery mode
    - Lighting
        - BG-I29702 Lighting Controller: wrong behaviour when "Met" controlled over a Virtual Input
        - BG-I29698 Lighting Controller: Mood "All On" not properly unmixed after presence
        - BG-I30598 Lighting Controller: Off via API command is handled like a command from app and does not trigger reset output
    - Audio
        - BG-I29804 Audio Player still showing as unconfigured even when serials to devices have been entered
        - Audio Player: Source Change via T5 not shown in history
        - BG-I29893 Music Server: Doorbell event from Door controller not forwarded to Music Zone
        - BG-I29999 Music Server: Audio output disappears after separating the stereo outputs
        - Music Server: Group-Options not sent
        - BG-I29900 Audioserver does not know set unit for temperature
        - BG-I30162 Central Music: History Entries on Player not consistent when using multiple Audioservers
        - A3D9-T1188 Audioserver min version system message was triggered incorrectly for Audioservers on older, yet unsupported versions
        - Audio Player: Don't trigger play of custom sound when text is empty
        - BG-I30424 Audioserver: invalid config json when using line-out on Audioplayer-Subwoofer-output
        - BG-I30756 Subwoofer not being recognized as master device
        - Audioserver: Error Messages via TTS are now disabled per Default
    - Climate
        - BG-I29648 Intelligent Temperature Controller: Not activated when climate controller is in service mode
        - BG-I29749 Ventilation control cooling support not activated
        - BG-I30004 Intelligent Room controller: Excess Heating from Climate Controller applied in cooling mode
        - Intelligent Room Controller:
            - A3D9-T1295 Reduced movement-time for Valve-standstill (Vs) to 10 seconds
            - A3D9-T1296 Reduced number of valve-adaptions when using climate controller
            - BG-I30325 Building protection switched off after reboot while input is active
            - BG-I30455 Building protection activated in manual heating mode
        - BG-I30378 Ventilation Block: intensity and alert message (reason) don't match
        - BG-I30418 Solar Controller wrong tank is selected when pump is already running
        - BG-I30843 Intelligent Room Controller: changed allowed deviation in single comfort temperature mode to 1.5°
        - Energy Management inputs of climate controllers hidden per default
        - BG-I30697 IRC controlled via Flex shows using surplus energy when mode is changed to fixed setpoint
        - BG-I26038 Intelligent Room Controller: showing lock state even for short pulse
    - Shading
        - BG-I29190 Automatic Jalousie: incorrect positions after move commands
            - Attention: This may change movement behaviour of shades, which were not correctly setup
            - Invalid deadtimes used after small adjustments with Up/Dw
            - Dead times not properly calculated to actual positions
            - Invalid calculated position when using shade command
        - BG-I29872 Roof Window Shading: Active automatic not ended with window or protection
        - BG-I30293 Shading Block do a full drive with Po or Pc
        - BG-I30283 Automatic Shading: Sp goes On while the block is locked
        - Automatic shading: blinds not fully closing
    - Energy
        - BG-I29792 Energy Meter Tree: Show System message if invalid direction is detected (1 Phase Meter)
        - Spot Price Optimizer per default automatically delete statistics
        - BG-I30211 Wallbox: output Cp not set when Energy Meter Tree is connected via API Connector in some cases
        - Energy Manager: Does not show as unconfigured when Grid power is not connected
        - Wallbox Manager: Strand power not correctly reduced when Wallbox is activated
        - BG-I30264 Power Supply & Backup: Outputs go to 0 during device startup
