Additional RJ45 Relay board for loxone?
cool, thanks...ill search over the board for "LAN-relais" if i find something useful
found this one:
Zuletzt geändert von killeriq; 26.09.2015, 21:35.Kommentar
RS485 extension is extra cost...
LAN version can be connected to your network and send commands for WebAPI or UDP via loxone.
If you can do some arduino programing you can get this 8x relay one or 16x relay one: - 4eur
then some arduino board for 10e + LAN shield 6e
I guess arduino can be extented with more relay boards up to i dont know...(not a adruino owner, nor programer , just my guess)
Or other option is to get it with the ready web server board extension: 22eur
or in box - 56eur
or such all in one LAN relay board : - 60eur
Im considering and googling about those will be glad if someone can add more info
That KMTronic is in nice box for DIN rail which is a those "nacked boards" doesnt have DIN boxes or i havent found one , just such adapters:
They only make 8x relay ...i would prefer 16x relay
Take a look at my product based on Arduino MEGA - called Railduino at (not English version yet). You can use it as a Modbus RTU slave device with Loxone.
Features:- 24x digital inputs - 24V DC
- 8x relay outputs - max 5A at 230V AC
- 3x analog inputs - 0 - 10V - 1024 bits
- 4x PWM outputs - 2A / channel, max 24V DC
- 1-wire bus - up to 5 pcs of DS18B20 temperature sensors
- RS485 - Modbus RTU protocol
- USB - PC debugging and program loading
- Ethernet - connection to LAN network - optional function - Modbus TCP protocol
- LED status
- reset pushbutton
- DIP switch - RS485 address (4bits = up to 16 Modbus slaves)
Zuletzt geändert von Gast; 06.10.2015, 16:46.Kommentar
im slovak so i can understand....but lets keep it here in english.
Nice job manbut i need more digital output relays than inputs...also if i get it right i need to buy also modbus module? or can be controlled via LAN as well?
EDIT: found an answer it can be connected also via LAN (modbusserver) , so next question: Are there any differences/disadvantage between those 2 controlling ways?
Ive ordered arduino uno board + ethernet shield , so ill try to build web server where to which i can send commands from some loxone module like "http://ip/relay1on" "http://ip/relay1off" so on...
Actually havent done anything with arduino before , but there are many guides how to do that so ill try...
if i fail i can get this LAN module
and just connect it to 8/16 relay board all is pre-programmed so if should work right away
Then i need to create some logic in loxone where i can check the status...
Disadvantage is that i havent found some good DIN rail box for that.Zuletzt geändert von killeriq; 07.10.2015, 12:49.Kommentar
Thanks Killeriq,
well, yes, you are right - you can use two different ways to connect to my module - RS485 or LAN - using Modbus protocol. There are very important differences between them - RS485 is much faster, reliable but not for long distances. LAN is much slower, usually using more network components (can lead to not so reliable comm.), but can be used for long distances (all over the world). My recommendation is to use serial RS485 connection.
The other thing is communication protocol - Modbus is safer, reliable.. UDP protocol is not so safe (no CRC check ..) so you must note this when using these relay boards you mentioned..
So when using Loxone Modbus extension you can connect to Railduino module and use it as a IO module with features described in post earlier.
Hi, so to be clear, you can connect Railduino directly to a Loxone Modbus extension, not to a Loxone RS485 extension, correct? -
Yes, that is right - you can see the pictuer here:,82.html
Hi, you doesn't look at Polabs in Slovenia ? Why not with Pokeys57E.
The module has up to 55 inputs and / or outputs.
In addition, there may be a number of analog or digital sensors, and and
Please look at PoLabs site here
PoKeys57E is Ethernet CNC controller, flight simulator interface or universal Ethernet I/O controller. Buy now from stock with express shipping!
and look at my site here
and look what can be done with it, all over Modbus TCP, xml-files and so on.
