Problem with 1-wire (CRC-error)

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    Problem with 1-wire (CRC-error)


    I encounter some stability issues with the temperature (DS18B20) sensors on Loxone. Sometimes no values are returned (several of the sensors).
    When looking at the 1-wire monitor I see several CRC errors followed by an valid value. See below . Anyone knows what may be the cause?

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht  Name: Schermafbeelding 2021-12-27 200554.jpg Ansichten: 0 Größe: 101,4 KB ID: 330457
  • Thomas M.
    Lebende Foren Legende
    • 25.08.2015
    • 3250

    This error also ocurred at my setup ...

    - I had a 10B20 fixed into a heat shrink tube under water for measuring the rain water temp. This doesn't work, so water gets in.
    suddenly (but after some months) CRC errors ...

    - at installation i connected one 18B20 and 2401, next window one 18b20 and one 2401, ... suddenly the bus was too long and there the CRC errors ocurred.

    - as i mentioned ... i had 2401. suddenly the 1-wire bus was faulty (don't know why - 3 years everything was ok), windows were recognized as open - 5 seconds later closed, ... (but no CRC errors).
    I changed every 2401(DQ and GND) to 2411 (DQ, GND and 5V), problem solved.

    So i hat three different problems which ended in CRC errors.
    Zuletzt geändert von Thomas M.; 27.12.2021, 20:59.


    • Gast

      Thanks Thomas,

      So far as I'm aware of - not using the 2401 at all. Will start reconeccting them one by one and check which one causes the error.


      • manalishi
        • 26.08.2024
        • 1

        Zitat von

        I encounter some stability issues with the temperature (DS18B20) sensors on Loxone. Sometimes no values are returned (several of the sensors).
        When looking at the 1-wire monitor I see several CRC errors followed by an valid value. See below . Anyone knows what may be the cause?

        Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht Name: Schermafbeelding 2021-12-27 200554.jpg Ansichten: 0 Größe: 101,4 KB ID: 330457
        Did you solve the issue? I have the same behavior.


        • Labmaster
          Lox Guru
          • 20.01.2017
          • 2572

          Usualy CRC Errors on the 1-Wire bus reflects an overall unstable electrical bus system.
          If the bus is already working on the edge (to long, to many clients, bad cabling ....) beween working/not working, then even very small changes (temperature, sensor or cable or contact aging) could make the difference.

          Analog Device has a quit good writing about the 1-Wire bus check

