Very very very poor video quality on loxone intercom

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  • mariusmartocsan
    Smart Home'r
    • 22.10.2020
    • 36


    Very very very poor video quality on loxone intercom

    Hi guys.
    I managed to have a house with all the options that loxone can offer, and one of the latest product i received was an intercome.
    I expected to be a quality video for the high price we paid, we got a product that has a camera that is even more poor quality then a 20$ drone i bought for the kids to play.
    It is normal to have such an extrem low quality video??? Or is a product that has some faults?
    I am very disapointed by the quality of the video. Is like you expct a Lamborghini and get an old rusty car ...
    Any thoughts?

  • orli
    Lox Guru
    • 13.11.2016
    • 2554

    Short answer: Yes, Video quality of Intercom cam is really poor. Everybody is waiting for a new version.


    • mariusmartocsan
      Smart Home'r
      • 22.10.2020
      • 36

      ... this quality is for 10 years old devices not for 2020! And for that price ... they could put there a camera that worth more then 2-3 euro. Such a big disapoiment. i feel like i was scamed with this product ... first thought was that the intercom is faulty ...


      • mariusmartocsan
        Smart Home'r
        • 22.10.2020
        • 36

        Can we change only the camera?


        • hismastersvoice
          hismastersvoice kommentierte
          Kommentar bearbeiten
          Unfortunately not, the Cam has to fit to the rest of the Software.
          The Cam-Modul-Resolution is 640x480, like my Webcam 15-20 Years ago.
          For that price a mess

          My Raspi Zero with Fisheye-Cam has for 30€ a much better quality than the Intercom from Loxone.
          I have seen the quality at Loxone BaseCamp and decided not to buy.
          Zuletzt geändert von hismastersvoice; 22.10.2020, 21:07.
      • mariusmartocsan
        Smart Home'r
        • 22.10.2020
        • 36

        I thought at that price will be high quality video, what a mistake i made to relay on price and brand ... what is there explanation why to use such an antique poor cam?


        • orli
          Lox Guru
          • 13.11.2016
          • 2554

          you have to ask Loxone that question


          • mariusmartocsan
            Smart Home'r
            • 22.10.2020
            • 36

            I asked here in hope someone from their team will answer, why do i feel scamed with this product? Whyt they charge such a huge price and dont use a better camera.