Best regards, HelmutKommentar
Hi everyone,
I'm currently in the process of planning my installation with Loxone... I was also looking for some alternative relays, but my req was that it could fit in the main electrical panel... This is what I've found:
SmartDEN IP-16R is a LAN relay module with 16 SPDT relays for remote control with integrated web server for set-up, snmp-v1 and http/xml/json support for embedding in other systems. The built-in real time clock allows to organize schedule stand-alone work without connection to computer. Suitable for Industrail and Home automations, irrigation systems and network watch-dog systems. Works with Home Assistant, Domoticz and OpenHAB home automation systems as well as with Node-RED IoT platform. Supported by DRM and DRMv3 Software, DAE-iModule iOS App and DAE-aModules Android App plus many source code examples. This is the version with DIN rail box.
They can be used with http and snmp and I think they should work together with Loxone...
denkovi is basicaly boxed version or relays ive posted in 1st post, just in a DIN rail box...also the price is 2-3x higher
Way of controlling those relays will be the same via LAN - WebServer
cheapest option ive found is this one:
50eur - all in one:
or 16x relay (13eur) + Lan Module (WebServer) (10eur) - they have 8 and 16 relay module u need to ask
Only disadvantage is there is no DIN relay box
I hope this is the right place otherwise please delete.
I'm new here and start with my Loxone Project. I have quite a lot of outputs I would like to use this board. I am connected and can configure it. Can anyone tell me how I can address the outputs in the Loxone?
Thank you in advanceZuletzt geändert von sascha100; 21.03.2016, 19:27.- Neubau EFH Einzug November 2016
- MiniServer + Extension + Dimmer + DMX + 1-wire
- Finder Slave Dimmer + KMtronic RS485 Relay Board
- Start Programmierung 29.10.2016 - Fertigstellung......
- LoxberryKommentar
I'll use the RS485 Version of the KMTronic...
- less Standby-Consumption as the LAN Version
- 10A Relais instead of 5A from the Arduino Relais-Board
- easy to control it with the Loxone MS
- Price... Yes you need an additional Ext RS485, but if you need 6,7... Boards it make sense because of the cheaper price of each board.Kein Support per PN!Kommentar
Dear hismastersvoice, I'd like to proceed in this direction too, same concern as for Stand-by current, also I'd like to have everything "under" MiniServer direct control, especially with "time crytical" commands that can be light switches etc.
Since I'm already using a Modbus extension, I'd also like to go for KM-Tronic Modbus relay. What do you think about this ? -
Modbus is like RS485, so you can use it. Power consumption should be the same.
I've found this guide how to use/control via UDP from Loxone:
Ein kleines HowTo zur Loxone UDP Kommunikation. Hierin wird beschrieben wie die Loxone Config UDP Pakete senden und empfangen kann.
Its mainly for the Arduino, but im sure it can be modified for the WEB Relay module
Is someone wants to do it via arduino here are next guides:
In diesem HowTo zeige ich anhand eines kleinen Versuchsaufbaus wie man mit dem Arduino UDP Pakete senden und empfangen bzw. verarbeiten kann.
In diesem kurzen HowTo geht es um ein kleines Update zu Arduino UDP und Analogwerte die an die Loxone übertragen werden sollen.
But its only in German
Hello hismastersvoice,
thank you for your repeated hint on KMTronic. THANK YOU
I've ordered the same times and it functions perfectly in a small test assembly. Thanks also for your How to do it.
One question I have: there is an alternate to Pokeys 57? It runs in my test setup but I am not so happy with the 5V.
thank you1 Bild- Neubau EFH Einzug November 2016
- MiniServer + Extension + Dimmer + DMX + 1-wire
- Finder Slave Dimmer + KMtronic RS485 Relay Board
- Start Programmierung 29.10.2016 - Fertigstellung......
- LoxberryKommentar
I have the pcb developed therefore, with a voltage converter works Pokeys with 12V or 24V.
The inputs are protected by optocouplers and the outputs connected via transistor array relay the insurance compliant can be performed.
Look out the insulation distances of your relay board:
It is a possible voltage of 400 Volts available
if you do a normal backup allocation to 3 phases.
Hello sascha100
you´re wellcome...
If your german is good enough reed this thread...
Hallo, manche habe durch meinen Beitrag im PoKeys Thema schon davon gehört. seit ein paar Tagen/Wochen bastele ich an einem neuen Projekt um sehr viele Eingänge
Also you can use photocoupler and Pokeys 57 to work with 24V+
Kein Support per PN!Kommentar