Loxone Air Range issues

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    Loxone Air Range issues

    Hi Guys,

    Just wanted to learn from others experience with Loxone Air. I was expected far better range than I am currently experiencing.
    I have run Lorawan network with very good range and even my wifi network is traveling further than the Loxone Air so why is the Loxone Air the worst performer ??

    I have even mounted an external antenna on the Air Base extension but I cant get past 20m !! It is not line of sight but through 2 wooden walls, this should not be an issue.

    Kind thanks for any inputs.


  • Tico
    Lox Guru
    • 31.08.2016
    • 1035

    That doesn't sound unusual. I have a Nano IO Air at about 25 metres from the Air Base extension (with external antenna). I needed an intermediate Nano IO Air as a repeater to get reliable comms to the further device.

    I've done lots of fiddling with the frequency selection to optimise the range. You might get a very minor improvement using the lowest frequency available (EU Channel 100 - 865.3MHz) - depending on the legality in your jurisdiction.

    Lower frequency = longer wavelength = less dissipation by walls.
    Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.


    • Gast

      Thanks for this info, so it seems this is a common theme. I personally find this range to be the worst I have seen for an 868Mhz network so I will be looking for another solution. I dont think I can get a repeater in a location which would help with the range (I am on an island so limited options).



      • rosco-007
        Dumb Home'r
        • 14.11.2016
        • 10

        I have the same bad experiance with an installation,. The house is cpmplete prefab from wood. I never had so many problems with the air signal.
        The problem is precisely the wooden walls. Because the open structure of wood, these dissipate the signal much more than concrete or stone walls. I didn't know this too, but Loxone explained me this issue.



        • Gast

          Not very encouraging !! I am getting better performance from Philipps Hue !! Same distances and positions.

