For sale: Dimmer Extension, Multi Air Extension, Air Valve Actuators

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    For sale: Dimmer Extension, Multi Air Extension, Air Valve Actuators

    Because there is no English marketplace forum I'm posting this here. Hope that's OK!

    I have following for sale. All new and boxed. Leftover from my home installation due to a change in automation plans.

    1x Dimmer Extension € 400
    1x Multi Air Extension € 420
    9x Valve Actuator Air € 78 / piece

    I'm willing to split the shipping costs within Europe. Buyer pays € 5. I pay the rest of the shipping.
  • Gast

    Dimmer and Multi Air Extension are sold.

    Valve Actuator Air (9 pieces) are still available for sale.


    • Gast

      2 pieces Valve Actuator Air still for sale. All others are sold.

