Lights "hang" (stuck) in on-position, liveview show them as off
your relay is sticking. If the tips are not working, you have to solder in new relays or buy a new extension.Smarthome: 1x Miniserver Gen. 2, 3x Relay Extensions, 1x Tree Extension, 1x DI-Extension, 1x Air Base Extension, 8x RGBW Tree Dimmer, 9x Touch-Tree, 1x Nano DI Tree, 10x Tree BWM
Technik: IDM Aero SLM 3-11 mit HGL, MS4H mit 9 Zonen, 2x Loxberry, 2x RPI für Anzeige, Doorbird, Froggit WH2600, POE+ System für Peripherie, Gedad Luftgütesensoren, Deconz (Bridge + 2x BWM + 2x RGBW + 5 Smartplug) -
If relays are sticking, the reason is too high switch-on current, usually because of retrofit led lamps.
It will re-occur again and again, therefore you need to solve the reason, eg by
- changing the led bulbs to another making
- put a 16A coupling relay between Loxone output and the lamp.
- if the output is used with multiple lamps, break apart the circuit to use multiple outputs for these lamps.Zuletzt geändert von Christian Fenzl; 08.04.2020, 07:54.Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:
Last year I had exactly the same problem, always ON or always OFF. First I put a 16A coupling relay, no effect. Now I assume, it is a seldom remanence ERROR, maybe a corrupt remanence-file. In my case it worked to deactivate (temporary) the remanence of the Lighting Controller.Zuletzt geändert von Gerd Clever; 08.04.2020, 11:58.Miniserver Gen 2, v13.1.11.17, 9x Extension, 2x Relay Extension, 4x 1-Wire, Türkontakte, Mobotix T25
Wenn der Herr nicht das Haus baut, dann ist alle Mühe der Bauleute umsonst. (Psalm 127,1)Kommentar
Miniserver Gen 2, v13.1.11.17, 9x Extension, 2x Relay Extension, 4x 1-Wire, Türkontakte, Mobotix T25
Wenn der Herr nicht das Haus baut, dann ist alle Mühe der Bauleute umsonst. (Psalm 127,1)Kommentar