Add Zones to Loxone Music Server

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    Add Zones to Loxone Music Server

    Hi. Does anyone know how you could add zones to an existing Loxone Music Server? I have a 12 zone server and now want to extend to 20. Loxone support say just to buy a 20 zone music server...crazy!
    I can get extra audio cards no problem, but how do you tell the software that this is now a 20 zone server?
  • Prof.Mobilux
    • 25.08.2015
    • 4706

    Not possible. You have to buy a new one. Say "thanks" to Loxone for that great feature!
    🇺🇦 Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:

    LoxBerry - Beyond the Limits


    • Gast

      the doc says you can use sonos devices as virtual zones, half the number of physical outputs, that would get you to 18 zones


      • hismastersvoice
        • 25.08.2015
        • 7265

        Zitat von sparky
        Hi. Does anyone know how you could add zones to an existing Loxone Music Server? I have a 12 zone server and now want to extend to 20. Loxone support say just to buy a 20 zone music server...crazy!
        I can get extra audio cards no problem, but how do you tell the software that this is now a 20 zone server?
        Loxone has a special licencing that is deep connected to the software. there is no way to upgrade the Music-Server.
        That is OK, but it is a pitty that they dont have an exchange-programm for customers they like to upgrade.

        So you have to sell your system and buy a new one.
        Or if you have the possibillity you the solution from sxert.
        Kein Support per PN!

