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I need to connect a device to my Loxone system via Modbus. This is the Lumiplus device from the Fluidra brand, necessary for controlling RGB lights in a pool. I attach documentation.
I cannot establish communication despite having it connected to my Modbus line with the rest of the Modbus devices.
Has anyone worked with this device or know if it is compatible with Loxone?
If you use the Loxone Modus Extension it should work acording to the Lumiplus Manual. (don't forget to connect the both termination resistors at the Modbus/ RS485 Line between A and B, one on each line side of the bus (outermost points of the bus).
In Loxone configure the Modbus Extention for Baudrate 9600, Stopbits 1 and Parity Even
Modbus device Config in Loxone needs the Modbus addresse set to 48 (hex 0x30)
It seem some modbus writes are done with Command Type "16-Preset Multiple Register" as Data Type "16bit unsigend" in a "16-bit Registers" configuration
Predefining a Color is then done over IO Addresse 37 (hex 0x25) , value to write for the different colors, see Table on page 18
The selection of this Predefined Color can then be triggered by writing 8 to IO Address 33 (hex 0x21)
Zuletzt geändert von Labmaster; 06.06.2024, 16:07.
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