I recently had a broken miniserver (burnt fuse) during the weekend, which is particularly annoying. I decided not to wait for an RMA and bought a new miniserver and a relay extension.
The broken miniserver got fixed (which is now my backup) and the relay is used to offload the miniserver and keep it as bare as possible to avoid any external issues. This is all fed by a power supply and backup.
The relay extension's actuators are failing one by one. They are used to only switch 230v LED, which draw a lot less than the rated 16A. When I turn off/on lights, you can still hear the relay click, but nothing happens. I confirm the lights are not broken either.
What could be the issue here? Isn't the relay extension's output meant to switch LEDs?
I know you can put a "better" relay or contactor between the load and the extensions, but that seems/seemed a bit overkill.
Any advice is welcome.
Thanks a lot