I am looking at the wiring diagrams here: https://www.loxone.com/enen/kb/nano-io-air/ and trying to figure out how to wire door/window contacts. Under the section "Wiring Digital Inputs" it shows sensors wired to the DIs and to the 24V "Out". In this situation how is the Nano device powered? In the section above, "Alternative Operation with 24V" it shows power being wired to 24V out and G, but this is for powering the relays. Do I wire it for 24V operation by connecting 24V out and G to a power supply and wire the inputs to the 24V Out terminal and the DIs?
Nano IO Air - Wiring
Nano IO Air - Wiring
So you'll be able to tell by this question, I am not an electrician....Not by any stretch.
I am looking at the wiring diagrams here: https://www.loxone.com/enen/kb/nano-io-air/ and trying to figure out how to wire door/window contacts. Under the section "Wiring Digital Inputs" it shows sensors wired to the DIs and to the 24V "Out". In this situation how is the Nano device powered? In the section above, "Alternative Operation with 24V" it shows power being wired to 24V out and G, but this is for powering the relays. Do I wire it for 24V operation by connecting 24V out and G to a power supply and wire the inputs to the 24V Out terminal and the DIs?Stichworte: - -
That's a really interessting question - i don't know.
This issue (24V supply) isn't mentioned in the documentation. https://www.loxone.com/wp-content/up...Air_100153.pdf
=> I will ask Loxone to a) to update the documentation and b) how this should work, and what the relais are switching in this case "2 digital outputs (switching supply voltage)"Zuletzt geändert von Thomas M.; 24.06.2022, 11:02. -
Alternatively, I'm hoping that wiring for 24V power for the Nano (ie in the DI side of the device) and then terminating both door contact leads into 1 DI for each contact would work. Since the door contacts don't require power. Would this work?Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 24.06.2022, 20:35.Kommentar
Sure, why not. The doorcontact's don't need power. It is just a contact, like a switch. Normaly open (NO) or Normaly closed is not important. You can change that in the config software.
Bye the way, there are small powersupply's that will fit into a wall box, behind a switch or socket. Just in case you need a small powersupply.
Something like this: