I've installed an outdoor DS18B20 1-Wire sensor for my central heating installation to get a working heating compensation.
With the current weather dropping below 0C, it seems the sensor only gets to -0.125C and not to -3C according to the weather displayed on my phone.
So I figured out I need to calibrate it to get the correct temperature. But what are the correct settings for Input value 1, target value 1 and Input value 2, target value 2?
As a test I used these value to get as close to my current outdoor temperature that I fetch from openweathermap.com
The "Outdoor Temp Feeler" is the new DS18B20 sensor
The "Outdoor temperature" is fetched from openweathermap
Settings I've currently set:
As you can see the values are nearly matched. But I'm worried my correction values are wrong. Anyone else who encountered this?