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I am preparing to do a Loxone Home and I am analyzing my options.
Regarding the doorbell, I am using on my current house the Ring.com Original Doorbell and I am relatively satisfied. It costs 99 euros.
Is it an option to put Ring Doorbell (Doorbell Pro) instead of the expensive Loxone doorbell ? This can be easily an nicely be linked with Amazon Echo Spot to show the video.
Thank you in advance!
Any other option will be welcomed!
I am preparing to do a Loxone Home and I am analyzing my options.
Regarding the doorbell, I am using on my current house the Ring.com Original Doorbell and I am relatively satisfied. It costs 99 euros.
Is it an option to put Ring Doorbell (Doorbell Pro) instead of the expensive Loxone doorbell ? This can be easily an nicely be linked with Amazon Echo Spot to show the video.
Thank you in advance!
Any other option will be welcomed!
Just buy a Doorbird. It works prefect with loxone. And is much cheaper
Just buy a Doorbird. It works prefect with loxone. And is much cheaper
Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G935F met Tapatalk
Thank you for your response.
Is this integrated perfectly in the loxone application?
Is this working with an automatic door lock ? Do you have a recommendation?
Do I still need to install the loxone nfc keypad in ordrer to open the door?
Just buy a Doorbird. It works prefect with loxone. And is much cheaper
Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G935F met Tapatalk
I am interested in the option of DoorBird D202.
Here is my scenarios and some basic needs :
I would like to be able to see who is calling, have nice chime that rings powerful enough
talk with the people from the house or from the mobile application (loxone or not)
open the electric lock but also to use an NFC/Code or physical key to open the electric
If I can not respond I would like to be able to save the message of the person that called
My installing position is going to be in front of a sidewalk of a circulated road, so the motion sensor is not really useful, or maybe only on a limited visual angle
I would like to have night vision
I would like to have a good video/audio quality
I would like to be able to integrate specific events of the doorbell in my home automation
Having this said, are you still recommend "doorbird" instead of a Loxone ?
I have at my current house a Ring.com and, honestly I am pleased with the functionalities, the quality and all this a 1/5 of the Loxone intercom price...
I just found your posting because I am thinking of a video intercom. How are you doing with your solution? Does it work reliable and how does it work with Loxone?
Ring is a waste of time - you have no control and is very laggy.
Doorbird works great, but quality / resolution is low.
I would recommend Doorbird any time over Ring. It just works. I would also recommend Doorbird over Hikvision doorbell.
I can live with the quality. Anyone who has spent this much time / money will have a dedicated security system and not rely on the doorbell for security.
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