Dim Mode - Lighting

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  • loxford
    • 15.06.2024
    • 5


    Dim Mode - Lighting

    Hi Guys,

    Struggling to implement a couple very basic function into Loxone and hoping you can help.

    1) Dim lights up/down using long click function - I saw the 'Dim Mode' in the Lighting controller, which appears to do exactly what I need. After some testing, I can't for the life of me work out how to actually make a long click dim the lights.
    • Dim Mode 'Dm' is turned on in the lico's parameters.
    • The long click (input from a T5 switch - button behaviour set to OnOff) is connected to T5 input on the Lico, and it doesn't do anything but change scenes. It never responds to any long clicks. I tried the t5 in all the other inputs in the Lico but nothing at all makes the lights dim. I'm hoping I have missed something really simple.
    • The output is definitely dimmable as it changes brightness fine on mood selection.

    2) Dim lights up/down from their current state - exactly how a basic, simple dimmer works.
    So if the lights are at 80% brightness, I want them to be increased/decreased from that point. This is proving difficult for more than 1 lighting circuit as I need to capture the current state of the Lico, store it somewhere and then feed it back into the Lico's input 'Mbr' to be able to dim them from that specific %. With 1 light it's not so bad as I can store it in a dimmer blocks 'Lv' Last Value input, but with multiple, how would this be possible? Again, there must be a much simpler way.

    Thanks all! 😊
