Previously everything has been great with the air actuators, but since the update, different ones keep getting stuck or showing no valve present. This requires a reset process of removing the batteries to reset the device, but the problem re-occurs.
I've raised a ticket with Loxone, but wondered if anybody else is getting a similar experience.
If you are running Air Actuators, make sure you have monitoring and notifications in place for the Stuck and No Valve Present statuses alongside Online Status. Otherwise you probably won't be aware of the valve stuck status, or the consequences of this. I.e. keeping calling for heat in a room because the valve won't open and the room needs heat (or over heating a room because the valve won't close). Most installers, myself included haven't been building in logic to disable room heating controls on a Stuck Valve situation, but as I've found in my own home, not doing this has led to an excessive call for heat for the past couple of days, with my oil fired boiler running almost 24x7 compared to 10 hours a day normally.