Loxone OpenHAB Binding

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  • bastelbert
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 25.08.2016
    • 237

    Rollershutter works fine:
    Rollershutter BA_Rol "Rollo Badezimmer" (Bad,Rollladen) ["Switchable"] {channel="loxone:miniserver:....

    Dimmer doesn't work in my installation.


    • HALLO01
      Smart Home'r
      • 17.11.2015
      • 31

      I used the simple mode installation of openhab. So all config was done automatically. Miniserver thing, channels, items are set but where do I find this setup?
      According to the docu I should have a .things, .items file in /etc/openhab2/items (things) directory, but there is only a readme file

      So where is the setup stored

      Thanks for info!


      • bastelbert
        LoxBus Spammer
        • 25.08.2016
        • 237

        After first setup the config was done automatically as well.
        To be honest I don't know where this configuration is stored.
        Afterwards I created a dedicated items file with all the devices I want to control via Alexa:
        vim /etc/openhab2/items/home.items
        I got all the necessary information about the devices from the automatic configuration in the PaperUI.


        • Gast

          The automatically created configuration is not stored in .items file. But you can create your own items file on top of the automatic configuration - channels can be linked to more than one item. Example is provided at the end of the readme file of the binding. Regardless I will see and add the appropriate tags to the binding. But it will take some time to get this merged into the code base.


          • HALLO01
            Smart Home'r
            • 17.11.2015
            • 31

            Thanks for all the information, now I know what to do - at least I will try and let you know


            • HALLO01
              HALLO01 kommentierte
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              If someone needs help for first setup, here my loxone.items file lines for light, dimmer, temperature and rollershutter:
              Switch Licht_EZ "Licht Esszimmer" (Esszimmer,Licht) ["Lighting"] {channel="loxone:miniserver:xxx"}
              Dimmer Licht_WZ "Licht Wohnzimmer" (Wohnzimmer,Licht) ["Lighting"] {channel=loxone:miniserver:xxx"}
              Rollershutter Rollo_EZ "Rollo Esszimmer" (Esszimmer,Rollo) ["Switchable"] {channel="loxone:miniserver:xxx"}
              Number Temp_WZ "Wohnzimmer" (Wohnzimmer,Temp) [ "CurrentTemperature" ] {channel="loxone:miniserver:xxx"}

              Do not forget to tell Alexa eg "Rollershutter 30%" - up, down is not supported yet
              Zuletzt geändert von HALLO01; 31.10.2017, 09:47.
          • HALLO01
            Smart Home'r
            • 17.11.2015
            • 31

            Zitat von bastelbert
            Rollershutter works fine:
            Dimmer doesn't work in my installation.
            I use latest unstable version and dimmer is working.
            My config:
            Dimmer Licht_WZ "Licht Wohnzimmer" (Wohnzimmer,Licht) ["Lighting"] {channel=...."


            • Rar9
              LoxBus Spammer
              • 25.08.2015
              • 219

              Hi Pablo,

              Regarding not selectable Dimmer

              I´m in Paper ui, Things, Select your binding got to my found dimmer, but when i want to add it to openhab via the blue round button no popup is coming to link the item.

              I´m Running openHAB 2.2.0 Build #1068 with Loxone Binding


              • Gast
                Gast kommentierte
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                Thank you for reporting that. Indeed, there was a bug in the dimmer implementation. I made a fix here: https://github.com/openhab/openhab2-addons/pull/2796
                When the build completes, you can try it out if it fixes the problem.
            • HALLO01
              Smart Home'r
              • 17.11.2015
              • 31

              Is it possible to configure voice feedback from alexa?
              Eg. I have a temp sensor in my loxone environment and I would like to get the value via alexa.


              • Gast
                Gast kommentierte
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                Not in a way that you pass a text for Alexa to say. But for the temp sensor it could be possible - please see the openHAB skill: https://github.com/openhab/openhab-alexa
                There is an example how to define an item for the temperature that can be asked for a value.

