Yesterday, out of the blue, the same problem I had earlier ( occurred. No powerfailure, but first I got poor connection then no connection and the miniserver blinked in this pattern:
1. orange / green
2. green / green
3. orange / off
4. off / off
I will have to try the same procedure to get it back, but did not have time yesterday (it is quite a lengthy procedure...) and will only manage tomorrow. I'm now trying to find the cause of it. So, I have a few questions:
1. is there a limit to how many incoming connections the miniserver can process? I had 4 http inputs per second (with the only thing happening with it was just showing the variable)
2. can I do something before formatting the card to try and learn more about what happened before it crashed?
3. any ideas on what the led pattern means?
(I have mailed this also to Loxone support and will put their reply here)
Latest update was with Loxone Config