Integration of Shelly1 & Garador

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  • Gast


    Integration of Shelly1 & Garador

    Good morning.
    I've connected a Shelly1 to my Garador (same as a Promatic) control head as per the attached diagram. The Shelly is set up as a momentary switch, Power on, Auto Off set to 1s. The Shelly connects to my LAN and I can access its API.
    I've created a Virtual Input, push button, connected to a Virtual Output to control the door. Virtual Output Command with the Shelly IP details (admin/password etc).
    Initially the door can be operated from Loxone but then fails and it loses connection to the LAN.
    I suspect the text in the Output Command is incorrect (/relay/0?turn=on and /relay/0?turn=off) is causing the problem,. Quite why it causes the Shelly to disconnect from the LAN I don't know.
    I think I might need to use one of the commands at this link?

    Grateful for any help,. thank you.

  • simon_hh
    Lox Guru
    • 18.09.2015
    • 2659

    Virtual output:

    virtual output command:

    should work.

    If the commands were incorrect, why should this affect the WiFi connection?
    Are you sure, the WiFi is stable?
    Did you manage to give always the same fixed IP address to you shelly device?

    Can you still access the Webversion of your shelly or does it really disconnect from you network? Please ensure using 2,4GHz WiFi as shelly does not support 5GHz
    Haus: Bj 1959, gekauft 2011, totale Entkernung, Dachausbau, Erweiterung & Vergrößerung: Start: 2014, Ende: 2050
    Loxone: 1 x Ms Gen.02, 1 x MS Gen.01, 5 x Ext., 4 x Relay Ext., 1 x Dimmer Ext., 2 x 1-wire Ext., 1 x DMX Ext. 1 x TREE Ext. mehr kommt noch
    Licht: DMX LED Beleuchtung (24V), MW HLG Serie und eldoled Dimmer
    Heizung: Brötje WBS 22F, OG Heizkörper und FuBoHeizung über RTL, EG FuBoHeizung


    • eisenkarl
      Lox Guru
      • 28.08.2015
      • 1350

      For Shelly you need only the on command and use the Shelly automatet off function e.g. after 2 a impulse


      • simon_hh
        Lox Guru
        • 18.09.2015
        • 2659

        if checked, then uncheck the settings "Enable AP Roaming" under Internet & Security settings.

        That setting changes between Access Points with best available signal strengths, if you are using several ones. I tried that feature but had a lot of conectivity issues.
        Haus: Bj 1959, gekauft 2011, totale Entkernung, Dachausbau, Erweiterung & Vergrößerung: Start: 2014, Ende: 2050
        Loxone: 1 x Ms Gen.02, 1 x MS Gen.01, 5 x Ext., 4 x Relay Ext., 1 x Dimmer Ext., 2 x 1-wire Ext., 1 x DMX Ext. 1 x TREE Ext. mehr kommt noch
        Licht: DMX LED Beleuchtung (24V), MW HLG Serie und eldoled Dimmer
        Heizung: Brötje WBS 22F, OG Heizkörper und FuBoHeizung über RTL, EG FuBoHeizung


        • simon_hh
          Lox Guru
          • 18.09.2015
          • 2659

          Zitat von PeterH
          The Shelly is set up as a momentary switch, Power on, Auto Off set to 1s. The Shelly connects to my LAN and I can access its API.
          Why did you set up as momentary switch?
          In your own attachment is written (in German) to use "detached" switch.

          Are you also using a physical switch with you shelly device to control your garage or is it "only" via Loxone?

          Haus: Bj 1959, gekauft 2011, totale Entkernung, Dachausbau, Erweiterung & Vergrößerung: Start: 2014, Ende: 2050
          Loxone: 1 x Ms Gen.02, 1 x MS Gen.01, 5 x Ext., 4 x Relay Ext., 1 x Dimmer Ext., 2 x 1-wire Ext., 1 x DMX Ext. 1 x TREE Ext. mehr kommt noch
          Licht: DMX LED Beleuchtung (24V), MW HLG Serie und eldoled Dimmer
          Heizung: Brötje WBS 22F, OG Heizkörper und FuBoHeizung über RTL, EG FuBoHeizung


          • Gast

            Wow, lots of questions - thank you for the replies.
            Outputs commands and connection to the Shelly works initially, I can move the door. Then fails.
            Why it affects the Wifi connection I have no idea. Actually I think it's affecting the power supply and perhaps cycling the relay. It disconnects from the network and cannot be accessed via the API. When I remove the wiring loom from the control head and reconnect, the Shelly relay can be heard clicking continuously.
            Wifi is stable, I have other Shellys controlling lights (in the garage) and they work ok.
            I can only then access the Shelly by wiring to a 240V supply which then seems to 'reset'
            Videos on the subject recommend setting up as a momentary switch to mimic the remote control which is just a push button,
            There is no physical switch just the remote and Loxone,

            I'll remove the off command in Loxone

            The Shelly is no more than 3m from a Wifi AP and have unchecked allow roaming.


