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I'm looking for Loxone compatible IP65 (or higher) RGBW LED spots, or WW LED spots if RGBW is impossible to find. The LED spots from Loxone only have an IP20 rating. These are forbidden to use in the bathroom (at least in my country).
I don't know why Loxone doesn't develop IP65 spots. Now I have to look for an alternative in the bathroom!
I already found an IP20 compatible alternative like the ConstaLED RGBWW LED spot, but no IP65 so far...
I'm looking for Loxone compatible IP65 (or higher) RGBW LED spots, or WW LED spots if RGBW is impossible to find. The LED spots from Loxone only have an IP20 rating. These are forbidden to use in the bathroom (at least in my country).
I don't know why Loxone doesn't develop IP65 spots. Now I have to look for an alternative in the bathroom!
I already found an IP20 compatible alternative like the ConstaLED RGBWW LED spot, but no IP65 so far...
Hello. You can make them at least IP44 with some silicone. And they are low voltage 24v. So safety will be Ok.
Thanks for the reply. A friend reminded me that, when the spots are placed higher than 220 cm, then I don’t have to comply to this rule. That was good news!
But then again, some higher IP-rated lighting for outside use would be welcome.
Hi all and techdoctor,
I am looking Loxone compatible LED spots hope I am not too late foor your offer of help
I'm looking for cheap (but good) alternatives to loxone spots.
I have a few questions,
1. Where will they be used?
2. What type of usage? main lighting mood lighting or a bit of both.
3. What country do you live in. Don't want to suggest something that might not be appropriate for your country.
1. Rigips ceiling indoors - outdoor lighting planned for end of next year
2. Main lighting (just white) mainly but would be interested in other suggestions for indirect lighting
3. Germany
Sorry for the delay. Been busy. What I have done in the past is to use a 0-10v 12V dimming transformer. The 0-10V is connected to the Miniserver and the Mains is also conencted via a Loxone Relay. The output of the transformer is then connected to MR16 type LED bulbs. I then programed the miniserver to switch on the transformer when the analogue output is greater than 0. This means that when you are at zero the transformer is turned off rather than still on. Just saves a bit of electricity when you dim the lights to 0. This works very well and you can connect up to 6 to one transformer.
Indirect lighting you might want to look at LED strips, but they need to be common Anode ,if you go for RGB or WRGB, to work with Loxone. Some of the cheaper Ebay ones are common Cathode. If you want further information let me know. From experience any length greater than 7m needs to be powered from both ends. This prevents the gradual dimming sometimes seen in longer lengths. Also special LED power amps can be used to control lengths greater than 10m but you do have to split them into 10m lengths and use the LED power amps.
Most LED spots can be used if all you want is on off control, dimming control may be a little tricky but can be done, as explained above. I wrote an article on LED dimming for a UK based home technology website, I will see if I can find the link as it was over 5 years ago now.
no probs, sounds very complicated. I was actually looking for spotsand stripes that have similar quality to loxone's products but at a cheaper price. Thanks for the common anode tip for loxone compatibility for the stripes.
Any product recommendations are welcome.
BRUMBERG 2062.07 NV-Einbaudownlight rund, starr. IP65 Weiss (this is only the housing for the spot)
or IP44
BRUMBERG 2188.25 NV-Einbaustrahler rund, schwenkbar. IP44, Aluminium matt
Unfortunately, I have never bought lamps from this company. However, I have heard that many bathroom lighting fixtures can not be used. It would help if you chose it correctly for the style and color scheme of the room when choosing light. Therefore, I purchased https://www.vont.com/product/vont-bulb-color-smart-light-bulbs-smart-bulbs/ last month. Btw, you should pay special attention to the ceiling material. Not only does the maximum weight allowable chandelier depends on it, but also on the type of installation. There will be no problems if you have a standard concrete ceiling.
these are ip65, 4-wire 9w 12v for use with a dmx dimmer
they are cheap and reliable and have good colour convergence and a decent white colour around 3-4k
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