        - BG-I30402 Energy Meter Single phase + N: Name cannot be changed
        - BG-I30288 Energy Flow Monitor: Statistic interval of rest node can not be changed, the interval of the efm will now be used
        - BG-I30395 Wallbox Manager: charging would not start when minimum charging limit was set to 0 on Wallbox
        - BG-I30226 Wallbox devices were missing in Modbus Monitor filter selection
    - Trust
        - BG-I30087 Trust User Transfer fails when user has the same name as a user representing a control
        - Trust error message when serial of Miniserver is changed always shows hint for member and for manager
        - Additional descriptions for Trust settings
    - Multiplicator
        - Don't save Multiplicator Password when saving project
        - BG-I30336 Miniserver version downgrade possible
        - BG-I30234 Config locks up when resetting object to Multiplicator default
        - Connect dialog does not use full remote address
        - BG-I30840 Reset of control does not work when it uses a control preset which is modified
        - Changes are not loaded from Miniserver when its currently not in the reachable state
        - Miniserver dialog now shows the version of the changes
    - Project Planning
        - BG-I29881 PWM Spot created as Smart Actuator
        - BG-I29889 Lightgroups not created with proper name
        - BG-I29857 Added AC control Sinclair (100587)
        - BG-I29985 Error message when adding Install Sub 10 Clients
        - BG-I30019 Some countries have wrong audio preselection
        - Weather Station is set as source for sunshine system variable
        - BG-I28947 Updated tax rate of CHF to 8.1% (new tax rate since 01.01.2024) and fixed display of tax percentage (removed rounding)
        - Childs of object created without a room, resulting in an error message when starting auto configuration
        - BG-I30893 Wrong calculation when combining Master/Clients and Passive Speakers
        - Childs of object created without a room, resulting in an error message when starting auto configuration
        - Master Client is not the default decision
        - BG-I30834 Fails when using a Miniserver Compact
    - Stability
        - Fixed Miniserver Gen1 crash when DALI Extension with firmware 15000325 is used
        - BG-I29856 Config crash when receiving Monitor data
        - BG-I29757 Config crash when configuring device
        - Miniserver reboot when reporting tree shortcut
        - Config crash when deleting Music Zone
        - Config crash when loading broken file from Miniserver
        - BG-I29440 Random Config crashes due to windows ui automation
        - BG-I29974 Config crash when editing rooms/categories while loading from Miniserver
        - Miniserver reboot when config is disconnected
        - Miniserver reboot when saving remanence of energy meter
        - BG-I30043 Miniserver reboot when having an unreferenced Audio Player with logic connected
        - BG-I30239 Config crash when inserting Belimo device
        - BG-I30276 Config crash when deleting devices while air diagnosis is opened
        - Config crash when inserting Smoke Detector Air
        - Config crash when loading defective program from Miniserver
        - BG-I30714 Config crash when restoring control presets of light controller
        - BG-I30670 Config crash while learning IR commands
        - BG-I30739 Config crash when starting Air diagnostics
        - Config crash when trying to learn more than 128 Air devices
        - Config crash when learning air device
        - BG-I30716 Config crash when deleting automatic rule
        - BG-I30826 Config crash after pasting controls
        - BG-I30906 Config crash when creating a connection from the Authentication function block
        - BG-I30897 Config crash when creating HVAC controller
    Zuletzt geändert von hismastersvoice; 05.08.2024, 22:42.
    Kein Support per PN!
  • BDP
    Smart Home'r
    • 02.08.2016
    • 50


