Swimming Pool and Loxon

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    Swimming Pool and Loxon


    does anyone have set something with Loxome to measure Ph, redox and water temp of a swimming pool ?

    and how ? Via Enocean, Knx ?

    any detail is highly appreciated as I am considering this solution for my new house but measurement of the quality of the water is a must

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    this would work with Loxone ?


    • Christian Fenzl
      Lebende Foren Legende
      • 31.08.2015
      • 11234


      I’m not really sure, what the pH4.00 in front means.

      With 58,74 mV per pH, an AI (analog input) could be very unsharp.

      AI has 8 bit resolution from 0-10V, so 39mV per bit (10V/256).

      It possibly is working quite better with a 1-Wire DS2438 that has a resolution of 10 bit, that is 10mV per bit.

      But, this are only assumptions from the numbers, as I don’t understand all the French text in the spec document.

      Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine: https://www.loxforum.com/forum/proje...Cr-die-ukraine