            • Gast

              Quick Update: I've connected the Shelly to a 240v supply and I can access its API again. Reconnected to the control head, removed the 'relay turn off' command from Loxone and its working again. Will see if it continues to work.

              Update: Failed again after a successful open and close. Can hear the relay continuously clicking.

              Update: Have changed the Shelly to a 'detached switch' and Power on Default mode to 'switch' Now seems to be more stable. Simon, good spot regarding the "In your own attachment is written (in German) to use "detached" switch.

              Thank you for the help, it's appreciated
              Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 01.11.2021, 12:28.


              • Gast

                Good morning, I'm sorry to say the Garador/Shelly/Loxone integration has failed again. This is common to two doors and two Shellys.
                Initially, the Shelly / Loxone integration works and the Shelly API is addressable via its API. However, if using the remote to open or close the door and then via Loxone, the problems start. The Shelly becomes unresponsive and unable to access via its IP. Whilst I thought previously it was losing its internet connectivity it (they) are losing power despite the Control head still supplying the 12-24v.
                It seems this is something to do with the Shelly / Loxone interface, with Loxone causing the Shelly to stop working?
                Maybe a 'toggle' command in the Loxone Virtual Output may help?
                In any event, I'll give it a go.


                • Christian Fenzl
                  Lebende Foren Legende
                  • 31.08.2015
                  • 11236

                  A http command usually doesn’t take a Shelly offline.
                  I don’t know what the usage is, but possibly you have an electrical wiring mismatch somewhere.

                  Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine:


                  • Gast

                    The way I had set this up in Loxone was to create a Virtual Input set up as a radio button directly linked to the virtual output. initially all worked but after a few successful runs I could hear the relay constantly clicking / engaging with the device offline and unable to access its API, via its IP address.

                    I have now removed the VI and inserted a push button with a 1 sec duration (although I suspect the duration is probably not that important). This seems to work (for now).

                    The problem is for sure the Loxone / Shelly relationship, but I don't know enough about Shellies to understand why the VI set up has created this problem.


                    • Gast

                      This is getting really frustrating!
                      As posted earlier today, door operated via Loxone, up, down, no issues. Left it alone for a few hours, checked its API via my PC, all ok. Tried to open via Loxone, nothing and unable to access via its IP. Think I'm running out of options?


                      • OmerBeg
                        Smart Home'r
                        • 27.08.2015
                        • 89


                        i had similar problem with my Shelly I3, after i have changed the fixed IP address from 192.168.x.10 to 192.168.x.25 it works and is stable.

                        What power supply you use to operate the shelly 1 ?
                        EFH, Loxone, Loxberry & KNX


                        • Gast

                          Power supply is from the garage door control head.

                          I remain in the dark as to why this won't work.

                          I've tried replacing the Virtual Input (radio button) with a Push Button and whilst this sort of works, it is a bit random, door opens a little on the first push, a bit more on the second and fully on the third. I gave up when I found the door randomly fully open for no reason I could discern,

                          I believe the problem sits somewhere between the Shelly1 set up, what mode, power settings? And the settings for the Virtual Output Command.

                          I also don't know why when it fails it takes the Shelly offline and inaccessible until reset on a 240v supply.

                          I think I may try posting on the Shelly Facebook page and see if anyone has any ideas.


                          • OmerBeg
                            OmerBeg kommentierte
                            Kommentar bearbeiten
                            I have also used the garage door power supply but the power supply is not strong enough so I have removed the power supply and installed separate one for Shelly i3 and Shelly 1.
                        • Gast

                          Omer, could you explain why you believe the power supply is not strong enough?
                          From my, admittedly, naïve perspective, the Shelly is powered sufficiently to send a pulse to move the garage door. Why would the Shelly need more power to achieve that task?
                          Many thanks


                          • OmerBeg
                            OmerBeg kommentierte
                            Kommentar bearbeiten
                            May assumption is that in the switch moment the power supply is switched also off.