    6/08 12.00


    • DiscoDisco
      LoxBus Spammer
      • 14.11.2018
      • 211

      Bringen die dann auch vl die neue App raus


      • hismastersvoice
        hismastersvoice kommentierte
        Kommentar bearbeiten
        Nein, die schrauben immer noch an der aktuellen App.... Letztes interne Version ist vom 30.07
        Auf die neue können wir wohl noch eine weile warten. Aber der Sommer ist ja noch nicht vorbei

      • DiscoDisco
        DiscoDisco kommentierte
        Kommentar bearbeiten
        Schade, aber vl dann nächsten Sommer
    • maxw
      Lox Guru
      • 26.08.2015
      • 1362

      Heute ist eine Mail von Loxone gekommen.

      Ein Quantensprung in der intelligenten Steuerung von Klimaanlagen! Zahlreiche Neuerungen bringt Version 15.1 der Loxone Config & App.

      Freiwillige vor! Wer macht zuerst das Update?


      • maxw
        maxw kommentierte
        Kommentar bearbeiten
        Auf das neue Schema bin ich gespannt. Vorstufe für die neue App?
    • RiverRaid
      LoxBus Spammer
      • 25.08.2015
      • 304

      Also die Klimaanlagengeschichte mit PV klingt seeeeehr interessant... Da muss ich mir das Bsp ansehen, ob man das gut umsetzen kann

      Und die Analogwertvalidierung sieht auch sehr praktisch aus (z.B. in Verbindung mit den manchmal falschen Werten von Solaredge mit dem Skalierungsfaktor)


      • Christian Fenzl
        Lebende Foren Legende
        • 31.08.2015
        • 11234

        Perfektes Raumklima dank echter Intelligenz
        Der Marketing-Mensch hat jedenfalls nicht verstanden, was AI bzw. KI bedeutet 😅
        Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


        • darkrain
          MS Profi
          • 25.08.2015
          • 553

          So habs mal auf meinen Test Miniserver 1 eingespielt. Dauerte ganz schön lange das Update, ca. 10 Minuten. War aber hier alles i.O. danach. Leider noch kein Yield total und Consumption Power als Ausgang im Energieflußmonitor verfügbar. Das fehlt mir noch persönlich, um den Energiemonitor anzulösen.
          Zuletzt geändert von darkrain; 06.08.2024, 19:44.


          • numy
            Smart Home'r
            • 01.02.2023
            • 30

            Habe das Update gemacht und die Klimaanlage Features finde ich toll. Ein Frage habe ich aber:
            Meine Klimaanlage kühlt auch mit der niedrigsten Stufe immer weiter runter. Kann ich folgende Passage - siehe Bild - umgehen? irgendwann sollte der gute Freund doch ausschalten. Sonst bin ich am nächsten Morgen tiefgekühlt

            Danke euch für die Hilfe!


            Angehängte Dateien


            • ELBUD
              ELBUD kommentierte
              Kommentar bearbeiten
              It's really strange. I hope it will be fixed soon.
          • Prof.Mobilux
            • 25.08.2015
            • 4713

            Zitat von Christian Fenzl

            Der Marketing-Mensch hat jedenfalls nicht verstanden, was AI bzw. KI bedeutet 😅
            Der Begriff künstliche Intelligenz ist allgegenwärtig. In der Klimasteuerung von Loxone ist echte Intelligenz seit Jahren gelebte Realität. Daten der Raumklima-Sensoren, das Wetter und vieles mehr werden vom Miniserver verarbeitet. Anschließend trifft er auf Basis von laufend wachsenden Erfahrungswerten und komplexen Berechnungen genau jene Entscheidungen, die für das perfekte Raumklima sorgen. Dabei lernt der Miniserver ständig dazu und optimiert diese Prozesse laufend weiter – ohne, dass die Daten jemals das Gebäude verlassen.
            Ich schmeiß mich weg... Das ist ja mal wieder ein Marketing-Highlight vom feinsten....
            🇺🇦 Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:

            LoxBerry - Beyond the Limits


            • Philipp!
              Smart Home'r
              • 05.06.2021
              • 95

              Update läuft seit gestern problemlos.
              Cool finde ich das neue Feature vom Klima Controller "Erwartete durchschnittliche Außentemperatur 48h", da ich exakt die selbe Logik selber erstellt habe und diese sich bereits über Jahre bewährt hat


              • Prof.Mobilux
                Prof.Mobilux kommentierte
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                Da guck ich in den Wetterdienst - so hast Du Deine Logik vermutlich auch aufgebaut. Macht der Klimacontroller das auch ohne Wetterdaten oder braucht man dazu das Wetterabo?

