connecting multiple cabinets

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    connecting multiple cabinets


    I have a question about the loxone bus that connects the miniserver and the extensions between multiple electrical cabinets (e.g., one cabinet per floor and one in a separate garage).

    Does the miniserver need to be in the first (or the last) cabinet to terminate the bus on one side?
    cabinet 1 with miniserver <-- bus --> cabinet 2 with extension <-- bus --> cabinet 3 with extension <-- bus --> cabinet 4 with extension (+ resistor)

    Or van the miniserver be in any cabinet?
    cabinet 1 with extension (+ resistor) <-- bus --> cabinet 2 with extension <-- bus --> cabinet 3 with miniserver <-- bus --> cabinet 4 with extension (+ resistor)

    Or can the bus be cabled in star topology?

    Many thanks in advance!
  • simon_hh
    Lox Guru
    • 18.09.2015
    • 2659

    as you wrote as first option:
    cabinet 1 with miniserver <-- bus --> cabinet 2 with extension <-- bus --> cabinet 3 with extension <-- bus --> cabinet 4 with extension (+ resistor)

    The bus must be daisy chain, so connected in series from start to one to the other and to the end.
    Miniserver begins and the BUS is terminated at the last Extension

    physically if you make a kind of star topology, it also works: That means using a CAT 7 cable you can use one pair of wires for the direction to one cabinet and another pair of wires from the cabinet back and go to next cabinet. This is what I made because I have one major cabinet and 2 minor cabinets.
    It is cabled like CC1 (Miniserver) --> CC2 (Ext.) --> CC1--> CC3 (Ext.) --> CC1 --> CC4 (Ext. + resistor)

    But there is a limit in the total length.
    Zuletzt geändert von simon_hh; 16.11.2017, 07:36.
    Haus: Bj 1959, gekauft 2011, totale Entkernung, Dachausbau, Erweiterung & Vergrößerung: Start: 2014, Ende: 2050
    Loxone: 1 x Ms Gen.02, 1 x MS Gen.01, 5 x Ext., 4 x Relay Ext., 1 x Dimmer Ext., 2 x 1-wire Ext., 1 x DMX Ext. 1 x TREE Ext. mehr kommt noch
    Licht: DMX LED Beleuchtung (24V), MW HLG Serie und eldoled Dimmer
    Heizung: Brötje WBS 22F, OG Heizkörper und FuBoHeizung über RTL, EG FuBoHeizung


    • Gast

      Thanks for your input.

      According to

      Information on how to wire up your Loxone Miniserver, Miniserver Go and Extensions. Follow through our wiring guides to get you started here.

      If you use multiple panels and as such have many Extensions around the project, then the maximum allowable length of the Loxone Link is 500m from the Miniserver to the last extension.

      So a start topology using cat 7 would definitely work in many situations.

      I assume conections to tree devices are not included in the 500 m since (I assume) tree is a different protocol / bus system?



      • simon_hh
        Lox Guru
        • 18.09.2015
        • 2659

        yes that is correct.
        For most private properties a star topology (physically the cables) but logically as a daisy chain (as I wrote in my first post) should work fine.

        "The Loxone link MUST be a BUS strictly wired from one device to the next." as written in your link

        Tree is another loxone own protocol and the topology can be anyhow:
        CABLING The Loxone Tree cable is recommended for Loxone Tree cabling. The green/white wire pair is used for the Tree and the orange/white wire pair for the 24V DC supply. The Tree cable is suitable for all Tree products – whether motion sensors, valve actuators or LED spots – the Tree cable allows you to install […]

        But also here it is recommended to not extend 500 metres, which is far enough for a private house
        Haus: Bj 1959, gekauft 2011, totale Entkernung, Dachausbau, Erweiterung & Vergrößerung: Start: 2014, Ende: 2050
        Loxone: 1 x Ms Gen.02, 1 x MS Gen.01, 5 x Ext., 4 x Relay Ext., 1 x Dimmer Ext., 2 x 1-wire Ext., 1 x DMX Ext. 1 x TREE Ext. mehr kommt noch
        Licht: DMX LED Beleuchtung (24V), MW HLG Serie und eldoled Dimmer
        Heizung: Brötje WBS 22F, OG Heizkörper und FuBoHeizung über RTL, EG FuBoHeizung