              • HALLO01
                HALLO01 kommentierte
                Kommentar bearbeiten
                This is working, thanks for the link!
                Number CurrentTemp "Wohnzimmer" [ "CurrentTemperature" ] {channel=".."}
                Zuletzt geändert von HALLO01; 13.12.2017, 14:07.
            • Gast


              kann man (auf einfachem Weg) eine Authentifizierung innerhalb von Openhab 2 für die verwaltungskonsole (paper UI) aktivieren?


            • Gast

              Gast: Great solution! Thank you Pablo and also for your support (I was the one who reported the error in Github :-) ). I hope, you continue to work on this binding, especially since Loxone V9 - the GUI is no longer usable for our room controller screen in the livingroom.
              @MarkusA: Aktuell ist mir hier kein Weg bekannt. Ich nutze den 2.2.0-snapshot.


              • HALLO01
                Smart Home'r
                • 17.11.2015
                • 31

                @PabloPablo: I have updated my system to latest snapshot 2.3.0 #1146 - it includes loxone binding
                During start up I get an error: [ERROR] [org.openhab.binding.loxone ] - Component descriptor entry 'OSGI-INF/*.xml' not found
                Do you have an idea what's going on?


                • Gast
                  Gast kommentierte
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                  I have no idea. I am still on 2.2. I will update and see what is going on.

                • Gast
                  Gast kommentierte
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                  ...but I suppose this is related to a release of 2.2 and the main stream going to 2.3 version...
                  here is an old discussion of the same issue in the past: https://community.openhab.org/t/oh2-...-build/9082/17 and there are some hints how to downgrade the bindings until this is fixed. Not sure if this is the same, but maybe will help you until we figure out what's wrong this time.
              • HALLO01
                Smart Home'r
                • 17.11.2015
                • 31

                This bug should be fixed, see latest openhab2 snapshot #1148
                Dear all, after installing the latest 2.3 snapshot this issue appeared again on [ERROR] [org.openhab.binding.avmfritz ] - Component descriptor entry ‘OSGI-INF/.xml’ not found [ERROR] [org.openhab.binding.homemat…


                • uli
                  LoxBus Spammer
                  • 30.08.2015
                  • 225

                  Thanks for this great plugin! I am now able to control Loxone from Openhab.

                  But what about the other way? For example i want to see the current Logitech Harmony activity from the Harmony Hub binding in Loxone? Is that possible?


                  • HRA
                    Lox Guru
                    • 27.08.2015
                    • 1037

                    Hallo uli,
                    wo finde ich eine ausführliche Doku wie ich openhab an Lox anschliessen / verbinden kann.
                    Wenn möglich auf deutsch.
                    Ich habe mir die aktuelle openhabianpi2.4 auf dem Raspi3 installiert und nun möchte ich gern eine Visu zur Steuerung / Statusanzeige meines Lox-MS erstellen.
                    Ich habe keinerlei Erfahrungen mit openhab etc.und habe leider im Loxwiki auch nichts gefunden.

                    Wäre dankbar für einpaar "Anstupser"
                    Gruß HRA

                    ### MS Gen2 + Gen1, MultiExt, Ext, AirExt, DMXExt; DMX4ALL ###
                    ### EnOcean, KNX, MDT GTII ###


                    • uli
                      LoxBus Spammer
                      • 30.08.2015
                      • 225

                      Hallo HRA,

                      das heißt Openhab läuft schon soweit, dass Du auf die Weboberfläche kommst?

                      Das verbinden ist dank des Loxone Bindings sehr einfach.

                      Paper UI: Erst mal in den Einstellungen den Simple Mode aktivieren, damit die Eingänge automatisch belegt werden. Dann installierst Du das Loxone Binding.
                      Ich meine in der Inbox kannst Du dann den Miniserver konfigurieren (IP, Passwort).

                      Dann müssten unter Control Deine Loxonewerte etc. erscheinen.
                      Zur Visualisierung nimmst Du am besten Habmin...

                      Wie gesagt brauche ich aber immer noch einen Denkanstoß, wie man Werte von Openhab zu Loxone bekommt.