              • Philipp!
                Philipp! kommentierte
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                Habe zuvor die Limit Temperaturen für Kühlen/Heizen anhand der Temperatur +-48h erhöht/verringert, jetzt geht das etwas einfacher
                Der Baustein verwendet die neue Systemvariable, welche auch in der Logik befüllt werden könnte.
            • darkrain
              MS Profi
              • 25.08.2015
              • 553

              Hab heute einen ModBus Fehler gehabt, auf meinem Update Testserver. Bei den Registern hat sich was geändert, laut Modbus Doku ist doch Input Reading x3 und Input Holding x4 oder bin ich da jetzt falsch? Nach dem Update fragt er nämlich die Register mit x4 ab, statts wie vorher mit x3. Das klappt bei einigen Registern aber nicht bei allen. Das ist doch im Menu verdreht und bei der Configmigration mappt er es falsch. Kann das jemand verifizieren?

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              • Bogenhaus
                Bogenhaus kommentierte
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                der Modbus Code 03 steht für Read Holding Registers.
                Ich habe eigentlich bei allen ModBus "Sensoren" 3 verwendet

              • CodeZillla
                CodeZillla kommentierte
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                Habe das Update eben auch gemacht, bei mir ist weiterhin alles OK. Hatte vorher extra geschaut, alles was vorher 4 war ist nachher auf 4 und was auf 3 war ist nach dem Update auf 3. Es hat sich somit nichts verstellt.

              • ELBUD
                ELBUD kommentierte
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                I have the same issues with some of my devices. Some of my devices work as earlier, but some of them have the same issues. It looks very strange.
            • <Andreas>
              LoxBus Spammer
              • 07.03.2023
              • 285

              Die paar neuen Bausteine begrüße ich, durchaus brauchbares Update 👍
              Min und Max im Formalbaustein ist auch cool
              Und zum Loxone Marketing wurde ja schon alles gesagt 😁


              • Lightpicture
                Lebende Foren Legende
                • 16.11.2015
                • 3622

                Update auf 15.1
                Alles funktioniert wie bisher.

                Johannes Bartnitzke

                Mehr Config Bausteine wären toll.

                Ein Baustein der einen Wert auf Veränderung überprüft, bei dem die Zeit wie lange sich der Wert nicht geändert hat parametriert werden kann
                und dann eine Meldung ausgibt.

                Tendenz Anzeige, steigt oder fällt der Wert.


                Nur ein Netzwerkkabel ist richtiges WLAN


              • Passivhaus
                • 14.04.2022
                • 2

                Zitat von darkrain
                Hab heute einen ModBus Fehler gehabt, auf meinem Update Testserver. Bei den Registern hat sich was geändert, laut Modbus Doku ist doch Input Reading x3 und Input Holding x4 oder bin ich da jetzt falsch? Nach dem Update fragt er nämlich die Register mit x4 ab, statts wie vorher mit x3. Das klappt bei einigen Registern aber nicht bei allen. Das ist doch im Menu verdreht und bei der Configmigration mappt er es falsch. Kann das jemand verifizieren?

                Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Screenshot 2024-08-07 175140.png
Ansichten: 1010
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ID: 438198

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ID: 438199

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Name: Screenshot 2024-08-07 174721.png
Ansichten: 1022
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ID: 438200
                Gibt es schon ein Update/Neue Erkenntnisse zu den Modbus-Sensoren?
                Ich habe kein Testsystem und in meinem Produktivsystem sind viele Modbussensoren. Da möchte ich sicher sein, dass die neue Version "sauber" läuft.

                VG Jasper


                • CodeZillla
                  CodeZillla kommentierte
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                  Bei mir keine Probleme, gleiches Verhalten wie vor dem Update.
                  Sowohl über Modbus Extension, mit der ich meine WOLF CWL abfrage/steuer und auch über TCP wo ich auf Victron und SMA zugreife keine Probleme.
              • orli
                Lox Guru
                • 13.11.2016
                • 2554

                Bei mir keinerlei Probleme mit der aktuellen Version, habe sämtliche Zähler sowie die Wärmepumpe und PV über Modbus eingebunden (TCP/RTU).


                • hismastersvoice
                  hismastersvoice kommentierte
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                  Bei mir nur TCP aber läuft wie zuvor.
                  Zähler, Pewo Heizung etc....