HomeWizard energy socket switching by loxone commands

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  • Lox-1
    • 30.11.2022
    • 5


    HomeWizard energy socket switching by loxone commands

    I'm trying to get my HomeWizard energy sockets switched via Loxone commands. Does anyone have an example how this has to be done?

    I'm able to receive information from HomeWizard meters and energy sockets via Virtual inputs. So I expect switching to be set up via virtual outputs. But bassicaly I have no idea what I'am doing> I do hope one of you is willing to share a detailed set-up or hand-out how to set this up. (Miniserver gen2)
  • Tico
    Lox Guru
    • 31.08.2016
    • 1035

    Are you familiar with the API description here? (examples for 'Turn On socket' towards the bottom) -

    I don't have a HomeWizard energy socket, but the general process to set up Virtual HTTP Outputs is described here (use Google Translate) -

    Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Gib Google Translate die Schuld, wenn ich unverständlich bin.


    • Lox-1
      Lox-1 kommentierte
      Kommentar bearbeiten
      I'am with the Homewizard API description. The loxwiki doc is new for me. There was no PUT explained so I asumed:

      Virtual output
      Adress: (as this is the IP of the socket)

      Command ON: /api/v1/state
      Header: empty
      Body: { "power_on": true }
      Method: PUT

      Command OFF: /api/v1/state
      Header: empty
      Body: { "power_on": false }
      Method: PUT

      And it's working! Thx!!