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Ethernet port connection on Miniserver hangup sporadically
Ethernet port connection on Miniserver hangup sporadically
Last some months I am facing with problem on Loxone Miniserver where ethernet port hangs up after some days of operation - after restart of Miniserver everything works OK, but after some days Miniserver lost connection to home network. When this happens amber light at MS ethernet port start blinking fast, green is ON permanently. When problem with ethernet port happens all other functions of Miniserver (functions not related to ethernet port) works without any problems.
If I disconnect and reconnect ethernet cable connection is established again but same problem appear after some time. Same is if Miniserver is restarted.
In logfiles of Miniserver I havent found any useful information to resolve mentioned problem.
Have somebody faced with similar problem and what was solution? Does miniserver log problems with hardware somewhere?
Hi. I had the same problem with my miniserver. I haven't found any solution. Reboot works but it also seems to work if I just pull out the LAN cable and put it in again. Can you comfirm this?
I don't have the problem you mention, but just would throw some suggestions. I've had my share of network issues with devices, so they are rather general network things to check.
How is the Miniserver connected to the network: directly to your router or via a switch? Is there a patch panel inbetween somewhere? All cables test fine? (reason: thinking about some bad cable)
IIRC, the miniserver as a 10/100 Mbps interface. Does your router/switch have the possibility to force the speed of a port? (reason: possible problems with auto-detection of speed)
Doe your switch/router perform some powersaving to kill power to unused ports and can it be disabled for a selected port? (reason: powersaving may mess up communication)
Does the miniserver use a fixed IP address or a dhcp assigned address? (reason: if it fails to get a new dhcp lease, it will loose its ip address and then not be able to communicate on the network) If you use dhcp, the same may happen if you force a refresh of the dhcp leases.
Hope this helps to either solve it or diagnose more...
Half a year ago I reported the problem to Loxone but they never found a solution. :-( Maybe I should report it again.
I checked network cable. The Miniserver is connected to a patch panel which is connected to a switch. I switched off all security options the switch offers (broadcast storm control, autoDoS, power-saving etc.). Then I connected the Miniserver directly to a switch port and set the port to 100 Mbps. The Miniserver has a fixed IP, no DHCP. The problem still occurs.
One thing is strange: my Miniserver worked without any problem for nearly 2 or 3 months. Suddenly the problem occurred again and now it occurs every few hours. I tried reboot, pulling out the network cable and plugging it in again, tried another SD-Card. Nothing. I can't get it working reliable.
I'm going to wireshark the network traffic to and from the Miniserver. Perhaps there is something striking in the moment when the Miniserver stops to respond. I have a suspicion that there could be too many broadcast requests that overcharge the Miniserver. Just a grasp at straws :-(
Does anyone has another idea to solve the problem?
I implemented supervision logic within miniserver - if logic detect communication problems then miniserver is rebooted via webservice (http://miniserver/dev/sys/reboot)
Hi! I had some contact to Loxone concerning my report on the issue. I sent them my config and my wireshark-logs and gave them direct access to my Miniserver for analysis. The did some error research and then gave the case to their development-section. The issue has the ID 105229446. I think we have to wait what the development finds out.
Hi! Loxone dev-team told me to disable all "printf" commands, I have in one Pico-C element. This would reduce write cycles to the SD-Card. So I deleted all "printf" I could find and since that I don't have so many hangups anymore. But anyway, my ticket is still in progress. The dev-team wants to examine the mini server protocols from time to time. They told me that they have an idea of what's the reason for the hangups.
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