Stairs lightning with two use cases

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  • Sliderem
    Smart Home'r
    • 30.06.2018
    • 60


    Stairs lightning with two use cases


    I have in mind two use cases for my stairs when it comes to lightning .
    I would like to have normal light, started with a motion sensor, when it is dark outside, but to have a very low light after everyone goes to sleep, after 11:30 for example. Still started with the same motion sensors.

    What would be the best setup from loxone perspective ?
    • Dimming light on the stairs ceiling ?
    • Or a combination of normal lights on the ceiling and led stripes on the stairs steps ?

  • duncan
    LoxBus Spammer
    • 28.08.2015
    • 313

    ive used a combination of plaster-in wall lights at around 450mm high for the night lighting - these are constant current dimmable (eg dmx) and create a puddle of light on the stairs that doesnt catch your eyes as you walk up the stairs, and they are paintable.

    plus my handrail is a slot in the wall with recessed rgbw led strips, plus a normal pendant for normal lighting


    • Sliderem
      Smart Home'r
      • 30.06.2018
      • 60

      Zitat von duncan
      ive used a combination of plaster-in wall lights at around 450mm high for the night lighting - these are constant current dimmable (eg dmx) and create a puddle of light on the stairs that doesnt catch your eyes as you walk up the stairs, and they are paintable.

      plus my handrail is a slot in the wall with recessed rgbw led strips, plus a normal pendant for normal lighting
      Thanks...sounds like a good solution...unfortunately I do not really understand how they look like from the pictures offered on the website..
      How big are this ?What is the distance that you put between them ?(one at every step ?)


      • duncan
        LoxBus Spammer
        • 28.08.2015
        • 313

        they are around the same size as a single light switch - i put 3 on the stairs, and a few dotted along corridors so they act as night lights and emergency exit lighting. I have them on dmx dimmers, and are usually lit at around 15% at night, slightly brighter in the evenings.

        you can see enough to walk around without falling down, but they dont light up the stairs or corridors

