Satel SP-4006R siren alarm wiring

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    Satel SP-4006R siren alarm wiring

    Hi, Does anyone know or have wired up the Satel SP-4006R (or SP-4003R) alarm/siren with the Miniserver ?

    It is very reasonable price and looks very similar to the Loxone one.

    A wiring diagram would be great.

    Thank you.
  • simon_hh
    Lox Guru
    • 18.09.2015
    • 2659

    use the search function of the forum and type in "satel" here you will find threads about 4006 (with accu) and 4003 (w/o accu).
    A wiring diagram you´ll find on the manufacturer´s website. Attention: Satel works with 12V DC.
    I am using a 4003 model
    Haus: Bj 1959, gekauft 2011, totale Entkernung, Dachausbau, Erweiterung & Vergrößerung: Start: 2014, Ende: 2050
    Loxone: 1 x Ms Gen.02, 1 x MS Gen.01, 5 x Ext., 4 x Relay Ext., 1 x Dimmer Ext., 2 x 1-wire Ext., 1 x DMX Ext. 1 x TREE Ext. mehr kommt noch
    Licht: DMX LED Beleuchtung (24V), MW HLG Serie und eldoled Dimmer
    Heizung: Brötje WBS 22F, OG Heizkörper und FuBoHeizung über RTL, EG FuBoHeizung

