Nano IO Air - Run Length Specification
Nano IO Air - Run Length Specification
Does anyone know if the limitation listed here: for run length maximum of 3 meters is valid for the digital inputs on the Nano IO Air. I have some runs that will go to it that will be longer then 3m for my alarm (window/door contacts)Stichworte: - -
I cannot get the reason why Loxone limits the Digital Input cable length to 3m.
It won't be the voltage level (logical 1 is 7-24V), but possibly any click produces some interferences disturbing it's own radio signals.
No estimate if it will have troubles from me.Zuletzt geändert von Christian Fenzl; 10.06.2022, 23:32.Hilfe für die Menschen der Ukraine: -
Here is the response I got from Loxone:
"A wire run above 3m will work; however, it may cause some electromagnetic interference. it is for this reason that the data sheet and I can only recommend runs 3m and under"
Makes sense. I'm going to try it out and I'll let everyone know if I have any interference issues.Kommentar