Since 3 years I have 16 temperature sensors of type DS18B20 attached to the Loxone 1-wire bus. This has worked perfectly during this whole time. Since 1 month however, occasionally Loxone stops reading the values suddenly. It can not see the sensors anymore. The solution is than to disconnect the bus and reconnect, and it works again.
=> what could be the reason this suddenly starts to give problems?
=> how to cleanly solve this?
-I already read the article in attached link, so it says it could be a 'latch-up effect', still I wonder why now, and how to fix this?
-Could it be soemthign else, like the Loxone software? (firmware is up to date)
-I was thinking of wiring the bus through a relay to reset it automatically when broken, but I'd rather fix this at the source
-If this effect is present in just 1 sensor, how to easily detect which one without having to desolder or cut them all?
Other info: There have been no changes to this bus in the last year. I just updated to Lox8 but the problem already already happened once just before the upgrade if I remember correctly.