Touch Pure Flex icons / alternative

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  • johnsmith_
    Dumb Home'r
    • 24.03.2022
    • 27


    Touch Pure Flex icons / alternative


    I'll need about 25 switches in my new house and I would like to go Touch Pure Flex everywhere. I like that it is fully customizable, however, I still have a couple issues:
    • Even thought it's flexible, I'm pretty sure I just simply can't plan all of these switches perfectly ahead of time. Like... They're flexible, but at the same time they aren't. What if I want another function that I didn't think about before, but I just can't change the icons anymore? Or am I missing something here? Is there a way to change only the icons later? Is it replaceable later without replacing the whole switch? Or is there an alternative way to have the icons lasered in later? I would go with the self-lit anthracite model, that probably won't help my issue either.
    • Is there a way to have custom, self made icons on the switch? Last I checked I couldn't it, but there are a couple ones that are clearly missing.
    I also have a couple more questions I couldn't find answers to:
    • What if I order for example a 9 button switch with only 5 icons lasered in? Would the other 4 still work? Is there a way to have icons there later?
    • How does the backlight work on the anthracite version? How bright it is? Would it be bright the whole night or just a couple hours?
    I would much appreciate some help with this one as it's a bit pricey to just buy 25 switches just to have half of them replaced a couple months later because I didn't think of some functionality beforehand.

  • hismastersvoice
    • 25.08.2015
    • 7265

    Is there a way to have custom, self made icons on the switch? Last I checked I couldn't it, but there are a couple ones that are clearly missing.
    So far nor possible, only the icons Loxone provide.

    What if I order for example a 9 button switch with only 5 icons lasered in? Would the other 4 still work? Is there a way to have icons there later?
    All 9 will work.
    It is not possible to laser afterwords, and that is the biggest issue of the "flex" because it is unflexible

    How does the backlight work on the anthracite version? How bright it is? Would it be bright the whole night or just a couple hours?
    Not sure what backlight?
    The Display has a backlight that can be switched on/off etc.
    The buttons by them self don't have any backlight.

    I can not recommend the flex for a normal house, the idea behind is more to use it in hotels etc.
    At a normal house you have for every room different task, and this tasks can change during the time.
    Do you really like to by any time if you change something a new switch?

    Kein Support per PN!


    • johnsmith_
      Dumb Home'r
      • 24.03.2022
      • 27

      So far nor possible, only the icons Loxone provide.
      That's a bit sad, hopefully it'll change in the future.

      All 9 will work.
      It is not possible to laser afterwords, and that is the biggest issue of the "flex" because it is unflexible
      That's something at least, but it would be hard to press a button if there's no indication it's a button. Is there a video on how the switch is put together or something? Is that front panel with the laser engraving is just a simple plastic/metal part that can be custom made maybe? Or is it put together like that it's impossible to replace?

      Not sure what backlight?
      The Display has a backlight that can be switched on/off etc.
      The buttons by them self don't have any backlight.

      On this page there's a section called "Fluorescent Backlighting​". It's only available for the anthracite version (which is okay), but I don't see any info how it works.
      So basically the whole display has a backlight which is powered from the grid?

      I can not recommend the flex for a normal house, the idea behind is more to use it in hotels etc.
      At a normal house you have for every room different task, and this tasks can change during the time.
      Do you really like to by any time if you change something a new switch?
      I have a lot of functions in my mind which I could use these switches for, it's just the not flexible part that's killing it most. My main problem with the other Loxone switch is that whenever I have guests I would have to explain them 200 times which button does what, while with this one it would be clear without saying a thing.


      • marcb
        LoxBus Spammer
        • 19.08.2017
        • 293

        Yes, i even think you can‘t plan all switches perfectly before!

        I have 15 MDT glass push buttons where i can print the icons on paper - and i changed most of them in the last 7 years - some of them more than 1 time…
        Loxone (für Visualisierung und Komfortfunktionen): MS2, 2x KNX + DMX + Air Ext, 2x Audio Server + 4x Stereo Ext, Baudisch ECO an MS + Fritzbox, NFC Code Touch)
        KNX (autark für alle Grundfunktionen): >100 KNX-Geräte (Aktoren, Sensoren, Glastaster...)


        • johnsmith_
          Dumb Home'r
          • 24.03.2022
          • 27

          I'm actually thinking about ordering one just to disassemble it and see if the laser engraved part is replaceable with a custom made one. Feels weird to do this, but I'm kind of out of ideas at the moment.


          • hismastersvoice
            • 25.08.2015
            • 7265

            I don't recommend to disassemble.
            The Glas is glued with a special adhesive and can be removed with heat, but you never bring the glass back in good conditions, you always will see the it was removed before. Bubbles etc.
            Maybe you distroy the whole switch.

            I think honestly that the way you want to use the Flex is not the best way,.
            The Flex is not build for edit something, if you know what you want from beginning it is a perfect solution, otherwise think about different options like...
            Deine Technik für ein intelligentes Zuhause. Als offizieller Tantron Partner können wir dir die modernste KNX und Smart Home Technik anbieten. Für eine perfekte Beleuchtung deines Smart Homes haben wir ebenfalls die richtigen LED-Leuchtmittel für dich.
            Kein Support per PN!


            • johnsmith_
              Dumb Home'r
              • 24.03.2022
              • 27

              Zitat von hismastersvoice
              I don't recommend to disassemble.
              The Glas is glued with a special adhesive and can be removed with heat, but you never bring the glass back in good conditions, you always will see the it was removed before. Bubbles etc.
              Maybe you distroy the whole switch.
              Thanks for the heads up, that's what I was afraid of. It really feels weird to call something "Flex" and say it's flexible when in reality the only flexibility is that you can configure it once.

              The alternative isn't really an option for me either, so I guess I'm back to square one.

