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Best wiring for lighting when not decided for classical or Loxone lights
Best wiring for lighting when not decided for classical or Loxone lights
I have some parts of my house where we did not decided yet what kind of lightning we are going to use.
Initially we foreseen classical dimming lights but lately we have a look at the Loxone Sports and RGB spots.
The design is quite limited but it is an option, still need to discuss with my wife
What would be the best wiring in order to be prepared for both solutions ?
Thank you very much!
For dual white, rgbw, rgbwcw we will use YM(ST)-J 7x1,5/1,5. https://www.schrack-technik.de/shop/...-xc020304.html
Depending on distance and current we might change to 2,5mm2
Same cable can be used for 230V installation as well, so we are able to decide later on.
For dual white, rgbw, rgbwcw we will use YM(ST)-J 7x1,5/1,5. https://www.schrack-technik.de/shop/...-xc020304.html
Depending on distance and current we might change to 2,5mm2
Same cable can be used for 230V installation as well, so we are able to decide later on.
Thank you very much! so this is going to be good also for 24V? Do you have an idea about the max length ?
Buy Online 2.5mm 3185Y BASEC flexible Black 5 core PVC Circular Round cable in 50m 100m drums coils or reels also available cut to metre lengths. 24 Hour UK next Day
100m reels, £1.20 per m, 5 cores of 2.5mm, 240v rated so will work at 24v dc as well, suitable for a max of 4 colours so white/warm white, rgb or rgbw
Buy Online 2.5mm 3185Y BASEC flexible Black 5 core PVC Circular Round cable in 50m 100m drums coils or reels also available cut to metre lengths. 24 Hour UK next Day
100m reels, £1.20 per m, 5 cores of 2.5mm, 240v rated so will work at 24v dc as well, suitable for a max of 4 colours so white/warm white, rgb or rgbw
Thanks...is this flexible cable ? I thought that this is not allowed in Belgium for 220v ?
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