PicoC filter for presence and motion detectors

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    PicoC filter for presence and motion detectors

    When attaching my four Esylux motion detectors to the Loxone system, I found that their signals were non-continuously and therefore hard to use within my programming ideas.
    After creating two Loxone pages full of building blocks, components and connection lines, I decided to go another way: building a simple program that filters the four signals before using them any further.

    So, I added the script below to share. Feel free to use it and any comments or suggestions for improvement are welcome!

    // Smart Sensor Filter
    // Tested with Sensor Esylux PD-C360I/8 DC24VPLUS
    // Tested with Loxone firmware v10
    // By: Richard Verkaik
    // Version 20180920
    // Prologue
    // Many sensors used in toilets and bathrooms, send short signals every 5 seconds
    // when an entity is detected. These pulses are hard to use in Loxone, even with
    // the Ventilation Programming Block. This filter captures these nasty pulses and
    // provides clean, constant signals on the corresponding outputs.
    // 1. The first 4 analogue ports are monitored for input values > 0 (rising edges)
    // 2. First puls is ignored for STP
    // 3. The filter applies 2 minutes continuity TIMEOUT
    // (STP = Swinging Towel Protection)
    #define BitPort0  8  // 2^3, bit 3 or AI1
    #define BitPort1 16  // 2^4, bit 4 or AI2
    #define BitPort2 32  // 2^5, bit 5 or AI3
    #define BitPort3 64  // 2^6, bit 6 or AI4
    #define ON  1
    #define OFF 0
    enum OutputPorts
        OutputPort0,   // AQ1
        OutputPort1,   // AQ2
        OutputPort2,   // AQ3
        OutputPort3    // AQ4
    // Modify these values to meet your own preferences
    int nSTPseconds = 10;
    int nTIMEOUTseconds = 120;
    unsigned int InputStatus [4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    int PortSwitch [4] = { OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF };
    int nEvents;
    unsigned int nCurrentTime;
    void UpdateStatus( int InputNumber ) {
        if (getinput(InputNumber) > 0) { // Only respond to Rising Edge
            // printf("Event Trigger %d received at %d", InputNumber, nCurrentTime);
            if (InputStatus[InputNumber] == 0) {
                InputStatus[InputNumber] = 0 - nCurrentTime; // First Pulse
                // printf("     InputStatus[%d] Time: %d", InputNumber, InputStatus[InputNumber]);
                // printf("     STP time: %d", (-InputStatus[InputNumber]) + nSTPseconds);
            } else {
                InputStatus[InputNumber] = nCurrentTime; // Following Pulse within nSTPseconds
                // printf("     InputStatus[%d] Time: %d", InputNumber, InputStatus[InputNumber]);
                // printf("     TIMEOUT time: %d", InputStatus[InputNumber] + nTIMEOUTseconds);
            if (InputStatus[InputNumber] > 0) {
                PortSwitch[InputNumber] = ON;
            // printf("     PortSwitch %d = %d", InputNumber, PortSwitch[InputNumber]);
    void EvaluatePort( int PortNumber ) {
        if (InputStatus[PortNumber] < 0) {
            if (((-InputStatus[PortNumber]) + nSTPseconds) < nCurrentTime) {
                InputStatus[PortNumber] = 0;
                PortSwitch[PortNumber] = OFF;
                // printf("Port %d reset due to STP", PortNumber);
        } else if (InputStatus[PortNumber] > 0) {
            if ((InputStatus[PortNumber] + nTIMEOUTseconds) < nCurrentTime) {
                InputStatus[PortNumber] = 0;
                PortSwitch[PortNumber] = OFF;
                // printf("Port %d switched OFF after timeout", PortNumber);
        nCurrentTime = getcurrenttime();
        nEvents = getinputevent();
        // Process input triggers...
        if (nEvents) {
            if (nEvents & BitPort0) UpdateStatus(0);
            if (nEvents & BitPort1) UpdateStatus(1);
            if (nEvents & BitPort2) UpdateStatus(2);
            if (nEvents & BitPort3) UpdateStatus(3);
        // Evaluate Ports...
        if (InputStatus[0] != 0) EvaluatePort(0);
        if (InputStatus[1] != 0) EvaluatePort(1);
        if (InputStatus[2] != 0) EvaluatePort(2);
        if (InputStatus[3] != 0) EvaluatePort(3);
        // Update all Ports...
        setoutput(OutputPort0, PortSwitch[0]);
        setoutput(OutputPort1, PortSwitch[1]);
        setoutput(OutputPort2, PortSwitch[2]);
        setoutput(OutputPort3, PortSwitch[3]);
    Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 26.09.2018, 13:46.