Alternative Smart Plug Recommendations

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  • rob99
    Smart Home'r
    • 06.10.2020
    • 45


    Alternative Smart Plug Recommendations

    When we did our extension and refurb we weren’t able to do much with the existing power sockets so they are mainly still “dumb” sockets. I want to change that by using smart plugs controllable via Loxone but I need quite a lot for all the lamps, appliances I want to control and having a dozen or more Socket Air’s is both expensive and not especially discrete as they are quite bulky.
    I'm impressed with the shelly equipment generally but don't like their smart plug design. There seem to be a vast array of smart plugs on the market so thought I'd ask for recommendations.

    I do have a few requirements though to hopefully narrow the field:
    1. Compact "squarish" design (would only consider round if they were very thin)
    2. Preferably similar thickness to a standard plug
    3. WiFi with IP control (not just an app, as will need to send http commands from Loxone system)
    4. Can switch full 13A load

    Nice to have's would be:
    5. If possible the range to include both dimmer and relay variants
    6. Light to indicate status
    7. Power monitoring (preferably data sent to Loxone)



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  • Christian Fenzl
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 31.08.2015
    • 11233

    If you are in a socket type E+F country, the Shelly Plug S (10A) and Shelly Plug (16A) are the most easiest plugs to implement. They are Wi-Fi connected and controlled by http.
    Energy consumption can be monitored by MQTT.

    Cloud connection is possible but not required, they are working cloud-independent.

    PS: I saw you don’t like Shelly but they have a product infrastructure. Other vendors may come and go, leaving you with a bunch of different setup instructions, and possibly a configuration app that at some time disappears from the store. Configuration at least should be locally and web-based.
    Zuletzt geändert von Christian Fenzl; 12.11.2020, 08:51.
    Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


    • rob99
      Smart Home'r
      • 06.10.2020
      • 45

      Hi Christian
      Thanks for reply. I'm in UK so need the Type G plug arrangement. It's only the style of the shelly plug that I don't like. I'm generally impressed with the rest of their products and have several Shelly1 relays in use.


      • TomekWaw
        LoxBus Spammer
        • 25.07.2019
        • 436

        They are a bit too warm but 1, 1PM and 2.5 in general are OK. Shelly Dimmer is a crap though
        Noch ein oder zwei Jahre mit Loxone und ich werde Deutsch sprechen

